東京フラワーマーケット オランダガーデン

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東京フラワーマーケット オランダガーデン

住所 :

Minamikasai, Edogawa City, 〒134-0085 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88787
Webサイト : https://hollandgarden.net/shopinfo/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 12–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Tokyo

Minamikasai, Edogawa City, 〒134-0085 Tokyo,Japan
ayaka k on Google

先日、お花を購入しに来店しました。 まず店員さんの態度が悪いのにびっくりしました。亡くなったワンちゃんのお花だったので 素敵なお花を選びたかったのですが、 「ラッピング等のお花は全て自分で選んでください」とブスッとした態度で言われました。 お花の知識はあまりなかったので、 知識のある店員さんに 有る程度見繕ってもらいたかったのに とても嫌な気持ちになりました。 それからラッピングの色をどうするか聞かれたのですが、見本もなくどの色があるかもわからなかったのに、「大抵の色は揃えてあります。」とその一言だけ。 他の花屋さんではそんな対応をされたことがなかったのでとても嫌な気持ちになりました。 大切な人にあげるお花を購入することが多い花屋さんでこんな対応されるものなのでしょうか。 もう2度と行きません。
The other day, I came to buy flowers. First of all, I was surprised that the clerk's attitude was bad. Because it was the flower of the dead dog I wanted to choose a nice flower, "Please choose all the flowers such as wrapping by yourself," he said with a stubborn attitude. I didn't know much about flowers, so To the clerk with knowledge I wanted to have it repaired to some extent I feel very uncomfortable. Then I was asked what to do with the wrapping colors, but I didn't have a sample and didn't know which colors were available, but he said, "Most of the colors are the same." I didn't do that at other florists, so I felt very disgusted. Is this something that a florist who often purchases flowers for loved ones can handle? I will never go again.
Fumiya K on Google

先日、花束を買いに行ったら、店員の態度がめちゃくちゃ悪くすごくムカついた!もう、二度と行かない!!てか行かない方がおすすめ。気を悪くする。 あまり、店員さんなどにイラつく性格ではないがこの店は嫌いだ。 こっちはぜんぜん花の知識がなく「向日葵に合う花を教えてください」って言っても、「いや、そちらから選んでください。」と鬼の塩対応。 そのほかにも色々失礼な感じの態度。 久々にムカついた。
The other day, when I went to buy a bouquet, the clerk's attitude was terrible and I was very sick! I will never go again! !! Recommended for those who do not go. Upset I don't like the store staff, but I hate this store. Even if I had no knowledge of flowers at all and said, "Please tell me which flowers are suitable for the sunflower," he said, "No, please choose from there." In addition to that, the attitude is also rude. I got sick after a long time.
Emiko Hori on Google

There are many kinds of flowers, so if you try to buy it because it is cheap, only cash, cashless has not been introduced, credit cards are defective. The cash was only 200 yen, and only the cucumber seedlings were tohoho. ☆ -1
和美仁田原 on Google

6/15午前中、初めて来店。 ここのクチコミにある通り最悪なお店でした。 金髪?の化粧濃いめの中年女性スタッフ、態度が非常に悪かった。 おまけにスタッフはこの無愛想な女性しかいなかったため、レジに行くと必然的にこの女性と対面する事になります・・・買うのをやめました。 近所にお花屋さんがあったので気になってたのに残念です。 たとえ安くても、このようなスタッフがいる限り もう二度とこの店には行きません。 これなら少し歩いて別の花屋に行った方がよかった・・・
6/15 I visited the store for the first time in the morning. It was the worst shop as the word of mouth here. Blonde? The middle-aged female staff with dark make-up had a very bad attitude. In addition, the staff was only this unfriendly woman, so when I went to the cash register, I would inevitably meet this woman ... I stopped buying. It's a pity that I was worried because there was a flower shop in the neighborhood. As long as there are such staff, even if it is cheap I will never go to this store again. In this case, I should have walked a little and went to another flower shop ...
川嶋一弘 on Google

いつも利用させてもらい満足していましたが、 今日買った忘れな草のポット苗を取り出して見たら、土がコンクリートのようにカチンカチンに固まっており、誠に残念。在庫品のチェックをすることをお勧めします。宜しく。
Sunmi on Google

お手頃価格で綺麗なお花がたくさん‼️見てるだけで(◕ᴗ◕✿) 作りおきの花束が可愛くてお得☆ リボンも巻いてもらえます☆彡 紫陽花の水のやり方の アドバイスもして頂き♪ 駐車場?はケーキ屋さん?の とこに何台分かありました☆彡
A lot of beautiful flowers at a reasonable price! ️ Just looking (◕ᴗ◕✿) The freshly made bouquet is cute and profitable ☆ You can also wrap the ribbon ☆ 彡 Hydrangea water way Please give me some advice ♪ Parking lot ? is a cake shop ? There were several cars here ☆ 彡
kimiko kok on Google

This is my second visit. I think the clerk's response is disappointing. Even if an amateur visits a flower, it is not a gentle response, but from the top, so are you looking for something that is common? There is no. It's hard to talk to. I'm going because there is no flower shop nearby, but I'm not going anymore.
NEKO姉さん on Google

There were two clerk, but there was no "Welcome" and I couldn't eat Jambalaya and coriander all the time? I had a very bad attitude because I only spoke private words like this. I want to go to a shop with a cute appearance every time I drive! I was so happy that I could finally go, but I was disappointed.

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