
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 苅部医院

住所 :

Minamiiida, Oyama, 〒329-0213 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://karibe-clinic.jp/
街 : Tochigi

Minamiiida, Oyama, 〒329-0213 Tochigi,Japan
真々田宏 on Google

Katia Adachi on Google

H M on Google

SARA M on Google

It's very good. Every time, a urine test and a blood test are performed and a stethoscope is also used, and the teacher is very knowledgeable and kindly listens to me. If necessary, they can also introduce you to a good hospital.
ニラ on Google

初診だろうが予約だろうが2〜3時間は待つ。 1時間待ちなら早い方。 先生が結構なお爺さんで古い考えの人なのか、診療の方法も昔ながら。 今時、風邪や花粉症じゃ尿検査・血液検査なんてしないで喉とか目の赤み診てすぐ薬出してくれるのに、この病院はすぐ尿検査する。 あと、患者の前で他のスタッフ説教したり電話で怒鳴ったりしてて、見ててパワハラ?って感じした。 昔からよくいる頑固爺って感じで、そんな自覚もなさそうですがね。 家族がかかってるけど私は二度と行かないって思いましたね。
Whether it is the first visit or appointment, wait 2-3 hours. If you wait for an hour, the faster one. Whether the teacher is a pretty old man and an old thinking person, the method of medical treatment is also traditional. At this time, if you have a cold or hay fever, you don't need a urine test or a blood test, and you can see the throat and redness of your eyes. Also, preaching other staff in front of the patient or yelling on the phone, watching it is a power harassment? I felt. It seems to be a stubborn feeling that has been around for a long time, and it seems that there is no such awareness. I thought my family would be there but I would never go again.
五島千尋 on Google

苅部先生はとても親切で解らない事があっても質問すれば丁寧に教えてくれますし、血液検査、尿検査、触診等で診断してくれるので今現在の体調が解り易くてありがたいです。 待ち時間が長い事もありますが先生が患者さん一人一人丁寧に診て下さってるので仕方がない事だと思います。 それでもお陰様で自分の体調管理を意識する様になれたのでこれからも体調に異変があればお願いしようと思います。
Dr. Karibe is very kind and will tell me if I have any questions even if I do not understand, and I will be glad to understand my current physical condition because I will make a diagnosis by blood test, urine test, palpation etc. There are times when the waiting time is long, but I think that there is no help for it because the doctor carefully examines each patient. Nevertheless, thanks to me, I became conscious of my physical condition management, so I will continue to ask if there is any change in physical condition.
chie cinnamon on Google

私の母がお世話になっていて私も体調が悪い時は苅部先生を頼って受診します。先日胸と背中に痛みがあり循環器内科や消化器内科を受診しても痛みの原因が掴めず…すがる思いで苅部医院を受診。検査の結果胆石が見つかりました。苅部先生は直ぐに都内の大学病院宛に紹介状と診察の予約の手配をしてくださいました。苅部先生の紹介状があったおかげで直ぐに手術日が決まりました。通常は大学病院で手術をする際は数ヶ月の待機期間が必要との事。しかし待機期間もなく手術を受ける事が出来術後4日目には退院する事が出来ました。 苅部先生はいつも親身になってお話しを聞いてくださり助けてくださるので感謝の気持ちしかありません。
When my mother is taking care of me and I feel sick, I rely on Dr. Isobe for a medical examination. The other day there was pain in the chest and back, so I couldn't grasp the cause of the pain even if I visited Cardiology or Gastroenterology. As a result of inspection, gallstones were found. Prof. Isobe immediately arranged a letter of introduction and a medical appointment to a university hospital in Tokyo. Thanks to Mr. Isobe's letter of introduction, the date of surgery was immediately decided. Normally, a waiting period of several months is required when performing surgery at a university hospital. However, I was able to have surgery without a waiting period and was able to be discharged on the 4th day after surgery. Prof. Isobe always feels grateful because she is always friendly and listens to and helps her.
Makana on Google

I have been indebted to my family for about 20 years. It takes about 40 minutes from home to the hospital, but if you are worried about your health, it is safe to visit once. At first, my grandmother who lived in the neighborhood of the hospital was indebted to me, and I was introduced to her by an extremely popular doctor. Thanks to the teacher, my grandmother was surprised at the cancer with a life expectancy of one year. Everyone was able to live very well for more than 10 years, and when the cancer metastasized, she chose to stop treatment and stay quietly at home. I often had intestinal obstruction due to the aftereffects of surgery, and when I was told that I wouldn't try surgery at any hospital, I started seeing my doctor and prescribed herbal medicine. Thanks to you, I almost never have an intestinal obstruction, and I was able to give birth, which was difficult. I cannot thank you enough. He immediately found out if there were any other abnormalities, wrote a letter of introduction immediately to have a detailed examination at the University of Tokyo Hospital or the Cancer Center, and made me quit smoking for a long time. It was also the teacher who got sick. There are many other things that have been cured. I used to wait for a couple of hours as a matter of course, but nowadays you can see it without waiting too much. I think the reason why it takes time is that the teacher listens carefully and carefully to the patient's story. He is a kind and interesting teacher. The hospitals of popular teachers are waiting everywhere, but I would like you to see them no matter how long you wait. You have such a wonderful teacher. A teacher like a living god. It was really really nice to meet my teacher in my life.

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