和食ダイニング 夷家

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和食ダイニング 夷家

住所 :

Misakichoizawa, Isumi, 〒299-4615 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Webサイト : https://ramen-restaurant-6786.business.site/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Misakichoizawa, Isumi, 〒299-4615 Chiba,Japan
hana _ on Google

たまに家族で来店します。 店主の方は態度は悪くありませんが、 最低限の接客なので、干渉されず ご飯を食べたい方には良いと思います。 ただ、過剰なサービスを求める方には 居づらく感じるかも知れません。 接客の好き嫌いは別れますが、 料理の種類は豊富です。特に魚料理は 鮮度も良いのでオススメです!
I sometimes come to the store with my family. The shop owner has a good attitude, but Minimal customer service, so no interference I think it is good for those who want to eat rice. However, for those who seek excessive service You may find it uncomfortable. I like and dislike customer service, but There is a wide variety of dishes. Especially for fish dishes It's also fresh, so it's recommended!
鬼島建一郎 on Google

新しくラーメン屋さんが併設されました。 あっさりアサリ出汁で中高年にも優しく 細い麺によく馴染みます。 凄く美味しいラーメンです。
A new ramen shop has been added. The soup stock is light and gentle to middle-aged and older people. It blends well with thin noodles. It's a very delicious ramen.
Jun Kiso on Google

天丼食べました。大海老2本·蓮根·茄子·南瓜·さつま芋·シシトウと具沢山でしたが、油切れ悪くチョッと残念。 室内窓辺に蜘蛛の巣で…?
I ate a bowl of tendon. There were a lot of ingredients such as 2 large shrimp, lotus root, eggplant, pumpkin, sweet potato, and shishito pepper, but I was a little disappointed that the oil was not drained. A spider web on the window side of the room ... ?
矢部正一郎(矢部白雲斎) on Google

I ate shrimp dashi spicy miso ramen! ️The soup was very delicious, but I thought the noodles (flat thick noodles) didn't fit! ️I'm very sorry! ️I thought it would have been nice to have a little more ordinary noodles. I wanted to see Inaniwa udon! ️
太田博之(ひろ) on Google

ビール時間帯で格安? 自分的には値段安いかな?
Cheap at beer time ? Is it cheap for me ?
naberin 55 (なべリン) on Google

料理は美味しくてお値ごろです。 テラス席がリニューアルされました。BBQもできそうな感じです。 設備については管理が行き届いてない感じがありありなのですが、そういう土地柄とも言えそうです。 また利用したいと思います。
The food is delicious and reasonably priced. Terrace seats have been renewed. I feel like I can do BBQ. There is a feeling that the facilities are not well managed, but it seems to be such a land pattern. I want to use it again.
teme pipi on Google

朝11:30頃、寿司を食べに行ました。太った女性の店員が「席はどこでも良い」と言うので入って左の方(ラーメンの席?)の席に座りましたが、寿司のメニューが無い。聞くと「向こうの席にある」(寿司の席?)と言う。 じゃあどこでも良くないじゃんって。。 (和食か、ラーメンか聞けばいいのに。。)  そして寿司メニューも持ってきてくれないので自分が席を移動しました。 正直「頭悪い店員だなぁ。。」とイラっと来たので何も注文せずに帰りました。ああいう方に良い食事は作れないと思います。
I went to eat sushi around 11:30 in the morning. A fat female clerk said, "Seats can be anywhere," so I went in and sat down on the left side (ramen seat?), But there was no sushi menu. When asked, he says, "I'm in the seat over there" (sushi seat?). Then it's not good anywhere. .. (I should ask if it's Japanese food or ramen ...) And I moved my seat because he didn't bring me the sushi menu. Honestly, I was frustrated saying "I'm a crazy clerk ...", so I went home without ordering anything. I don't think I can make a good meal for such a person.
飯島春香 on Google

味はめちゃめちゃ美味しい!! お値段もリーズナブルで家族向き。 ただ注文してから料理がテーブルにくるまでの時間が長かった(・_・) たまたま混み合っていただけかも知れないけど…40分近く待った料理が美味しくて笑顔になりました。
The taste is really delicious !! The price is reasonable and suitable for families. However, it took a long time for the food to come to the table after ordering (・ _ ・) Maybe it just happened to be crowded, but ... The food I waited for nearly 40 minutes was delicious and made me smile.

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