Ministop - Bunkyo City

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ministop

住所 :

6 Chome-10-6 Otsuka, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 112-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 112-0012
Webサイト :

6 Chome-10-6 Otsuka, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 112-0012, Japan
久玉紗雪 on Google

The door opens very early, and there are many domestic foods in the shop, such as spicy noodles, instant noodles, milk tea, etc.
ame hiro on Google

●20190103 イートインスペースは、荷物置き場っぽい。 座れるところがあるかなー。ぐらいでいましょう。 ●道路はさんで向かいのまいばすけっとと商品が被っていることが多い。
● 20190103 Eat-in space is like luggage storage. Is there a place to sit down? It will be about. ● There are many cases where goods are covered across the road across the road.
太田誠一 on Google

Although it is a ministop, there are only three seats that can be said to be unique to the ministop. And the delivered product? However, even this slight eat-in is almost unusable. It seems like it ’s managed to do it because there ’s no convenience store in the neighborhood.
だいおうだいおう on Google

It was hot, so I went to the store to buy even lymp, and every Thursday was said to be a day of machine cleaning! If it were, broadcast it on a television commercial. I have never heard of a machine cleaning day at a convenience store.
Hideaki Kokarimai on Google

There is eat-in. In addition, an unusual arrangement that has never been seen next to the cash register. Counter seat 4. No power supply. As commented by other people, the arrangement has been disastrous and it has become completely a luggage storage, and this may be quite cramped w
Seiichi Ota on Google

イートインを使わせる気が全くない。店の荷物がゴチャゴチャ置いてあって、座るどころかイートインコーナーに立ち入ることさえ不可能。おまけに清潔感は皆無。 ATM、お酒、たばこ、WiFi、Loppi、手づくりおにぎり、マルチコピー、コピー
I have no intention of using eat-in. The store's luggage was messed up, and it was impossible to even enter the eat-in corner, let alone sit down. In addition, there is no sense of cleanliness. ATM, liquor, tobacco, WiFi, Loppi, handmade rice balls, multi-copy, copy
はさ on Google

・夜勤帯によくいる黒髪で肥満体型の女性店員さん、いつも態度が悪い。無言、返事、挨拶なし。常に片手渡し。最初から最後までほんとに何も言わない。 ・他の人も書いてるけどアイス類を機械の清掃でやってないという謎の断り文句。「時間かかっても大丈夫ですか?」などの確認すらなく絶対に出さない。以前深夜に連れとレジの前でアイスを見ながら喋っていて、いざ注文すると待ち構えていたかのように流暢に断られたので会話を聞いた上での確信犯だと思う。その時は黒髪マッシュの若い男性店員さんだったけどこの人もいつも態度悪い。別の店員さんは深夜でも出してくれた。
・ A female clerk with black hair and obesity, who is often in the night shift, always has a bad attitude. No silence, no reply, no greeting. Always one-handed. I don't really say anything from the beginning to the end. ・ Although other people have written it, the mysterious refusal that ice cream is not cleaned by the machine. Never give out without even confirming "Is it okay if it takes time?" I used to talk with my companion in front of the cash register at midnight while watching the ice cream, and when I ordered it, I was fluently refused as if I was waiting, so I think it's a convinced criminal after listening to the conversation. At that time, I was a young male clerk with black hair mash, but this person also always has a bad attitude. Another clerk served me even at midnight.
simsportif on Google

The two stars given here are for: -The location -The choice of products The rest goes from bad to worse. The service here isn't adequate and conviviality isn't really in the staff's vocabulary. The eat-in area shouldn't exist, located behind an ATM and copy machine which block it's access it's inconvenient, minuscule and serves no purposes. Last but not least, the stocks. Woefully inadequate, this store is always half empty and despite having enticing items. It's a "Konbini" in all but name, as trying to buy stuff here past 10pm will leave you severely disappointed, often being straight out refused grill products because of the employee's laziness.

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