
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 魁整体施術院

住所 :

Minamiyamabushicho, Shinjuku City, 〒162-0854 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87988
Webサイト : https://www.kaiseitai.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7:10PM
Sunday 9AM–7:10PM
Monday 9AM–7:10PM
Tuesday 9AM–7:10PM
Wednesday 9AM–7:10PM
Thursday 9AM–7:10PM
Friday 9AM–7:10PM
街 : Tokyo

Minamiyamabushicho, Shinjuku City, 〒162-0854 Tokyo,Japan
ryo n on Google

転勤により生活や仕事環境が一変したことや「先が見えない」という漠然とした不安からのストレスによる不眠症状に悩まされていましたが、魁整体施術院さんでの施術を受け不眠症状が改善しました。 施術後は、とても丁寧にわかりやすく施術内容とその日の体の状態を説明していただきます。また、先生が気さくな方なので、いろいろと話をさせていただきますが、その中で、私自身、あまり気にしていなかったことでも実は身体にはストレスとなり様々な症状としてでてくる、ということを教えていただき、また、日常生活でのちょっとしたアドバイスなども教えていただいています。 定期的に施術をしていただいているおかげで、心身ともに健康でバランスが取れた状態で生活を送ることができています。ありがとうございます。今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。
I was suffering from insomnia symptoms due to stress from the vague anxiety that `` I can not see the point '' due to a change in my life and work environment due to relocation, but my insomnia symptoms improved after undergoing treatment at a kaisei clinic. did. After the treatment, please explain the treatment contents and the physical condition of the day very carefully and clearly. Also, since the teacher is friendly, I will talk about various things, but among them, even though I myself did not care much, it actually becomes stressful to my body and comes up with various symptoms And also give some advice in everyday life. Thanks to regular treatment, I can live a healthy and balanced body and mind. Thank you very much. Thank you in the future.
堀川房代 on Google

過労うつで精神科クリニックにかかってはいたものの、体中の筋肉がギュッと縮んでいるような感覚や痛み、動きづらさに加え頻繁に起きる息苦しさに悩まされ、藁にもすがる気持ちで通いはじめました。右腕が痛くて上がらないという症状もあったのですが、先生が「自律神経が整ってくれば自然と治るから、腕の状態を治すためだけの治療はしない」とおっしゃったのが印象的でした。実際、通っているうちに腕は動かせるようになり、他のさまざまな症状も一つ一つ消えていきました。 施術を受けるだけでなく、先生との会話を通じて自分の体のクセを知ったり、どうケアすれば気持ちよく過ごせるかを学べる点が気に入っています。今は体調管理として月に2回ほど行くだけですが、これで更年期も難なく乗り切れそうです。
I was overworked and had a psychiatric clinic, but I felt pain in the body as well as tightness and tightness of the muscles in my body, as well as movement difficulty and suffering from frequent breathlessness. nice to meet you. There was also a symptom that the right arm hurts and it does not go up, but it is impressive that the teacher said, "Because it will be cured naturally if the autonomic nerve is in place, the treatment just to cure the state of the arm is not." did. In fact, I was able to move my arms while I was passing, and the various other symptoms disappeared one by one. In addition to receiving the treatment, I like the point that I can learn the habit of my body through conversation with the teacher and learn how to care if I care. Now I only go about twice a month to manage my physical condition, but it seems that menopausal will be able to survive without difficulty.
chiyo migi on Google

ペットロスから自律神経のバランスを崩し日常生活も億劫になっていたところ先生に出会い3ヶ月が過ぎました。最近は以前のような 明るさも取り戻しつつあります。家族にも元気になったね〜と言われます。先生ありがとうございました。これからもよろしくお願いいたします。
Three months have passed since I met my teacher when my autonomic nerves were out of balance due to pet loss and my daily life was becoming uncomfortable. Recently like before Brightness is also being regained. It is said that my family has become well. Thank you, sensei. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Yukie Yamamoto on Google

Maybe because of my hormonal balance, I sometimes feel very depressed, and when I was in trouble because I didn't know how to deal with it, I found a website and made a reservation for treatment. It was a different approach from the conventional manipulative treatment, but when I finished walking to the station, my body and mind became lighter, and I realized that it was much easier.
cm on Google

ここ数年、酷い肩こりの症状で悩んでおり、マッサージなどに行っても、ほぼ改善しないため、こちらで診察してもらったところ、自律神経からくるものではとのことでした。 通い始めてから半年以上たちますが、徐々に症状が改善され、以前のような日常生活に支障をきたすような肩こりはほぼ無くなって来ました。
I have been suffering from severe stiff shoulders for the past few years, and even if I go to a massage, it hardly improves, so when I was examined here, it was said that it came from the autonomic nerves. It has been more than half a year since I started going to school, but my symptoms have gradually improved, and the stiff shoulders that interfere with my daily life have almost disappeared.
M N on Google

寝ても疲れが取れにくかったり、左半身の手足の痺れに悩まされてたとき知人から魅整体さんを紹介して頂きました。 デスクワークからくる身体の歪みや年齢的なものが原因かと思ってましたが、自律神経の乱れで内臓が疲れ果てていたのが原因でした。 メンタルの強さには自信があったので自律神経というワードに驚きましたが、先生から「気持ちが強いから気力で頑張れてしまうけど、内臓は置いてけぼりになってるんだよ」といった説明を受けて、私は初めて自分の身体の悲鳴を聴いたような気がしました。 施術を受ける度、左半身の痺れが軽減し今ではまったく無くなりました。質の良い睡眠も取れてます。どうも私は無意識的に無理をしがちなので、自分の身体に耳を傾けつつ、今後も定期的に先生にコンディションを整えて頂こうと思います。
When I was having difficulty getting tired even when I slept, or when I was suffering from numbness in the limbs of my left half of my body, an acquaintance introduced me to Ms. Seitai. I thought it was caused by the strain of the body and age caused by desk work, but it was because the internal organs were exhausted due to the disturbance of the autonomic nerves. I was confident in my mental strength, so I was surprised at the word autonomic nerves, but the teacher explained, "I can do my best because I have a strong feeling, but my internal organs are left behind." It made me feel like I heard my body scream for the first time. Every time I received the treatment, the numbness of the left side of my body was alleviated and now it is completely gone. I also get a good night's sleep. Apparently, I tend to overdo it unconsciously, so I will continue to listen to my body and have my teacher prepare my condition on a regular basis.
Shiu Sakashita on Google

私の症状は、コンピュータに向かう仕事のため、体を動かさないことからくる肩こりや腰の痛みといったものです。これの改善のため、10年ほど、勤務先近くの整体に通っていましたが、在宅勤務になり、2021年の5月ぐらいから、知人から紹介された自宅近くのこちらに通うことにしました。以前の施術とはスタイルがかなり違い、当初は戸惑いましたが、説明を聞くと以前の施術者と符合するところがあり、安心しました。 通いだした時は体の変化はあまりなかったのですが、3ヶ月ほどしてからはかなり楽になってきました。また現在は、施術に反応するようになったのか、施術直後の体の変化は現在のところは少し大きい状態です。もう少し通えば、もう少し安定した状態になっていくのでしょう。 また、こちらでは鍼の施術もできるので、整体と針をあわせた効果があるようです。以前、針にも通ったことがあるのですが、整体と針の二箇所に通うと費用が倍になるのですが、こちらだと必要に応じて両方の施術があり、その意味では「お得」です。 整体は、初めて通うときや、施術者を変える時は不安ですが、こちらですと相談しながらできますので、試されてはどうでしょうか。
My symptoms are stiff shoulders and lower back pain that come from not moving because of my work towards the computer. To improve this, I went to a manipulative treatment near my office for about 10 years, but after working from home, I decided to go to this place near my home, which was introduced by an acquaintance, from around May 2021. .. The style was quite different from the previous treatment, and I was confused at first, but when I heard the explanation, I was relieved that it matched the previous treatment. When I went there, my body didn't change much, but after about 3 months, it became much easier. Also, at present, the change in the body immediately after the treatment is a little large, probably because it has become responsive to the treatment. If you pass a little more, it will become a little more stable. In addition, acupuncture can be performed here, so it seems to have the effect of combining manipulative treatment and needles. I used to go through needles before, but going through two places, manipulative treatment and needles, doubles the cost, but here there are both treatments as needed, and in that sense, "Oh It is "profit". I'm worried about manipulative treatment when I go to the clinic for the first time or when I change the practitioner, but I can do it while consulting with you, so why not try it?
しお on Google

仕事のストレスや通勤の疲れからか体の不調が数ヶ月続いたため、こちらを受診しました。症状は頭痛や倦怠感、気分の落ち込み、脈が乱れることもあり、最初は自立神経失調症やうつ病などを疑いましたが、薬には頼りたくなく、色々調べて見つけたのが魁整体院さんです。 最初は週1回通い、2ヶ月ほどで頭痛などがほとんど無くなりました。生活の中で意識できることもアドバイスいただいたり、必要があれば針も刺していただけます。 色々と親身に対応してくださるので、体の不調で悩まれている方はぜひ足を運んでみてください。とってもおすすめです!
I went to see this because I had been feeling ill for several months due to work stress and tiredness of commuting. Symptoms may be headache, fatigue, depression, and pulse disorder. At first, I suspected autonomic imbalance and depression, but I didn't want to rely on drugs, so I searched and found out. This is the institute. At first, I went there once a week, and after about two months, my headaches were almost gone. You can also get advice on what you can be aware of in your life, and if necessary, you can also stab a needle. They will take care of you in various ways, so if you are suffering from physical problems, please come visit us. I highly recommend it!

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