味日本 株式会社

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 味日本 株式会社

住所 :

Minamimachi, Minami Ward, 〒734-0007 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.ajinihon.co.jp/
街 : Hiroshima

Minamimachi, Minami Ward, 〒734-0007 Hiroshima,Japan
肌焦がしたら良くなった裸王(Monkey Coffee) on Google

山下郁 on Google

河野孝文 on Google

とても気さくな採用担当の方で、働くのも安心ですね!! これからもよろしくお願いします。
I am a very friendly recruiter and it is safe to work! ! I look forward to working with you.
桜田裕徳 on Google

Iri-kodashi is very delicious, and my family often cooks using this company's iri-kodashi.
Takashi Hirabara on Google

フードフェスティバルで頂いた大羽いりこだし美味しかった。 広島には美味しいもの作っている会社がいろいろあるんですね!
It was a great sashimi from the food festival and was delicious. There are many companies that make delicious food in Hiroshima!
jg0mmf on Google

某ディスカウントドラッグでうまみ調味料を購入。(味○素より3割程やすかったので)。 ヘタしたら味○素より旨味が濃くて、満足できる商品でした。 炒め物、卵かけご飯、麺類にと色々重宝しています。
Purchased umami seasoning with a certain discount drug. (Because it was about 30% easier than Aji * moto). It was a satisfying product because it had a stronger umami taste than the taste. It is useful for stir-fried foods, rice with eggs, and noodles.
Rたなか on Google

トップバリューの鶏がらスープめちゃめちゃ美味しい。色々な鶏がらスープの中で1番です。この味を守って絶対変えないで下さい。今のままで めちゃめちゃ美味しいです。
Top value chicken soup is really delicious. It is the best among various chicken soups. Please keep this taste and never change it. It's really delicious as it is.
mori on Google

Lightly pickled raw hydrangea kelp is my favorite! I'm buying about 20 bags for adults at a local supermarket. When I give it to a friend or acquaintance, I am often asked to buy it because I am very happy to like it. I'm looking for it at supermarkets here and there, but it's only sold at supermarkets near my house. I would like you to sell it online, so thank you!

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