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【山本自動車整備工場】大阪府河内長野市の自動車の整備・修理工場!|グーネットピット - Goo-net.com


Contact 山本自動車整備工場

住所 :

Mikkaichicho, Kawachinagano, 〒586-0048 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Webサイト : https://www.goo-net.com/pit/shop/0121270/top%3Fsite%3DGMB
街 : Osaka

Mikkaichicho, Kawachinagano, 〒586-0048 Osaka,Japan
j k on Google

The president is very kind, the work is good and cheap
ma Ryo on Google

I brought it in by jumping in. It is golf 6. I made an unreasonable request, saying, "Because it's an outside car, how far can you see it...", but he responded properly. Thank you for taking the time. It was helpful.
おおえまさゆき on Google

He is a privately run company, and although he has few words, he is serious and knows cars well. I think the current president is the third generation following Grandpa. You are close to the local area.
RSPC on Google

いつもトラックのメンテナンスや車検で利用させてもらってます 社長の技術力の高さや車の知識量がすごいです。 これからもよろしくお願いします。
I always use it for truck maintenance and vehicle inspections. The high level of technical skills of the president and the amount of knowledge about cars are amazing. I look forward to working with you.
Kazuma Mizoe on Google

外注の板金を依頼しましたが、終始とても丁寧な対応をしていただきまして感謝しております。 事故の破損箇所や保険適用の修理依頼が初めてなこともあり、わからない部分が多かったですが一つ一つ丁寧に教えていただき、安心して依頼することができました。 また自動車に関する事があれば相談させていただこうと思っております。
I requested outsourced sheet metal, but I am grateful for the very polite response from beginning to end. Since it was my first time to request repairs for the damaged part of the accident and insurance coverage, there were many things I didn't understand, but I was able to make a request with confidence because I was taught carefully one by one. Also, if you have any questions about automobiles, I would like to consult with you.
看板工房どい on Google

車検やオイル交換すべての車をみてもらっていますが、とにかくここの社長はマニアック!色んな事を丁寧に教えてくれます!無駄な押し売りもなし!整備も一流!車だけと言わず、エンジン、モーターのついている機械ものなら何でも直しそう! 痒い所に手が届く良く気の付く自動車整備工場です
I have seen all the cars for vehicle inspection and oil change, but anyway, the president here is a maniac! It will teach you various things carefully! There is no useless push sale! Maintenance is also top notch! Not just cars, but any machine with an engine or motor will be fixed! It is an automobile maintenance shop where you can easily reach the itch.

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