
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ウェルネスリラクゼーションサロン

住所 :

Minamihonmachi, Chuo Ward, 〒541-0054 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.wellness-osaka.com/
街 : Osaka

Minamihonmachi, Chuo Ward, 〒541-0054 Osaka,Japan
海野隆裕 on Google

長年お世話になっています。 雰囲気も静かで、とても落ち着いてリラックスできます。
I have been indebted to you for many years. The atmosphere is quiet and you can relax very calmly.
Yukiko Matsuoka on Google

いつも癒されるに行きます。へんな勧誘も全くなく都度払いで安心できるサロンです。 お勧めします。
I always go to be healed. It is a salon where you can rest assured that you will pay each time without any strange solicitation. It is recommended.
A Maty on Google

長く通っています。 丁寧なカウンセリングの後、その日の状態に 適した施術をしてくれます。 いつも心身共に癒して頂き感謝しています。
I've been going for a long time. After careful counseling, to the state of the day It will perform a suitable treatment. Thank you for always healing your body and soul.
苗村恵利 on Google

I received beauty acupuncture for the first time. Since this was my first time to use acupuncture, the staff explained it carefully and spoke to me during the procedure, so I was able to receive it without being nervous. I would like to receive it again.
田中志 on Google

鍼灸で長くお世話になっています。 静かな個室で、しっかり施術してくださり 癒され身体もスッキリです。
I have been indebted to you for a long time with acupuncture and moxibustion. Please perform the treatment firmly in a quiet private room. Healed and refreshed.
n k on Google

長年通ってますが 技術が確かでどの担当者の方も知識があり本当に気持ちいいです。 リラックスできる空間で いつも施術後は本当にすっきりします✨ 最後に出てくるドリンクが美味しくて 好きです。 お友達にも紹介して友達もリピートしています☆
I've been there for many years The technology is reliable, and every person in charge has knowledge and feels really good. In a relaxing space It's always really refreshing after the treatment ✨ The drink that comes out at the end is delicious I like it. I introduce it to my friends and my friends repeat it ☆
幸代上田 on Google

It's a shop I've been with for a long time, but I'm always healed and comfortable. Everyone is easy to talk to and ask for various things. The hygiene is good, the bed is comfortable and the body doesn't hurt easily, so I'm glad I did it.
しの on Google

10年以上、お世話になっています。 アロママッサージ、鍼灸共に、施術して頂いたら必ず身体が楽になるので、長年信頼のおける鍼灸サロンです。 アロママッサージは、使用されるアロマの種類が豊富で、その時の体調に合わせたアロマを調合してくださります。 またベッドの下に置いてくださる芳香のアロマも、合わせて調合してくださります。
I have been indebted to you for over 10 years. Both aroma massage and acupuncture and moxibustion will make your body feel better, so it has been a reliable acupuncture and moxibustion salon for many years. Aroma massage has a wide variety of aromas to be used, and will prepare the aroma according to the physical condition at that time. In addition, the aroma of the fragrance that is placed under the bed will be mixed together.

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