Miki Shiritsu Jiyugaoka Junior High School - Miki

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Miki Shiritsu Jiyugaoka Junior High School

住所 :

Yoshida-1241-37 Shijimicho, Miki, Hyogo 673-0501, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Postal code : 673-0501
Webサイト : http://www.miki.ed.jp/jh/jiyu/

Yoshida-1241-37 Shijimicho, Miki, Hyogo 673-0501, Japan
meister drive on Google

ちちまりお on Google

せりつむ on Google

a b on Google

Nestor Meridionalis
東一晃 on Google

It feels good
31 Japan#3.1 on Google

かしまかしま on Google

近所の人は多々感じてる事だと思いますが生徒さんが通学中に横並びに3~4人で歩いてるのが良く目にします。 いくら歩行者優先とはいえ車道真ん中位まで出てきています。 なかにはふざけて押してる?友達から逃げてる?みたいな感じで急に車道に飛び出して来た事もありました。 こんな時に轢いてしまっても車側、運転手の過失なんですよね。 交通事故で怪我人、死人が出てからでは遅すぎます。 学校では十分な交通指導がなされてないのかな。 このような事は新学期からは無くなる事を願います。
I think that many neighbors feel it, but I often see students walking side by side with 3 or 4 people while commuting to school. No matter how much pedestrians are prioritized, it has come out to the middle of the road. Are you playing around with some of them? Are you running away from your friends? I also suddenly jumped out onto the road with a feeling like that. Even if you run over at such a time, it is a mistake of the car side and the driver. It's too late to be injured or killed in a traffic accident. I wonder if there is not enough traffic guidance at school. I hope that this kind of thing will disappear from the new semester.
カトウヒロミ on Google

1994年3月卒業生です。中学から、冷水機があるのと、当時、男子バスケ部の顧問の先生と剣道部の顧問の先生の激昂ぶりにより、その後大損害(さみしい想い20年越えました。冷水器と冷静の冷から、さみしいのと落ちぶれの意味日本語から消えなければ)です。それと、かなりの数の人を怒らしちゃう結果になりました、なぜなら、その二人の教員を見てどちらもハゲかかってたので、当時野球部の部員の子が「怒ると敗けやでー」と、野球部全員に聞こえる様に言い、素直さ傷ついてなかった僕は24歳頃まで、その言葉そのまま高校卒業後、あちこちでそのまま言い、怒らしてきてたからです。 1993年からの怒ると負け戦い、両者疲弊により、和平交渉成る2021年12月04日11:19。 小学校の同窓生ながら、小学校の時の教育、人に優しくっての、むっつりが嫌か何かの同級生により傷付きました。
I am a graduate of March 1994. From junior high school, there was a water cooler, and at that time, the boys' basketball club adviser teacher and the kendo club adviser teacher were in a rage. , The meaning of loneliness and downfall must disappear from Japanese). Also, it resulted in angering quite a few people, because when I saw the two teachers, both of them were bald, so at that time the child of the baseball club member said, "If you get angry, you lose." I told everyone in the baseball club that I wasn't hurt, and until I was about 24 years old, I used to say that word as it was after graduating from high school, and I was angry. From 1993, when he got angry, he lost and fought, and due to the exhaustion of both parties, peace negotiations took place on December 04, 2021 at 11:19. Although I was an alumni of an elementary school, I was hurt by my classmates who didn't like sullenness or something because of the education I had when I was in elementary school and being kind to people.

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