Minami Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Oyama

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Minami Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

3 Chome-16-5 Nishijonan, Oyama, Tochigi 323-0820, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Postal code : 323-0820
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM

3 Chome-16-5 Nishijonan, Oyama, Tochigi 323-0820, Japan
クロンちゃん on Google

院長先生はよくお話を聞いてくださり説明も丁寧にしていただけます。 理学療法士の方によるリハビリも丁寧で的確なアドバイスと施術をしていただけました。 思ったより早く回復出来て、日常生活に支障がなくなり大変感謝しています。
The director will listen to you and give you a polite explanation. The rehabilitation by the physiotherapist also provided polite and accurate advice and treatment. I am very grateful that I was able to recover faster than I expected and that it did not interfere with my daily life.
たけしボブスター on Google

Not only the teacher, but also the staff at the counter and the nurses are all very kind and nice hospitals. The teacher will listen to you even if you have a small anxiety, so you can have a medical examination with confidence.
あやち on Google

受付の方も看護師さんも先生もとても親切な方々で、4歳の娘も安心してかかることができました。 先生の説明もわかりやすく、実際骨には異常がなくて皮膚の問題だったにもかかわらずしっかりと最後まで診てくださいました。 また受付の方々は今までわたしがお世話になった病院の中で1番親切で思いやりと気遣いのある対応をしてくださる方々でした。 不安でいっぱいだった娘にも優しく話しかけてくださり、感謝しています。 また、呼び出しベルがあり車の中で待つこともできるので小さなお子さんを連れて受診する際にとても助かると思います。
The receptionist, nurses and teachers were very kind, and my 4-year-old daughter was able to take it with confidence. The teacher's explanation was easy to understand, and even though there was no abnormality in the bones and it was a skin problem, he thoroughly examined it to the end. Also, the receptionists were the most kind, considerate and caring people in the hospitals I have taken care of. I am grateful to my daughter, who was full of anxiety, for kindly speaking to me. In addition, there is a call bell and you can wait in the car, which will be very helpful when you bring a small child to the clinic.
*りりまま on Google

子供の股関節脱臼検診でお世話になりました。 大切な子供の事なのでリサーチし口コミが悪くなかったので、ここに決めましたが後悔しています。 コロナ禍で不安だった為、月齢で決まっていて必ず受診しなければならない事(予防接種や1ヶ月検診、3〜4ヶ月検診など) 以外は極力お外にも出さず 股関節に異常がないかは、いつも予防接種でお世話になっている先生や、市での検診時によく診ていただき大人も子供もたくさん人が密になる事を避けたくて理由があり"股関節脱臼検診"を先送りにしていたのに、 先生から出た言葉は「何で今更来たの?」でした。 子供は親が守るしかないので夫婦で考えて考えて、 出した答えをそんなふうに言われとてもショックでした。まるで何も考えずめんどくさいから来なかったんでしょ?って言われてるような気持ちになりました。 脱臼になりやすいと聞いていたので、抱っこ紐も使わずコアラ抱きなどをして首が座ってからもずっと気をつけていたので何も異常はありませんでした。 なので通常3ヶ月あたりで行く検診なのですが、コロナがもう少し落ち着くまでと待っていたら6ヶ月になり感染者数も減少してきたので意を決した結果がこんな診察では大変残念な結果でした。 子供の股関節を触診しながら、コロナが怖かったので‥と言うと「へぇ〜」と笑いながら。 相手の考えている事は私たちにも深くは理解できませんから、先生もこちらの考えが理解出来なくとも仕方ないと思います。 しかし、敬語が使えないのはどうかと思います。 私たち夫婦が20代だから舐めているのでしょうか?先生とはそんなに偉いのですか? 商売であれ、診察する患者(お客様)が減らないからとあまりに横柄ではありませんか? 子供は他の医院の先生方の前では注射されても泣きませんが、こちらの先生には初めから泣いており優しく声かけすることも一切無く、子供の体型についてもしつこく大きいと言われ 敬語が使えないのも、失礼なのも大人がすることでは無いと思います。二度と行きませんが、他の方の為にも改善すべきです。
I was taken care of by the hip dislocation examination of my child. I researched it because it was an important child, and the word of mouth was not bad, so I decided here, but I regret it. Because I was worried about the corona, I had to go to the clinic because of my age (vaccination, 1-month checkup, 3-4 month checkup, etc.) Other than that, do not go outside as much as possible There is a reason to check if there is any abnormality in the hip joint with the teacher who is always taken care of by vaccination, and because I want to avoid getting crowded with many adults and children at the time of the examination in the city. "Hip dislocation" Even though I had postponed the "examination" The word from the teacher was "Why are you coming back now?" Parents have no choice but to protect children, so think about it as a couple and think about it. I was very shocked to hear the answer I gave. You didn't come because it was so annoying that you didn't think about anything, right? I felt like I was being told. I heard that it is easy to dislocate, so I was careful even after I sat down with a koala hugging without using a hugging strap, so there was nothing wrong with it. Therefore, I usually go to the examination every 3 months, but if I waited until the corona settled down a little more, it would be 6 months and the number of infected people had decreased, so the result of my decision was very disappointing. While palpating the hip joint of the child, I was afraid of Corona, so when I said, "Hey!" We cannot understand what the other person is thinking, so I think it is unavoidable for the teacher to not understand this idea. However, I wonder if honorifics cannot be used. Are we licking because we are in our 20s? Is the teacher so great? Isn't it too arrogant because the number of patients (customers) to be examined does not decrease, even if it is a business? The child does not cry even if injected in front of the teachers of other clinics, but this teacher is crying from the beginning and does not speak gently at all, and it is said that the child's body shape is persistently large. I don't think adults can use honorifics or be rude. I won't go there again, but I should improve it for others.
ありすけ on Google

子どもの股関節脱臼の健診でお世話になりました。 電話すると予約は不要ですとのことで、丁寧に対応していただきました。よくある問い合わせに適当な対応をする受付も多い中、丁寧な感じがとても印象よかったです! 中は人気があるのか混んでいましたが、割と早めに呼んでいただけました。先生はぶっきらぼうな感じですが、説明は分かりやすくこれまた丁寧に教えていただけたので安心できました。 別件で夫もこちらにかかったのですが、親身になって診察貰えたようで満足しておりました。 とてもおすすめできる整形外科だと思います!
Thank you for your child's hip dislocation medical examination. When I called, I heard that no reservation was required, so I kindly responded. While there are many receptionists who respond appropriately to frequently asked inquiries, the polite feeling was very impressive! It was crowded because it was popular, but they called me early. The teacher seems blunt, but I was relieved that the explanation was easy to understand and he taught me carefully. My husband also went to this place for another matter, but I was satisfied that he was kind enough to receive a medical examination. I think it's a highly recommended orthopedic surgery!
テンエイブイシー on Google

The teacher's response is gentle and he is a kind teacher who listens to me well. Because of that, there are many patients and they have to wait a long time, but the receptionist is also friendly, so you can have a medical examination with confidence.
&レオマイケル on Google

関節の痛みが出た為電話せずの初診で伺いました。クチコミを見ていたので長時間の待ち時間を予想しましたが病院に居た時間はトータル1時間程でした。 (待ち→診察→レントゲン2枚→診断等→会計) ご高齢の患者さんが殆どでスタッフ相手に話し込む方も多々いらっしゃいましたし、野菜を差し入れに来たおじいちゃんが居たりアットホームな空気でした。 診察も関節の可動域の確認やレントゲン後の説明も分かりやすく丁寧だったと思います。威圧感は無くて物静かな雰囲気の先生でした。(例えるなら将棋の豊島竜王みたいな雰囲気) 今後も何かあればこちらに伺いたいと思います。
I had a pain in my joints, so I visited him for the first time without calling. Since I was watching the word-of-mouth communication, I expected a long waiting time, but the total time I was in the hospital was about 1 hour. (Waiting → Examination → 2 X-rays → Diagnosis → Accounting) Most of the elderly patients talked to the staff, and there was a grandfather who came to insert vegetables, and it was a cozy atmosphere. I think that the examination, confirmation of the range of motion of the joints, and explanation after the X-ray were easy to understand and polite. He was a teacher with a quiet atmosphere without any intimidation. (For example, the atmosphere of Shogi Masayuki Toyoshima) I would like to ask you if there is anything in the future.
mmm yyy on Google

Everyone is really kind! The receptionist, X-ray staff, rehabilitation staff, everyone is really kind and cares for each. The teacher is a friendly person and clearly tells me, and I am grateful that such a teacher is easier.

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