株式会社ジェイ・エス・ティ 西馬込駅支店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社ジェイ・エス・ティ 西馬込駅支店

住所 :

Minamimagome, Ota City, 〒143-0025 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777777
Webサイト : http://www.jst-web.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Minamimagome, Ota City, 〒143-0025 Tokyo,Japan
coo kiki on Google

I was able to convince myself that I was able to decide on a property by presenting various properties that met the conditions. Of all the real estate agents I visited, the correspondence was the best. I would like to take care of you when searching for a property in Nishimagome.
Can K on Google

We had you put out a good property exactly, and it was decided immediately in the second case. It was a beautiful and good property. Thank you for your kindness and support.
ZK I on Google

様々な不動産業者にお世話になってきました こちらのお店では質問に対して的確な回答がスピーディーに返ってきます レスポンスが素晴らしく安心して契約を進めることができました 西馬込周辺で探される時は是非オススメします
I have been taken care of by various real estate agents At this shop, accurate answers to questions will be returned speedily. The response was excellent and I was able to proceed with the contract with peace of mind. I highly recommend it when you are looking around Nishimagome.
Takehana Natsuki on Google

入籍後の新居探しのため、こちらの店舗に お伺いしました。 担当の加藤さんのお人柄が素晴らしく、私の細かな要望に対しても真摯に向き合って下さり、無事に希望の物件へ入居する事が叶いました。 おかげさまで夫婦共々、晴れやかな気分で新生活をスタートできそうです。 この度はありがとうございました。
To find a new home after enrollment, go to this store I visited you. Mr. Kato, who is in charge, has a wonderful personality, and he sincerely responded to my detailed requests, and I was able to move into the desired property safely. Thanks to you, both the couple will be able to start a new life with a radiant mood. Thank you for this time.
田中たろう on Google

今回、こちらの不動産にお世話になりました。 丁寧に要望を聞いていただいたり、細やかな対応を沢山していただき、とても良い物件に巡り合うことが出来ました。 ありがとうございました。
This time, I am indebted to this real estate. We were able to find a very good property by carefully listening to our requests and providing a lot of detailed support. Thank you very much.
yumi miyashita on Google

○村さんに担当していただきました。 良い物件を、スピーディーに紹介していただきました。 また、土地勘のない私に地域に関する様々な情報を教えてくださり、親身になって対応してもらえました。 まさしく、プロですね! 本当にありがとうございました。 また機会がありましたらよろしくお願いします。
○ Mr. Mura was in charge. We had you introduce good property speedily. In addition, he gave me various information about the area, and he was kind enough to respond to me. It's a professional! I'm really thankful to you. If you have another chance, thank you.
AY f on Google

Thank you very much for your first property search. We have set a lot of conditions such as the location, size, and price of the room, but they responded politely until we found the desired property. The staff were also cheerful and friendly and helpful. It was nice to meet a nice real estate agent!
Haru Skywalker on Google

You were able to guide us brightly, cheerfully and speedily. We were able to quickly understand this situation and introduce the property in addition to the desired conditions, so we were able to expand the options and meet a good room. I was very relieved to see the kitchen equipment, furniture placement advice, and measurements when I was living alone for the first time. If you are looking for a property around Nishimagome, we highly recommend it! ︎

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