
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カギしっぽ工房

住所 :

Misaki, Suminoe Ward, 〒559-0013 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899779
Webサイト : http://kagi-shippo.net/
街 : Osaka

Misaki, Suminoe Ward, 〒559-0013 Osaka,Japan
もぐもぐら on Google

Hiroko Hayashi's wallet was snapped, but it was fixed. I would like to go there to consult if there is anything else!
2000 Brazilia on Google

Although it is not an unreasonable request, the delivery schedule is delayed twice in a row. The owner has a good excuse. I will not use it anymore.
viamonte1114 on Google

サービス業としての基本が全くできていません。 何の連絡もなく靴修理で1ヶ月以上待たされた挙句、こちらから連絡するも「都合がつかない」との返事で、さらに1週間放置されました(こちらも顧客側がしびれを切らして、さらに電話した状況でした)。当然、誠意ある謝罪も受けずじまいでした。 二度とこの店を利用しません。
Basics as a service industry is not made at all. After waiting for more than a month for shoe repairs without any contact, I was contacted from here, but I was left unattended for another week in response to the inconvenience. I was on the phone.) Of course, I did not accept sincere apology. I will never use this store again.
t m on Google

はじめに伝えたいのはこちらのカギしっぽ工房に依頼することは私はお勧めしません。 なぜお勧めしないかは責任感がなくまともに依頼したことをこなしてくれません、感情で会話をするのでカギしっぽ工房の非を伝えると感情的になり怒鳴られますし、こちらが敬語でもカギしっぽ工房はタメ口で話してきました。サービス業はもちろん仕事としてのビジネスマナーすらできていませんでした。私も見積もりを依頼しカギしっぽ工房が提示した金額をお支払いしておりますので、顧客になります。お金を頂いているという自覚がなく顧客をばかにしています。また、預けてから1ヶ月以上は連絡なしに放置されます。その後催促すると修理前と特に変わらず送り返されお金だけ取られました。私の依頼した修理に関しては技術もあまりないのかと思います。むしろ身に覚えのない汚れがつけられていて、服に色移りしました。なので大切なものは預けない方が良いと思います。
The first thing I want to tell you is that I don't recommend asking this key tail studio. The reason why I do not recommend it is that I do not have a sense of responsibility and do not do what I requested properly, because I talk with emotions, I get emotional and yell at when I tell the key tail studio's fault, and even if this is a honorific word, the key tail The studio talked with a tame mouth. Not to mention the service industry, I didn't even have business etiquette as a job. I also request a quote and pay the amount presented by the key tail studio, so I will be a customer. I'm fooling customers without realizing that I'm getting money. In addition, it will be left without contact for more than a month after deposit. After that, when I urged him, he was sent back as before the repair and only the money was taken. I don't think there is much skill in the repairs I requested. Rather, it had stains that I didn't remember, and the color was transferred to my clothes. So I think it's better not to leave important things.
ひよこちゃん on Google

2020年7月に依頼品を送付し、3ヶ月近く経ちましたが何の連絡もありません。着荷は確認しています。 問い合わせをしても梨の礫です。廃業されたのでしょうか? 古いカバンですが、思い出の品なので返して頂きたいです。
I sent the requested product in July 2020, and it has been almost 3 months, but I have not received any contact. We have confirmed the arrival. Even if you make an inquiry, it is pear gravel. Was it out of business? It's an old bag, but it's a memorable item, so I'd like you to return it.
サンボサンボ on Google

商売に向いてない。 トートバッグの取っ手交換をしてもらったのですが、使用後たった1ヶ月程度でちぎれてしまいました。 破けるのではなく真横にちぎれたんです。 本当に安物の部品を使っているだと思います。 更にその旨を何度かメールで連絡しても全て無視されました。 都合の悪いことには対応しないんだったら商売なんてしない方がいいですよ。 確かに値段は安いですが、安かろう悪かろうの典型だと思います。 絶対にオススメしません。
Not suitable for business. I had the handle of my tote bag replaced, but it broke in just one month. Instead of tearing it, it was torn right next to it. I think they are really using cheap parts. In addition, even if I contacted you by email several times, it was all ignored. If you don't deal with inconvenient things, you shouldn't do business. Certainly the price is low, but I think it's typical of cheap or bad. I definitely do not recommend it.
815 Iaia on Google

エルメスのポーチを預けてから1ヶ月以上がたちますが、何の連絡もありません。 メールで何度も問い合わせをしていますが一切無視です。 初めてこちらの口コミをみて同じような被害にあっている方がいることを知りました。 しかも怒鳴ることもあるんですね。 最悪です。 大切な方にもらった物なので返して欲しいです。 追記 お電話がありました。 見積り→振込みとのことでしたが、見積もりがこないまま1ヶ月以上が過ぎ、すでに作業は完了しているとのこと。 本来は仕上がりを写真で確認したかったのですが、面倒なことをお願いして機嫌を損ねて戻ってこない方がリスクがあると感じたので、お金を払い戻してもらいました。 物はゴワゴワになって戻ってきました。 とにかく返してもらえてよかったとしかいいようがありません。
It's been over a month since I left the Hermes pouch, but I haven't heard from him. I have made inquiries by email many times, but I have ignored them at all. For the first time, I saw this review and found out that there are people who are suffering from similar damage. Moreover, it sometimes yells. It's the worst. I got it from a loved one, so I want you to return it. postscript I got a call. It was said that the estimate → transfer, but more than a month has passed without an estimate, and the work has already been completed. Originally I wanted to check the finish with a photo, but I felt that it would be more risky if I asked for troublesome things and did not come back in a bad mood, so I asked for a refund of the money. Things have returned in a rugged manner. Anyway, I'm glad I got it back.
松本寿史 on Google

I used it for the first time, but it was a kind, polite and friendly shop owner. Also, the special key (dimple key) was created as a master key in a short time, and in fact, the number 110 of the key, the rescue of the key and other places searched on the net, the number of creation days and the creation fee were assumed. It's a big difference, and it's created in just 5 minutes in front of you on the same day. The price was cheap and when I asked other locksmiths, it was said that I could hardly do it, and it took days to create it, and the price was ten times higher. Therefore, I think I was able to request it with great peace of mind!

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