吉川温泉よかたん内 山田整体院 - Miki

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 吉川温泉よかたん内 山田整体院

住所 :

Miki, 〒673-1114 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 673-1114
Webサイト : http://www.yoka-seitai.com/
街 : Hyogo

Miki, 〒673-1114 Hyogo,Japan
吉川正史 on Google

西村洋介 on Google

We had you cure that we did not turn around because we fell asleep. It is a manipulative institution with certain arms.
芳原よっしー on Google

お隣の直売所に行ったついでに、20分施術してもらいました✨ 流石プロのマッサージで、リラックス&疲労回復出来ました?
While I went to the direct sales office next door, I had a treatment for 20 minutes ✨ I was able to relax and recover from fatigue with a professional massage ?
大仁正史 on Google

Compared to the 3,000 yen per hour shop that is common in the city, the experienced staff will loosen it firmly, so if you feel that soft body care is not enough, it is worth trying once.
矢野真 on Google

I go there every week from Himeji, but the manipulative here is the best. Too much massage and level is too different. Your body will also be easier.
小林聖子 on Google

My neck and hips are so painful that I can go through. All the staff were kind, and I think I went there 4 to 5 times, but my waist became much easier. Also, I would like to visit with the hot springs. Thank you very much.
一心 on Google

2020年9月23日の夕方に利用しました。 お試しで20分ほどお願いしましたが、24年間マッサージを受けて来てココまで酷い施術はありませんでした。20分は耐えられませんでしたので、早々に切り上げました。 人間は呼吸をしています。腰などの胴体を押す場合、その呼吸を妨げないようにしなくてはいけないのに、その呼吸を妨げるのです。苦しくて苦しくて、もうムリって感じになりました。残念です。 それから数分で切り上げたのに店長さんらしき方のフォローも一切なかったです。客は僕しか居ませんでした。合う合わないのレベルではありません。完全に素人です。 因みに僕も同業です。同業だからこそ酷い施術の場合、口コミは書かないのですが、今回は酷すぎたので書き込みさせて頂きました。☆2個付けたのは、他のスタッフさんへの配慮です。もっと勉強して下さい。 温泉は気に入りましたので、リベンジしたければ伺います。
I used it in the evening of September 23, 2020. I asked for about 20 minutes as a trial, but after receiving a massage for 24 years, there was no terrible treatment until here. I couldn't stand 20 minutes, so I rounded it up early. Humans are breathing. When you push the torso such as the waist, you have to make sure that you do not interfere with your breathing, but you do. It was painful and painful, and I felt stuffy. I'm sorry. After that, I rounded it up in a few minutes, but I didn't follow the store manager at all. I was the only customer. It's not a level that doesn't fit. I'm completely amateur. By the way, I am also in the same industry. In the case of a terrible treatment because it is in the same industry, I do not write a word of mouth, but this time it was too terrible so I wrote it. ☆ The two are attached in consideration of other staff. Please study more. I like the hot springs, so I'd like to ask if I want to revenge.
ミミママみか on Google

私は若い頃に交通事故で首を痛めて以来定期的に首肩がひどく凝り長距離のドライブで疲れもあった為利用させてもらいました。 その際上記の事は伝えて無かったですが、施術が始まって首に手を当てた時にすぐに気づいてもらえて 丁寧にしてもらえました。 脚のふくらはぎについても、ほぐしはもちろんの事 普段こうしたらいいよと優しく教えてもらいとても満足でした。 長距離ドライブに温泉と整体で疲れが取れてとても良かったです。 店長さんもものごし優しくて丁寧でとてもいい方でしたよ
Since I hurt my neck in a traffic accident when I was young, my neck and shoulders were terribly stiff and I was tired from driving a long distance, so I used it. At that time, I didn't tell you the above, but when the treatment started and I put my hand on my neck, it was immediately noticed. I was polite. As for the calves of the legs, let alone loosen I was very happy to be kindly told that I should do this normally. It was great to get rid of the tiredness of the long-distance drive with hot springs and manipulative treatment. The store manager was also very kind, polite and very nice.

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