串焼き こがね

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 串焼き こがね

住所 :

Minamikoshigaya, Koshigaya, 〒343-0845 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Webサイト : http://www.genki-kogane.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–6AM
Sunday 5–11PM
Monday 5PM–6AM
Tuesday 5PM–6AM
Wednesday 5PM–6AM
Thursday 5PM–6AM
Friday 5PM–6AM
街 : Saitama

Minamikoshigaya, Koshigaya, 〒343-0845 Saitama,Japan
フェリーニフェデリコ on Google

久しぶりに訪問したがとてもまともに飲んでられない。 コロナ対策は皆無、煙草の煙で料理は台無しになり衣服もかなり煙草臭くなり、大声で奇声を上げる若者グループを店員は放置、それどころか自分達の雑談に忙しいときました。 客の質も悪くモラルない人間の溜まり場のようになってます。 二度と来ることはないでしょう。 昔は焼き鳥の美味しい店だっただけに残念です。
I visited for the first time in a long time, but I can't drink it properly. There were no measures against corona, the smoke spoiled the food, the clothes became quite smokey, the clerk left a group of young people who screamed loudly, and on the contrary, they were busy chatting with each other. The quality of the customers is poor and it is like a hangout for people with no morals. You won't come again. It's a shame because it used to be a delicious yakitori restaurant.
カビゴン0085 on Google

The white sauce is delicious. 〆 is recommended for keema curry.
ユウスケ on Google

なんか、店員の質が下がってた。お喋りが多く注文した酒をなかなか持ってこない。 19時までドリンク半額はいいけど、ホッピーのナカはこの上ない少なさ。全然酔えねぇや(笑) 客席は仕切りも何もなくコロナ対策は入店時の消毒のみ。☆2つ没収!
Somehow, the quality of the clerk was declining. It's hard to bring the sake I ordered with a lot of talk. Half price for drinks is good until 19:00, but Hoppy's Naka is extremely small. I can't get drunk at all (laughs) There are no partitions in the audience seats, and the only corona countermeasure is disinfection at the time of entering the store. ☆ Two confiscated!
ishiyama yasuko on Google

店内は仕切も何もなく対策されていません。 若者が、大人数で呑んでいて大声だしてうるさい。 店内タバコもOKなので、煙い。 一人が感染してたらと思うと怖くなり、2時間制でしたがサッサと出てきました。 おまけに朝6:00までやっているので、お店に集まって来ます。 せめて店員さんは、お客様には注意をして欲しいと思います。
There are no partitions inside the store and no measures are taken. Young people are swallowing in large numbers and loud and noisy. Cigarettes in the store are OK, so it smokes. I was scared if one person was infected, and although it was a two-hour system, it came out with Sassa. In addition, we are doing it until 6:00 in the morning, so we will come to the store. At the very least, the clerk wants the customer to be careful.
ゴーバーユウジ on Google

仕事終わりに軽く筋トレし串こ食らう✨ そのルーティングの相性 身体への愛情 何よりもストレス解消 だろ? だろう✨???? ありがとうございます✨
Lightly train the muscles at the end of work and eat skewers ✨ The compatibility of the routing Affection for the body Stress relief above all Isn't it? Would be ✨???? Thank you ✨
自警団口コミ on Google

美味しいと聞いて行ってみたが、特別美味しいと思うものはなく価格は近隣より高めだったはず。 おそらく南越谷という立地だから成り立っている価格と味なのだと思う。 コロナ時期に店内満員にして営業していたので常識の意識が低いと判断して近寄りません。
I heard that it was delicious, but there was nothing that I thought was particularly delicious, and the price should have been higher than in the neighborhood. Probably because it is located in Minamikoshigaya, the price and taste are reasonable. Since the store was full during the corona period, I decided that I had low awareness of common sense and wouldn't approach.
かける on Google

新越谷駅から少し歩きます。 串も種類がありとても良かったです。 ただ、このご時世なのでもう少し席の間隔を空けて欲しかったです。
Walk a little from Shin-Koshigaya station. There are different types of skewers and it was very good. However, since it is this time of the year, I wanted you to leave a little more space between the seats.
ジャギ on Google

うーん 接客・味・雰囲気どれを取ってもイマイチかなー 二次会で行きましたが、、入る時に何も言われなかったんですが2時間で出されました 2人で8000円だったので注文しなかったわけでもないんですがね? 大衆寿司こがねの方が全てにおいて勝ってます
Hmm I wonder if the customer service, taste, and atmosphere are not good enough. I went to the second party, but when I entered, I wasn't told anything, but it was issued in 2 hours. It was 8000 yen for two people, so it's not that I didn't order it ? Popular sushi kogane wins in everything

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