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東大阪市の整骨院・整体 たなごころ鍼灸整骨院 | 骨盤矯正 産後骨盤矯正 交通事故施術ならお任せ! - Tana5koro.com


Contact たなごころ鍼灸整骨院

住所 :

Mikuriyaminami, Higashiosaka, 〒577-0034 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878998
Webサイト : https://tana5koro.com/
街 : Osaka

Mikuriyaminami, Higashiosaka, 〒577-0034 Osaka,Japan
tnまい on Google

I am indebted to the postpartum manipulative treatment. I am grateful that I can feel that my body is changing in a good way. The teachers and receptionists are very kind, so I feel very comfortable. Thank you again
佐々木真奈美 on Google

1年前に体のゆがみが気になって行ってみたところ、詳しく原因を教えてくれました。体のゆがみを治すようになって体の不調が無くなってきました!もう歪みのある体は嫌なので、今はメンテナンスで通院しています。スタッフの皆様は他愛もない話でいつも心も癒してくれます! これからもよろしくお願いします!
A year ago, I was worried about my body distortion, and when I went there, he told me the cause in detail. I've been able to heal my body distortions and my physical condition has disappeared! I don't like a distorted body anymore, so I'm going to the hospital for maintenance now. The staff will always heal your heart with a story of no love! I look forward to working with you!
shigepee on Google

You can find it in epark, explain it concretely, and treat it with kindness, but it is difficult to understand the fee system, so we recommend a coupon plan.
岡川由紀 on Google

I had a bad headache from my stiff shoulder and went to the hospital. I feel that my headache has improved a lot as I go through it. The inside of the hospital is also very clean and bright. I am currently in the hospital for post-natal pelvic correction, but during the procedure I will be able to take care of my baby and I will be able to attend with peace of mind. That's why I recommend mom after childbirth ?
ゆうみ on Google

産後の骨盤のひらきが気になったのと肩と首が辛かったので受診しました。 真剣に話を聞いてくださって、私の体にあったメニューを提案してくれました。 一度受けただけでもかなり楽になったので続けます!
I had a medical examination because I was worried about the opening of the pelvis after giving birth and my shoulders and neck were painful. He listened to me seriously and suggested a menu that suits my body. Even if I received it once, it became much easier, so I will continue!
tm tm on Google

歪みを治したくて通ってましたが 毎回施術してくれる先生がどうでもいい話(昨日飲みすぎた等)ばかり永遠と毎回してきて矯正についての話もなく挙げ句の果てに飲みすぎたからなのか初回とは違い明らか手抜き適当な施術ばかりでイライラがつのり回数券購入したことを本当に後悔しました。10回近く通いましたがもちろん全く効果も感じられませんでした。途中解約出来ないと思ってたのでイライラしながら通ってましたが 解約出来ることを知り即途中解約しました。 こっちは真剣に歪みを治したくて来てるのに全然向き合ってくれないし もっと早く解約すればよかった、時間とお金の本当に無駄でした。
I went there because I wanted to cure the distortion The teacher who gives me the treatment every time is just a story that doesn't matter (drinking too much yesterday, etc.) I've been doing it forever and there is no talk about correction. I really regret that I was frustrated and bought a coupon ticket. I went there nearly 10 times, but of course I didn't feel any effect. I thought I couldn't cancel the contract on the way, so I was frustrated when I went there. I knew that I could cancel the contract and canceled it immediately. I'm seriously wanting to heal the distortion, but I can't face it at all It was a real waste of time and money that I should have canceled earlier.
中野友梨 on Google

I go for pelvic correction after childbirth. I made a reservation because I knew that pelvic correction was good for returning to my postpartum body shape. He explained to me what my body is like now, and it was painless and comfortable. It was a dull feeling that my body was heavy all the time after giving birth, but I was able to feel that my body became lighter for the first time in a while. It's also really helpful to be able to take small children.
まくさん on Google

10代の頃から姿勢が悪いと周りに言われて、色々な整骨院や整体に行きましたがなかなか望む結果にならず、半ば諦めでたなごころ鍼灸整骨院さんに行きました。何ヶ月か続けているうちに、姿勢が良くなったと周りに言われるようになりました!肩こりや腰痛も酷かったのですが、姿勢と一緒に治って行ったので、本当にたなごころ鍼灸整骨院さんに来て良かったです! ありがとうございます! 整骨院の雰囲気や清潔感もありスタッフの方の説明も分かりやすかったので、初めての方や女性の方にオススメです!
Since I was a teenager, I was told by people around me that I had a bad posture, so I went to various osteopathic clinics and chiropractic clinics, but I couldn't get the results I wanted. After a few months of doing so, people started telling me that my posture had improved! My stiff shoulders and back pain were also severe, but I was able to recover with my posture, so I'm really glad I came to the Acupuncture and Moxibustion Osteopathic Institute! Thank you! The atmosphere and cleanliness of the osteopathic clinic made it easy for the staff to explain, so it is recommended for beginners and women!

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