
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact エステートセンターテナント課(旧:鳥取駅南店)

住所 :

Minamiyoshikata, 〒680-0843 Tottori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : http://www.tenanttottori.com/
街 : Tottori

Minamiyoshikata, 〒680-0843 Tottori,Japan
安田聡子 on Google

迅速かつ丁寧な案内をしてくださいます。 日数のかかる案件も途中経過を連絡してくださるなど、細かいフォローがあって安心します。
Please give me prompt and courteous guidance. You can rest assured that there will be detailed follow-up, such as notifying you of the progress of projects that take a long time.
ゆみ on Google

担当の方がとても親身になってくださり、説明もとてもわかりやすく、色々こちらの状況も汲んでくださり感謝しかありません。 ありがとうございました!
I am grateful that the person in charge was very kind, the explanation was very easy to understand, and I was able to understand various situations here. thank you very much!
北村たかし on Google

I'm glad that Mr. Nakajima took a step forward when recruiting tenants. He was the best assister (^^)
門脇総司 on Google

We would like to thank Mr. Nakajima and Mr. Kakitani for the relocation of the new store. We are very satisfied with your prompt response to various requests. Thank you very much.
yu y on Google

Mr. Nakajima in charge was very kind to me. Confirmation of the property and mediation with the owner were also very smooth. thank you.
宮川孝芳 on Google

担当の方が迅速に動き、賃貸人との交渉の機会を設けるなど対応してくれたことが、商談の結実に繋がったと感謝しています。 今回の賃貸借契約を通して関わりが出来た方々と良い関係性が築けるよう頑張ろうと考えています。今後もよろしくお願いします。
I am grateful that the person in charge moved quickly and responded by providing opportunities for negotiations with the lessor, which led to the fruition of the business negotiations. I will do my best to build good relationships with the people I have been involved with through this lease agreement. I hope to work with you in the future.
m ai on Google

この度は、お世話になりました。 とても丁寧に対応していただき感謝しております。 初めての経験で分からない事だらけでしたが、色々と親切に教えて下さり本当助かりました。 垣谷さん、ありがとうございました!
I appreciate your kindness at this time. Thank you very much for your polite response. There were many things I didn't understand in my first experience, but it was really helpful for me to kindly teach me various things. Thank you, Mr. Kakitani!
tori ok on Google

The response of Mr. Kakitani in charge was quick and very helpful! Those who have abundant knowledge of the property and can consult with confidence.

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