ネイス体操教室 まるひろ南浦和校

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ネイス体操教室 まるひろ南浦和校

住所 :

Minamihoncho, Minami Ward, 〒336-0018 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://neis-gym.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:15AM–7PM
Sunday 10:15AM–7PM
Monday 10:15AM–8:30PM
Tuesday 10:15AM–8:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10:15AM–8:30PM
Friday 10:15AM–8:30PM
街 : Saitama

Minamihoncho, Minami Ward, 〒336-0018 Saitama,Japan
梅田幸司(フライングダックマン) on Google

Newly opened on the 3rd floor of Maruhiro Department Store (2017/04/22). It is a gymnastics class for children. Is this genre popular? ?
miyavi tada on Google

I find it attractive to be able to teach the importance of discipline and communication as well as improving physical strength and skills through gymnastics.
なかま on Google

欠席時は振替できるシステムと謳っていますが、常に定員いっぱいでレッスンしている為か他の日の空きがなく、子どもの行事等で結構な回数振替できず月謝を捨てています。 目安箱というメールで意見要望等を送れる窓口もありますが、定型の言い訳メールが送られてくるだけでサービス向上、改善する気は全くないようです。 レッスン中あごマスクの講師がいる、コロナ渦で感染者が増えている時期もスキーツアーや夏休みキャンプ?を実施し、SNSにツアー参加者(子ども達)の入浴写真を載せる等不信感も募り退会を決めました。
It is said that it is a system that allows you to transfer money when you are absent, but probably because the lessons are always full, there is no room on other days, and you cannot transfer money a good number of times due to children's events, etc. There is also a window where you can send opinions and requests by e-mail called a guide box, but it seems that there is no intention to improve or improve the service just by sending a standard excuse e-mail. Ski tours and summer camps when the number of infected people is increasing due to the corona whirlpool, where there is a chin mask instructor during the lesson? We decided to withdraw from the membership due to distrust, such as posting bathing photos of tour participants (children) on SNS.
赤坂ななえ on Google

先生の当たり外れが大きい 当たりなら★5 ハズレなら★1 言うことを聞く子供だけが好きで、発達か遅い子、運動な苦手な子を理解できない、存在することを理解できない先生がいる もうすこし自動発達学や心理学を学ばないと、まがりなりにも教育者の立場なので、運動神経が良いだけでは指導者としては不適格ではないかと思う
The teacher's hits and misses are big If you win ★ 5 If lost ★ 1 There are teachers who only like children who listen to what they say, who are slow-developing or slow, who are not good at exercising, and who cannot understand their existence. If I don't study automatic developmental science and psychology a little more, I'm in the position of an educator, so I think that just having good motor nerves is not suitable as an instructor.
なかじまようこ on Google

The teachers give advice and voices to each child! There are many refreshing, cheerful and energetic teachers, and my daughter is encouraged by the teachers and I still want to do my best! increase!
M T on Google

子どもはとても楽しく通っております。できる事を増やしてやる気を底上げして頂いている感じが有難く思ってます。 先生が次々と変わってしまうところは残念でしっかり指導し見守り 育てて頂ければ個々にもっと力がつくのではと思ってます。
Children have a lot of fun going there. I am grateful for the feeling that you have increased your motivation by increasing what you can do. It is a pity that the teachers change one after another, and I think that if you can give them proper guidance, watch over them, and nurture them, you will be able to gain more strength individually.
工藤桃子 on Google

It was my first lesson and I and my child were worried, but Takashi-sensei and Yui-sensei taught me kindly and politely, so I enjoyed going there! !! Not only gymnastics, but also greetings and attitudes and postures when waiting for a turn are strictly taught, so I think that it is a classroom where you can grow.
田中直樹 on Google

JR京浜東北線『南浦和駅』西口から徒歩3分程。 丸広百貨店内にある幼児向け体操教室。 4歳の息子の初めての習い事にこちらを選びました。 初めはなかなか母子父子分離ができなかったのですが、 出来る事が増えていくにつれて自信がつき、1人でも積極的に参加出来るようになりました。 自宅でも習った事を教えてくれたり、もっとやりたい!と鉄棒セットをおねだりされたり…と、精神面での成長も感じられるのが親としてもとても嬉しいです。 息子も毎週のネイスの時間がとても楽しみにしており、入会して良かったです。 1回の授業の流れは 準備体操 ↓ ■トランポリンでの走る・跳ぶ ■マットor跳び箱 ■鉄棒&ボルダリング それぞれにサーキットをやる流れです。 1回およそ約50分/1900円ほど。 残念なところとしては、 先生の異動が多いところです。 致し方ない部分もあると思いますが、子どもが大好きになった先生がいなくなってしまうのは寂しいものです。 それ以外はとても満足しています!
About a 3-minute walk from the west exit of "Minami Urawa Station" on the JR Keihin Tohoku Line. Gymnastics class for young children in Maruhiro Department Store. I chose this for my 4-year-old son's first lesson. At first, it was difficult to separate the mother and child, but As I was able to do more things, I became more confident and became able to actively participate even by myself. Tell me what you learned at home and want to do more! As a parent, I am very happy that I can feel my mental growth, such as being asked for a horizontal bar set. My son is also looking forward to the weekly Nace time, and I'm glad I joined. The flow of one lesson is Preparatory gymnastics ↓ ■ Running / jumping on a trampoline ■ Mat or vaulting box ■ Horizontal bar & bouldering It is a flow to do a circuit for each. About 50 minutes / 1900 yen each time. Unfortunately, There are many changes of teachers. I think there are some things I can't help but it's lonely that the teacher who loves children disappears. Other than that, I'm very happy!

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