
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 山城屋酒場

住所 :

Minamisuna, Koto City, 〒136-0076 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Tokyo

Minamisuna, Koto City, 〒136-0076 Tokyo,Japan
黒野圭 on Google

超老舗の地元居酒屋。20歳そこそこのころから月1度はお邪魔してます。 曜日問わず常に席数以上のお客がいて満席です。 トイレは和式、メニューは札書き、壁には芸能人のサインと味のあるお店です。料理はどれもこれもリーズナブルで美味しいです。 あまりの込み具合と常連の多さから遠方のお客さんが入りにくくなってしまいました。
A super long-established local izakaya. I've been bothering you once a month since I was about 20 years old. Regardless of the day of the week, there are always more customers than the number of seats and it is full. The toilet is Japanese style, the menu is written on the bill, and the wall is a shop with a celebrity's signature and taste. All the dishes are reasonable and delicious. Due to the overcrowding and the large number of regular customers, it became difficult for distant customers to enter.
Kranich on Google

A convenient place in front of the bus stop. Easy to go even from far away! Because it is a famous store, it is always crowded, but you can drink calmly.
Bis on Google

ずっと気になってた酒場。散歩で偶然通りかかり、後から調べたら、吉田類さんもたちよった名店とのこと。 店内はカウンター6~7席くらいと、四人掛けテーブル3卓に、小上がりのテーブル2卓。 16時の開店から混むと聞いていたが、平日の夕方18時くらいにお邪魔したら、すんなり入れました。 赤なまこ、ホタルイカ刺しがおいしかったー! 近所のおじさまおばさまたちと、その子供たちなどが出入りし、ホントアットホームな雰囲気!
A bar that I have always been worried about. I took a walk by chance, and when I examined it later, I heard that Mr. Yoshida also had a great store. The shop has 6-7 seats for the counter, 3 tables for 4 people, 2 tables for small rise. We heard that it was crowded from the 16 o'clock opening of the store, but when it was disturbed at around 18 o'clock on a weekday evening, I immediately inserted it. Red sea cucumber, firefly squid sashimi was delicious! Nearby Uncle Aunts and their children come and go, and a homelike atmosphere!
Rucas Turner on Google

とっても美味しいです? だがしかし、昼から混み過ぎ? ちょっと気になったのは、常連さん用にメニューにないお酒教えてたりするところかなー。 十四代あるってわかってたら頼みたかったー
It is very delicious. However, it is too crowded from noon. I was a little worried about where I would teach liquor not on the menu for regulars. I wanted to ask if I knew that there were 14 generations
伊藤俊明 on Google

かねがね訪れたかった【山城屋酒場】。満を持しての探訪です。 お店の立地については他の方々の口コミどおり、都会にありながら陸の孤島で、正直遠かったです。 入店すると常連客と思しき方々4人と、お店の接客担当の女性が和気あいあいと談笑してました。 今回は『日本酒(桃川:280円)』×2と『秋刀魚の刺し身』『鰯の刺し身』をいただきました。 お刺身はいずれも美しくさばかれていて○、お味の方もいい具合に脂がのっていて◎。この内容で1,610円はステキ過ぎです。 お会計後に敬愛する吉田類さんのサイン「壁に直書き」されたものと「色紙」バージョンを撮らせていただきました。 ちなみに色紙に書かれたサインは【城】の字のうち一本抜けていて笑えます。
I wanted to visit [Yamashiroya Sakaba]. It is a full-fledged exploration. As for the location of the shop, as other people have said, it was an isolated island on land even though it was in the city, and honestly it was far away. When I entered the store, four people who seemed to be regular customers and the woman in charge of customer service at the store chatted with each other in a friendly manner. This time, I received "Sake (Momokawa: 280 yen)" x 2 and "Sashimi of saury" and "Sashimi of sardines". All the sashimi are beautifully processed ○, and the taste is also nicely greasy ◎. With this content, 1,610 yen is too nice. After the checkout, I took a picture of the "directly written on the wall" and the "Shikishi" version signed by Mr. Rui Yoshida, who I admire. By the way, the sign written on the colored paper is missing one of the characters of [Castle] and you can laugh.
_ m on Google

砂町といえばこの、大衆居酒屋。 テレビのあの番組にもでたときあり! 最高の料理と、最高の空間。 名物は、金宮と、おかみさんですよね!
Speaking of Sunamachi, this is a popular izakaya. Sometimes I went to that TV program! The best food and the best space. The specialties are Kanamiya and the wolf!
0516 ryochin on Google

平日17時頃に訪問 最初はカウンターに1席間隔程度でお客さんが座っていたが、17時半にはカウンターはほぼ埋まって、奥のテーブル席も18時には埋まっていた 店内は想像以上にきれいで、隣の席との間隔も広めなので大衆酒場にありがちな窮屈感は一切ない 魚系も肉系も安いしそこそこ美味しいし、軽く一杯やりにいくなら十分だ
Visit around 17:00 on weekdays At first, customers were sitting at the counter at intervals of about one seat, but at 17:30 the counter was almost full and the table seats in the back were also full at 18:00. The inside of the store is cleaner than you can imagine, and the space between the seats next to it is wide, so there is no cramped feeling that is typical of a public bar. Both fish and meat are cheap and delicious, and it's enough to go for a light drink.
ItsYaBlyatBoiSamuel on Google

Overall Great Experience!

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