丹後海鮮処 粋屋

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 丹後海鮮処 粋屋

住所 :

Mineyamacho Shinmachi, Kyōtango, 〒627-0005 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://kyotango.mypl.net/shop/00000363083/
街 : Kyoto

Mineyamacho Shinmachi, Kyōtango, 〒627-0005 Kyoto,Japan
pira on Google

海鮮丼についていたお味噌汁がしょっぱかった。 一番気になったのは女性スタッフのかん高く、語尾を伸ばす場末の居酒屋のような声が耳障りで落ち着かない。
The miso soup that came with the seafood bowl was salty. The most worrisome thing was the high-pitched female staff, and the izakaya-like voice at the end of the word was jarring and uncomfortable.
ごりやま on Google

12月にオープンのマインのお店。プレオープン時から計6日来訪。 海鮮丼がメインのお店。1,000円前後のメニューも充実しているのでリーズナブルだと思います。 写真は「焼魚定食」“800円”しかも“税込”! 焼魚の内容は週に何回か変わる模様。 今日は自家製「サーモンの柚庵焼き」で美味美味。 ご飯の大盛りは無料なのでリーズナブル感は増し増し☆
Mine's shop opened in December. Visited for a total of 6 days from the time of pre-opening. The main restaurant is seafood bowl. I think it's reasonable because the menu around 1,000 yen is also substantial. The photo is "Grilled fish set meal" "800 yen" and "tax included"! It seems that the contents of grilled fish change several times a week. Today, the homemade "Salmon Yuzuan-yaki" is delicious. A large serving of rice is free, so it feels more reasonable ☆
T MASUDA on Google

マイン内にある海鮮丼中心の和食屋で、昨年末に出来たばかりのお店です。 マイン内なのでアクセスは高めですし、駐車場の心配もいりません。 テーブルは数人用と2人用がそれぞれ結構な数があり、カウンターもあるので店内はかなり広々としています。 1000円以内のリーズナブル定食もありますが、基本的に1000〜1500円の海鮮丼が中心で、高いものだと2000円近くになります。少し高く感じますが、ご飯は無料で大盛り可能、小鉢・味噌汁もついて、さらに一部メニューは出汁茶漬け用の出汁もついているので、値段に見合ったクオリティは保証できます。 海鮮も新鮮で食べ応えもあり、美味しかったです^^ また、海鮮丼のテイクアウトも可能です。以前注文しましたが、新鮮さも衰えがなく、美味しかったです。汁物や小鉢はつかなかったですが、その分少しだけ安くなっていたと思います。 海鮮丼中心の店で尚且つアクセスも良い店は、意外と丹後には少なかったので、今後の新たなグルメスポットとなると思います^_^
It is a Japanese restaurant centered on seafood bowls in Mine, which was just opened at the end of last year. Access is high because it is inside the mine, and there is no need to worry about parking. There are quite a few tables for several people and two people, and there is also a counter, so the inside of the store is quite spacious. There are reasonable set meals for less than 1000 yen, but basically the seafood bowls are 1000-1500 yen, and the expensive ones are close to 2000 yen. It feels a little expensive, but you can have a large serving of rice for free, and there is also a small bowl and miso soup, and some menus also include soup stock for soup stock, so you can guarantee the quality that is worth the price. The seafood was fresh and delicious, and it was delicious ^^ You can also take out the seafood bowl. I ordered it before, but the freshness was not diminished and it was delicious. I didn't use soup or small bowls, but I think it was a little cheaper. Surprisingly, there were few restaurants in Tango that were mainly seafood bowls and had good access, so I think it will be a new gourmet spot in the future ^ _ ^
地獄の天使 on Google

ショッピングモール内にある定食屋さん。 なめたらアカン〜♪なめたらアカン〜♪ お造り定食の上をいただきました?
A set meal shop in a shopping mall. If you lick it, it's Akan ~ ♪ If you lick it, it's Akan ~ ♪ I had a sashimi set meal ?
yumiko 315 on Google

神社参拝後、海鮮が食べたくて検索したら出てきたお店。 ブリ丼とエビフライをオーダー。 ショッピングモールの中なので、期待はしていなかったけど、ネタは新鮮で美味しいし、エビフライのタルタルは手づくりでとっても美味しかったです✨ 近くなら通ってます! また比沼麻奈為神社に参拝した時は行きます。
After visiting the shrine, I searched for seafood and found it. I ordered yellowtail bowl and fried shrimp. I didn't expect it because it's in a shopping mall, but the ingredients were fresh and delicious, and the fried shrimp tartar was very delicious by hand. I go if it's nearby! I will go there when I visit Hinuma Mana Shrine.
M I on Google

It is a seafood bowl shop in a large supermarket. I stopped by on the way back from Kotohikihama, but it was excellent ... The material had no odor and was insanely delicious. The soup stock chazuke with the material I left at the end was also the best.
恋徹 on Google

店員さんが皆さん愛想良くて気分よく食事できました。提供時間もスムーズでした。 刺身定食を注文しました。 鰤は箸で掴んだ瞬間から、プリプリやと分かりました。サーモンもオシャレな切込みがしてあり食べやすかったです。 とにかくお刺身が美味しくて、店員さんが愛想いい。価格も良心的。 他に何も言う必要ないですね。 食後にお冷のお代わり頼んだら、お冷も気分よく入れてくれて、暖かいお茶までくださりました。遠方ですが、丹後方面に出かけたらまた行こうと思えるお店でした。
The clerk was friendly and I was able to eat comfortably. The offer time was also smooth. I ordered a sashimi set meal. From the moment I grabbed the yellowtail with chopsticks, I knew it was pre-prepared. The salmon also had a fashionable cut and was easy to eat. Anyway, the sashimi is delicious and the clerk is friendly. The price is also reasonable. You don't have to say anything else. When I asked for a cold replacement after a meal, he made me feel good and even gave me warm tea. It's a long way away, but it was a shop that I thought I would go to again if I went to the Tango area.
タイムリー on Google

クチコミが良かったから1人で1番客で行きました。お造り定食並み980円と月見うどん650円を喰ったけどマジで並み以下でコスパ悪過ぎ。 この量でこの値段やったら回転寿司の方がよっぽどマシ。てかスーパーで刺し盛りとおにぎりとカップうどん買って食う方が良いくらいのレベル。 もし家族連れとかやったら量とか新鮮さを変えるんかも知らんけど自分は2度と行かんしオススメできません。
The word-of-mouth communication was good, so I went by myself as the first customer. I ate 980 yen for a sashimi set meal and 650 yen for Tsukimi udon, but it was really below average and the cost performance was too bad. If you do this price with this amount, conveyor belt sushi is much better. It is better to buy and eat sashimi, rice balls and cup udon at a supermarket. I don't know if I'm going with my family and the amount and freshness will change, but I can't recommend it again.

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