
3.4/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact 西堀歯科診療所

住所 :

Minamiyukigaya, Ota City, 〒145-0066 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
街 : Tokyo

Minamiyukigaya, Ota City, 〒145-0066 Tokyo,Japan
うっちー88 on Google

なかみーの生活改善ちゃんねる on Google

The dental assistant's skirt is too small, which makes it difficult to see the eyes. I was uncomfortable with my son. I want to make an extra peek at whether the attitude of the doctor and the nurse is dating Frank. It's good to be close, but I think there is a moderation. I think doctor technology is normal, but I didn't really like it.
瀬珠一 on Google

治療が建設的で親身です。比較ではありませんが、他院で神経の治療を受けて痛い目にあった所をこちらで治して頂き、その際も説明がしっかりとしていました。神経の治療は時間もかかるし料金も安いしで、あまり美味しくはないと思うのですが、その点こちらの対応は神がかった丁寧さです。 近所の評判でよく聞くものは、 ・麻酔がとても上手く、治療も痛みが少ない。 ・歯槽膿漏や初期の虫歯を見逃された。 ・子供や、保険適用の治療を含め、提案が幅広く良心的。 等が多いです。評判を聞く中でも他院に行くという声では二番目の理由が多いです。特に大人で、歯科治療に苦手意識が強い方が多い印象です。悪化した事で治療の苦痛が増える事を問題視する意見です。 一方で、お母さんや子供の層の評判はとても良かったです。院内に子供用の待機スペースがあり、玩具や本が揃っています。痛みが少ない、親子向けへの配慮が行き届いている事を評価する意見です。 個人的には、二つ目の評判は優先度が区別されただけで、先生の腕の方で大いにカバー出来るというか、完璧な治療を受けるという点では、途中で辞めてしまう事の方がデメリットが大きい程度と思います。1回では終わらない治療の方が殆どだと思うので、不安な場合は事前に治療の順を尋ねてみても良いです。その時はとてもしっかりと説明をして貰えます。初診や長期の治療では、わざわざこちらから聞かないでも書面で説明を頂けます。 清掃はしっかりしていますが、少し年季の入っている箇所もあります。この年季が先生の腕に還元されていると思えば全く気にならない程度ではあります(笑)内装は白とビタミンカラーを基調にして清潔感があり、子供用スペースの壁には大きな向日葵があって和みます。 他院を受診すると、まず他所の歯医者を貶すところから診療が始まります(笑)人の歯を一瞥したあと、治療に対する暴言が炸裂し、うちでは有り得ない、うちの方が上手い等の自慢話をされているうちに診療が終わりますが、こちらの先生ではそんなあるあるとも無縁です。王者の威厳とまでは行かずとも、こちらで治療して頂いた箇所は、何処へ行っても難癖付けられる事がない程処置が丁寧で、見た目にも行き届いています。 この付近は歯医者さんがとても沢山ありますが、「痛みの少なさ」「治療の丁寧さ」では特に群を抜いています。日頃の感謝の意も込めて★5とさせていただきます。 参考になれば幸いです。
The treatment is constructive and kind. Although it is not a comparison, I was asked to cure a painful place after receiving nerve treatment at another hospital, and the explanation was solid at that time. Nerve treatment is time consuming and cheap, so I don't think it's very delicious, but in this respect, it is divine and polite. What I often hear about the neighborhood's reputation is ・Anesthesia is very good and treatment is painless. ・I missed alveolar pyorrhea and early caries. ・A wide range of conscientious proposals, including treatments for children and insurance coverage. Etc. are many. There are many second reasons why people go to other hospitals while listening to their reputation. This is an impression that many adults, especially adults, are not very conscious of dental treatment. It is an opinion that the pain of treatment increases due to the deterioration. On the other hand, the reputation of the mothers and children was very good. There is a waiting space for children in the hospital, with toys and books. It is an opinion that evaluates that there is little pain and that consideration for parents and children is thorough. Personally, the second reputation is that the priority is only distinguished, and it is better to quit halfway in terms of being able to cover much with the teacher's arm or receiving perfect treatment. I think the disadvantages are large. I think that most of the treatments do not end with one treatment, so if you are anxious, you may ask the treatment order in advance. At that time, you can explain it very firmly. For the first medical examination and long-term treatment, you can give a written explanation without having to ask. The cleaning is thorough, but there are some places that are a little older. If I think that this year's season is being returned to the teacher's arm, I would not be bothered at all (laugh) The interior is clean based on white and vitamin color, and there is a large sunflower on the wall of the children's space Soften. When you go to another hospital, the treatment starts from the point of defeating the dentist in another place (laughs) After a quick glance at a person's teeth, abusive language for the treatment explodes, and it is impossible for us to be proud of us. The medical treatment will be completed while I am being treated, but this teacher has nothing to do with such a situation. Even if it does not go to the dignity of the king, the treatments here are so careful that the treatment will not be difficult even if you go to anywhere, and the appearance is also thorough. There are a lot of dentists around here, but they are by far the best in terms of "less pain" and "politeness of treatment". We would like to thank you on a daily basis. I'm glad if you can use it as a reference.
竹田 on Google

I'm a foreigner, but the teacher's explanation was very polite and easy to understand. The dental assistant is also kind and I like it.
はるはる on Google

子供が4歳頃から診てもらっています(もう成人しましたが)。先生が子供にも上手に話してくれて子供も先生を信頼しているのか、一度も泣いたことがありませんでした。歯茎に麻酔注射をするときなどは泣いても仕方ないなと思いましたが、目に止まらぬ速さで注射し、子供が痛いと感じた時はもう注射器を隠していて、泣く暇も理由もありませんでした。これは神業!と思いました。 開院当時、子供のコーナーにうちでは買えない色々な外国製などのおもちゃがあって(今もありますが)、それが外からもガラス越しに見えて、子供は自分から走っておもちゃコーナーに駆け込んでいました。治療は痛くないし、先生が「お~〇〇子!」と声をかけてくれ、終わるとものすごく褒めてくれて、子供にとっては歯医者さんは「行きたいところ」で怖いところではありませんでしたので、小学校にもなると一人で治療に行ってくれました。 私は、他院で一つの歯の治療をしてもらうのに予約していても一回の待ち時間が一時間ぐらいかかり、最初の2回はX線撮影や歯磨き指導で終わり、治療時間が短く長期間に渡たったため治療を断念していたところ、この歯科クリニックが新しく開院しているのに気付き飛び込みで入って以来診てもらっています。よる8時までやっていて予約が取りやすく、待たされることがないので、仕事しながらでも通院できて助かってます。
My child has been seen since I was 4 years old (although I'm already an adult). I never cried because the teacher talked well to the child and the child trusted the teacher. I thought it was unavoidable to cry when injecting anesthesia into the gums, but I injected it at a speed that I couldn't catch my eyes, and when my child felt pain, I had already hidden the syringe and had time to cry. There wasn't. This is a divine work! I thought. At the time of the opening of the hospital, there were various foreign-made toys that we couldn't buy at our children's corner (although they still exist), and they could be seen through the glass from the outside, and the children ran from themselves to the toys corner. I was there. The treatment didn't hurt, and the teacher said "Oh, OO!" And praised me very much when it was over. For the child, the dentist wasn't scared because he wanted to go. When I was in elementary school, he went to the treatment alone. Even if I make a reservation to have one tooth treated at another hospital, it takes about an hour to wait for one time, and the first two times end with X-ray photography and tooth brushing instruction, and the treatment time I had given up treatment because it was a short and long period of time, but I noticed that this dental clinic was newly opened and I have been seen since I jumped in. It's done until 8 o'clock, so it's easy to make reservations and I don't have to wait, so it's helpful to be able to go to the hospital while working.

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