Minakamicho Fujiasama Shrine - Tone District

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Contact Minakamicho Fujiasama Shrine

住所 :

冨士浅間神社 533 Tanigawa, Minakami, Tone District, Gunma 379-1619, Japan

Postal code : 379-1619

冨士浅間神社 533 Tanigawa, Minakami, Tone District, Gunma 379-1619, Japan
山本耕一郎 on Google

tunagu Hito on Google

植村信一 on Google

It seems to rise from 400 years ago.
いるかしろ on Google

みなかみ町の温泉郷に祀られた浅間神社中宮。真田氏が沼田城主の17世紀に奉納されたと観光案内で伺いました。谷川岳山頂のオキノ耳に奥の院が在ると伺いましたが、天候が悪く、今回は中宮だけ御参させて頂きました。鳥居は一の鳥居から三の鳥居まで有り、杉の巨木に護られ、彫り物が美しい社です。規模は大きくは有りませんが、朱色が映える綺麗な社です。御神祭は『木花之佐久夜毘売(コノハナノサクヤヒメ)』です。宮司様は常駐していませんが、御朱印を置いて下さっているので賜る事が出来ました。厳格な雰囲気に包まれた美しい社、近場に行かれた際は御参りすることをオススメします。 ※参拝をさせて頂いたのは、2018年5月。当時も投稿しましたが、いたずらをされた様子でいつの間にか、廃業にした輩がいたみたいです。なので、二回目の投稿です☝️
Asama Shrine Nakgyu shrine enshrined in the hot spring resort of Minakami-cho. Mr. Sanada asked for tourism guidance that Numada Castel Owner dedicated in the 17th century. I heard that there is Okunoin at Okino Ear of Tanigawa Dake, but the weather was bad, only Nakamiya was allowed to participate this time. The torii is from one torii to the third torii, protected by the cedar trees, and the carvings are beautiful. Although the scale is not large, it is a beautiful company that vermillion shines. The God Festival is "Takanobu Saku Night Voyage (Konohanosakuya Hime)". Mr. Miyashi is not resident, but I was able to give thanks for putting a red seal. A beautiful company wrapped in a strict atmosphere, we recommend you to visit when you go to the nearby place. ※ I was allowed to worship in May 2018. Although I also posted at the time, it seems that there were some fellows who made them out of business unexpectedly as they were being mischiefed. So, it is the second post ☝️
田中小荷 on Google

御祭神 木花之佐久夜毘売 水上町指定重要文化財「冨士浅間神社中宮」 冨士浅間神社は古くから谷川岳にまつわる山岳信仰の中心的な役割を果してきました。 社殿は現在までに数回にわたり改築が施されてきましたが、所蔵されている棟札は寛文三年(1663)と万治元年(1658)の二つがあり、そのいずれかの年代に当時の領主である沼田城主真田氏によって造営されたものと考えられます。現在は木造覆屋の中にあり、社殿全体の形式は三間社流造で、正面中央一ヶ所に扉口が設けられています。社殿の規模様式は江戸前期における地方の神社としてはかなり立派なものでした。 奥の院は谷川岳山頂にあり、御神体である懸け仏(「鏡」水上町指定重要文化財)が祀られていましたが、現在は水上町歴史民俗資料館に展示されています。 毎年四月には春祭りが開催され、向かいの舞殿において太々神楽が奉納されます。 (境内案内板より) 神社境内から南側に150mほど下った保登野沢沿いの道路に面して、石垣と擁壁の切れ目から上に登る石段と鳥居、社号標があり、神社に続く石段の参道となっていますが、車で境内直下まで行けるので見逃してしまいがちです。 境内には若山牧水の歌碑があります。 「わがゆくは山の窪なるひとつ路冬日光りて氷りたる路」 みなかみ町指定天然記念物「冨士浅間神社のムレスギ」 神社境内から右手に抜けるように遊歩道が続いていて、そこにムレスギがあります。 全国的にも数が少ない貴重な樹種で、水上町のように三本もあるのは他に例がなく、そのうち二本はこの谷川温泉にあります。 冨士浅間神社にあるのは谷川ムレスギ一号です。 (現地案内板より) 谷川冨士浅間神社の奥宮は、谷川岳山頂付近にあります。 谷川岳稜線の登山道の、谷川岳山頂とされている「トマの耳」の奥の「オキの耳」の近くに岩にはめ込まれた祠があります。それが奥宮で、この奥宮には古くは古鏡八面が祀られていて、その内の二面がみなかみ町歴史資料館に保存されています。鏡は約30cmの大きさで懸仏になっており「冨士浅間大菩薩」「永禄八年乙丑六月一日」の文字が刻まれています。 永禄八年というと西暦1565年で、大変古い時代からこの辺りに富士浅間信仰が根付いていたことが分かります。尚、天候に恵まれれば谷川岳山頂からは遠くに富士山を望むことが出来ます。 (サイト「群馬県の富士塚と浅間神社」より)
Festival God Kana no Sakuya Sale Minakami Town Designated Important Cultural Property "Fuji Asama Shrine Nakamiya" Fuji Asama Shrine has long played a central role in mountain worship related to Mt. Tanigawa. The shrine has been renovated several times so far, but there are two buildings, the Kanbun 3rd year (1663) and the Manji 1st year (1658). It is thought that it was built by Mr. Sanada, the owner of Numata Castle. It is currently in a wooden cloakroom, and the entire shrine is a three-span shrine, with a door in the center of the front. The size of the shrine was quite impressive as a local shrine in the first half of Edo. Okunoin is located on the top of Mt. Tanigawa, where the sacred Buddha (“Mirror” Mizukami Town Designated Important Cultural Property) was enshrined, but it is now on display at the Minakami Town History and Folklore Museum. Spring festivals are held in April every year, and a gorgeous Kagura is dedicated at the opposition hall. (From the precinct information board) Facing the road along Hoto Nozawa about 150m south from the shrine precincts, there are stone steps and torii climbing up from the breaks of the stone walls and retaining walls, the company name sign, and the stone steps leading to the shrine However, it's easy to miss it because you can go directly to the precincts by car. There is a monument to Wakayama Makimizu in the precincts. “My road is a mountain path that shines in winter and shines in winter.” Minakami Town Designated Natural Monument “Murashigi at Fuji Asama Shrine” The promenade continues from the shrine grounds to the right, and there is Muresugi. There are no other rare tree species nationwide, and there are three such as Mizukami Town, two of which are in this Tanigawa Onsen. Located at Fuji Asama Shrine is Tanigawa Muresgi No.1. (From the local information board) The Okumiya of the Tanigawa Eiji Asama Shrine is near the top of Mt. On the mountain trail of the Tanigawadake ridgeline, there is a coral embedded in a rock near the “Oki no Oi” in the back of “Toma's ear” which is considered to be the summit of Mt. Tanigawa. It is Okumiya, and the old shrine is enshrined in the old shrine, and two of them are preserved in the Minakami Town History Museum. The mirror is approximately 30cm in size and is a hanging Buddha. The characters are engraved with the words “Fuji Asama Daigo” and “Eternal Eight Years of Ototoro June 1”. Eight years of eternal life can be seen in 1565 AD, when Fuji Asama faith has been rooted in this area since the very old days. If you are blessed with the weather, you can see Mt. Fuji far from Mt. Tanigawa. (From the site "Fujizuka and Asama Shrine in Gunma Prefecture")
ヤングコーン on Google

You can climb the stairs a little, but you can see the emotional shrine.
群馬のまぁたん on Google

I worshiped at the red stamp. After climbing the stairs and passing through the trees, you will arrive at the small but bright vermilion hall of worship. The Chozuya was beautifully decorated with flowers. When I visited, the inside of the hall of worship was being constructed and remodeled by a contractor. There was a small palace on the right side of the money box, and the red stamps were written in the envelope one by one. I didn't know the initial charge, so I paid the ¥ 300 that the previous person had paid.

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