
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ワク井時計宝飾

住所 :

Mine, Utsunomiya, 〒321-0942 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : http://wakuitokei.com/
街 : Tochigi

Mine, Utsunomiya, 〒321-0942 Tochigi,Japan
びんとろ on Google

大切な時計の電池交換は、いつもこのお店にお願いしています。 仕事が丁寧で安心して依頼出来ます。
I always ask this store to replace the batteries of my precious watch. Jobs are polite and you can request with confidence.
高浪典生 on Google

Even if you don't understand the jewelry, it is a store that explains you politely and makes you want to go soft again. It's great because I didn't do techno watch overalls anywhere before and this shop made me feel good!
すずもず on Google

素敵なご夫婦でお店をやられてます。 古い時計が壊れてしまったので、修理をお願いしましたが、親切な対応でした。 奥さまが冷たいお茶を入れてくださったうえに、手作りの可愛い手編みのお茶碗洗いをくださいました。
A nice couple is doing the store. The old watch was broken, so I asked for repairs. The wife gave me a cold tea and gave me a handmade cute hand-knitted tea bowl.
清宮英明 on Google

Depending on the shop, there was a place where you could go immediately on the day you had it. I guess that is normal, but I went to pick up the watch that I asked for a battery change earlier, but it took 2 to 3 days just by changing the battery, and the fee will depend on the watch, but 2200 yen! I'm sorry if you use it here, but you won't use it again.
Trans-AM on Google

どんな修理の相談にも乗ってくれる良心的なお店です。素人では気付かないような部分まで目が届く腕なので大切な時計や古い時計は安心して任せられました。 単なる電池交換より修理やオーバーホールでその頼りがいのある腕が実感。
It is a conscientious shop that can help you with any repairs. Since I can see the parts that amateurs do not notice, I was relieved to take care of important watches and old watches. You can feel the reliable arm by repairing and overhauling rather than simply replacing the battery.
on Google

電池交換で伺いました。 その前にホームセンターで、4週間かかると言われ、ワク井時計店を紹介されました。 その場で直ぐに交換して頂き、奥様にお茶やお菓子を、出して頂きました。猫ちゃんも可愛いくて、今後はこちらのお店で頼もうと決めました。
I asked you to replace the battery. Before that, I was introduced to Wakui Watch Shop at a home improvement store because it was said that it would take four weeks. We had them exchanged immediately on the spot and had their wife serve tea and sweets. The cat is also cute, so I decided to order at this shop in the future.
yu bu on Google

インターパークで4,000円くらいで納期3週間かかると言われた時計の電池交換をコーヒー飲み終わる前に2,200円でやってもらえました。 街の時計屋さんです。 安いし早いしサービス良い。 高齢の老夫婦さんが営業されてますが長く続けて欲しいですね。 次はネットで買わずにこのお店で時計を買います。
I was asked to replace the battery of the watch, which was said to cost about 4,000 yen at Inter Park and take 3 weeks for delivery, for 2,200 yen before I finished drinking coffee. It is a watchmaker in the city. Cheap, fast and good service. An elderly couple is open, but I hope they will continue for a long time. Next time, I will buy a watch at this store instead of buying it online.
のんちゃん on Google

電池交換に行きました。 いつも、ホームセンターで電池交換を頼んでいたのですが、1週間はかかります。今回ブランドの時計は断られてしまったので、ネットで探したところ、口コミが良かったので、こちらにしました。 こちらは、10分もかからないくらいで電池交換が終わりびっくりしました。 お店の人もとても感じがよくて、次からは、こちらに、電池交換を頼もうと思います。料金も、2000以下で安かったです。
I went to replace the battery. I used to ask for battery replacement at the home improvement store, but it takes a week. This time the brand watch was turned down, so I searched online and found that the word of mouth was good, so I chose this one. I was surprised that the battery replacement was completed in less than 10 minutes. The shop staff feels very good, and from now on, I'll ask you to replace the battery. The price was cheap at 2000 or less.

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