西部運輸(株) 本社事業部

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 西部運輸(株) 本社事業部

住所 :

Minookicho, Fukuyama, 〒721-0956 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://www.seibu-trans.com/
街 : Hiroshima

Minookicho, Fukuyama, 〒721-0956 Hiroshima,Japan
黄金ごろごろ on Google

In Hiroshima Prefecture, it is a transport company that fits into five fingers.
檀上秀雄 on Google

It is a good company that is always moving forward.
猪鹿蝶 on Google

Japan's largest small and medium-sized transport business (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Japan ○○ company triple crown
0022 dekotora on Google

6016番の三◯さん、岡山バイパスで ぶつからんばかりの勢いで入ってきます ミラー見とんのかぼけよ
Mr. San ◯ of No. 6016, at Okayama Bypass It's coming in with a rush of momentum Look at the mirror
J J on Google

Do you have a limiter? Large speed is funny. Is it wise not to get involved? Will be killed
ken ogasahara on Google

■長距離トラックを運転する社員に最長で月二百四十六時間の違法な残業をさせたとして、柏労働基準監督署(千葉県柏市)は十日、労働基準法違反の疑いで、運送会社「関東西部運輸」(同県野田市)と社長の男性(48)を千葉地検松戸支部に書類送検した。 送検容疑は、二〇一六年三~四月、トラック運転手の四十四~五十四歳の男性社員四人に、時間外労働を月百二十七時間以内と定めた労使協定を超え、月百六十一時間半~二百四十六時間、働かせたとされる。 柏労基署によると、社長は「売り上げ目標を達成するため長時間、働かせていた」と容疑を認めている。 関東西部運輸では、一五年に四十代の男性社員がくも膜下出血で五十代の男性社員が急性心筋梗塞でいずれも勤務中に死亡。その後に労災認定を受けた。柏労基署は一五年、労働時間の実態などを調べ、同社に行政指導をしていた。 関東西部運輸の担当者は「労基署の指摘を受け止め、長時間労働の改善に取り組む」とコメントした。 ■広島県の運送会社がトラックの運転手に違法な残業をさせていたとして、山口労働基準監督署はこの運送会社などを労働基準法違反の疑いで書類送検した。書類送検されたのは、福山市に本社がある運送会社の西部運輸と、山口市にある西部運輸山口支店の60歳の支店長。 山口労働基準監督署は、西部運輸の山口支店に勤務する40歳の運転手が16年8月、大型トラックを運転中に静岡県内の東名高速道路で意識を失って中央分離帯に衝突し、その後死亡した事故を受けて調べたところ、この運転手は事故までのおよそ4カ月の間に法律で定められている7時間を超える違法な残業を32回していたことがわかったという。 また、1回の労働時間が23時間におよぶことも確認したという。このため山口労働基準監督署は3月23日、西部運輸と山口支店の支店長を労働基準法違反の疑いで山口地方検察庁に書類送検した。これについて西部運輸は「真しに受け止めている。労働時間の短縮に向け努力していきたい」と話している。
The Kashiwa Labor Standards Inspection Office (Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture) was suspected of violating the Labor Standards Law on the 10th, saying that employees driving long-haul trucks were allowed to work up to 246 hours a month of illegal overtime. The transportation company "Kanto Seibu Transportation" (Noda City, same prefecture) and the man (48) of the president sent documents to Matsudo Branch of Chiba Chikenken. The allegation was sent to four truckers, fourty-four-four-year-old male employees, in March-April 2016, and a labor-management agreement was established that allowed overtime work to be less than 127 hours per month. It is said that he worked for 161 and a half hours to 246 and a half hours a month. According to the Kashiwa Labor Office, the president has accused the company of "working long hours to meet sales targets." In West Kanto Transport, a male employee in her forties was subarachnoidally hemorrhaged in her fifteenth year and died of acute myocardial infarction. Later, he received a work injury certification. For 15 years, the Kashiwa Labor Office checked the actual working hours and provided administrative guidance to the company. 西 A person in charge of West Kanto Transport commented, "We will take the point of the labor base and work on improving long working hours." The Yamaguchi Labor Standards Inspection Office sent documents to the transportation company in Hiroshima Prefecture on suspicion of violating the Labor Standards Law, alleging that a trucking company in Hiroshima had allowed truck drivers to work overtime illegally. The documents sent were the 60-year-old branch manager of the western transportation company, headquartered in Fukuyama City, and the Western Transportation Yamaguchi Branch in Yamaguchi City. In August 2016, the Yamaguchi Labor Standards Inspection Office, a 40-year-old driver working at the Western Transportation Yamaguchi Branch, lost consciousness on the Tomei Expressway in Shizuoka Prefecture while driving a large truck and collided with the median strip, Examination following a fatal accident revealed that the driver had had 32 illegal overtime work over the legally required seven hours in the four months before the accident. He also confirmed that one working time was 23 hours. Therefore, the Yamaguchi Labor Standards Inspection Office sent documents to the Yamaguchi District Public Prosecutor's Office on March 23, which allegedly violated the Labor Standards Law, for the heads of Western Transportation and the Yamaguchi Branch. Western Transportation says, "I take it seriously. I want to work harder to reduce working hours."
Kanaesuかなえす on Google

It's a company because it's always sticky and there is progress to interrupt! There are only drivers who do not know the Japanese word for dangerous driving and fanning, and only move forward!
dukami wasi on Google

If the manager is not ashamed to improve, his face and physical condition will get worse. I thought that the employees of your company were driving dangerously personally. If there is a death, the word "responsibility" cannot be compensated. 2021.2.18. 141

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