Minamien Temple - Kasumigaura

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Minamien Temple

住所 :

4476 Kamo, Kasumigaura, Ibaraki 300-0135, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 300-0135

4476 Kamo, Kasumigaura, Ibaraki 300-0135, Japan
バーサーカーに縁のある若者 on Google

Mitsutoshi Umeda on Google

Beautifully landscaped garden
のっぽのテリー on Google

I got a red seal. It is a temple with many highlights.
気ままなrider on Google

The atmosphere was very calm, and there were many stone statues in the precincts.
サンシャインさとし on Google

I came to Nanenji Temple in Kasugaura City. Turning the mani wheel once seems to have the same effect as singing the sutra once, so I turned it around twice. Since then, the priest was absent, so I received a red stamp.
ハナソラ on Google

I visited you in November 2018. I received the red stamp of Hyakugaji Temple, a temple of Togoku flowers. The large Buddha in the precincts is eye-catching. The guidebook is written so that you can enjoy the flowers of each season.
Roger Tupicanskas on Google

Um belo templo budista na região de Kasumigaura. O templo é muito bonito com várias coisas interessantes para se ver, existe várias estátuas e imagens esculpidas em pedra que são muito bem feitas e detalhadas... O templo é um local muito agradável para passear e fotografar, principalmente agora com as cores do outono nas folhagens das árvores...???
A beautiful Buddhist temple in the Kasumigaura region. The temple is very beautiful with lots of interesting things to see, there are several statues and images carved in stone that are very well done and detailed... The temple is a very nice place to walk and photograph, especially now with the autumn colors in the foliage of the trees...???
弘法真魚 on Google

五智山 光明院 南円寺。 加茂にご在所の真言宗・豊山派の寺さん。1394年、祐尊大和尚による開山。 複数の末寺をまとめるお寺さんであったとのことです。 ご本尊は大日さま。 通りから門まで結構長く、門をくぐるとお釈迦さまの一生を描く石碑が迎えてくれます。 境内はほんとうにきれいにされていて、寺族のみなさまの愛情が感じられます。 ご本尊などの仏さまは見れませんが、外回りにある石仏さまたち、古いが彫りが丁寧なほとけさま方が魅力的。 よくぞ廃仏毀釈に遭わなかった! 近くの忠魂碑、下大津小学校あと、などワンセットですね。 ゆっくり周囲を歩くには、結構時間が必要です。
Gochiyama Komeiin Temple, Minamien Temple. A temple of the Shingon sect and Toyoyama school located in Kamo. Opened in 1394 by Osho Yuson. It is said that it was a temple that put together multiple Sueji temples. The principal image is Dainichi. It is quite long from the street to the gate, and when you pass through the gate, you will be greeted by a stone monument depicting the life of Shaka. The precincts are really clean and you can feel the love of the temples. You can't see the Buddhas such as the principal image, but the stone Buddhas around the outside and the old but carefully carved Hotoke-sama are attractive. I often didn't encounter Haibutsu Kishaku! It's a set such as the nearby loyalty monument, Shimo-Otsu Elementary School, and so on. It takes a lot of time to walk around slowly.

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