太陽書店厚木店 - Atsugi

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 太陽書店厚木店

住所 :

Minamicho, Atsugi, 〒243-0015 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 243-0015
街 : Kanagawa

Minamicho, Atsugi, 〒243-0015 Kanagawa,Japan
athrun on Google

普通の本屋ではないです、本はほとんど売ってなくDVDなのでご注意を。 新品の品揃えはイイけど、中古などの品揃えは無く最悪です。 お店の雰囲気も良くないですね、入りにくいし店員は裏で大声で喋ってるだけで綺麗な店ではない。
It ’s not an ordinary bookstore, but books are almost sold and DVDs. The new assortment is good, but there is no assortment of used items and it is the worst. The atmosphere of the store is not good, it is hard to enter, and the store clerk is screaming loudly in the back and it is not a beautiful store.
Tsuyoshi Hanaue on Google

It was easy to enter and the staff was very friendly ☺️
山田太郎 on Google

1階のアダルトコーナーのアダルトグッズは古い物も定価のまま、値段が高過ぎる。 2階はスロットは全然当たらないしパチンコは玉を打たずにやるタイプで面白くない。 2階は臭い。
Adult goods in the adult corner on the 1st floor are too expensive, even if they are old items. On the 2nd floor, slots are not hit at all, and pachinko is a type that you do without hitting balls, which is not interesting. The 2nd floor is smelly.
入澤宏彰 on Google

暇つぶしに最適! ゲームとしてパチンコ・スロットが楽しめる! だけど 客の質はあまり良くない。
Ideal for killing time! Enjoy pachinko slots as a game! However The quality of the customers is not very good.
ほうおういんきょうま on Google

Adult goods and adult DVDs are substantial, but the atmosphere in the store is the worst. Anyway, the clerk has a bad attitude and a big attitude. He speaks in a loud voice and often hears stupid laughter. After all, the customer service attitude is bad at the level of a clerk working at an adult store
渡辺修 on Google

There are a wide variety of DVDs in various genres.
プロブレムチャイルドうわさの問題児 on Google

一階入り口近辺に一部一般DVD・中古VHS・古本コーナーがありました。VHSしかない昔なつかしの洋画があったのでゲット! あとは18禁コーナーです。 まぁ普通にアダルトショップです。 二階はスロット・ゲーム・ビリヤード・ダーツコーナーでした。 ただ奥の方に行ってみたら立ち読みOKの漫画本が大量にありますが、ホコリかぶってますし薄暗くてとても立ち読みしたいとは思わないです。 漫画コーナーはもうちょい清潔にしてほしいかな。
There was a general DVD, used VHS, and used book corner near the entrance on the first floor. There was an old-fashioned Western movie with only VHS, so get it! The rest is the 18-ban corner. Well, it's usually an adult shop. The second floor was a slot game billiards darts corner. However, when I go to the back, there are a lot of comic books that can be browsed, but they are covered with dust and it is dim and I do not want to browse them very much. I want the manga corner to be clean.
九条詩音 on Google

SODクリエイトの『マジックミラー号』シリーズの「未亡人」バージョンを再購入しようと思い、自宅(綾瀬市)から自転車で向かいました。 他にも興味深いジャンルが有ったので、また利用したいと思います❗️
I decided to repurchase the "widow" version of SOD Create's "Magic Mirror" series, so I went by bicycle from my home (Ayase City). There were other interesting genres, so I would like to use them again ❗️

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