Migoto - Shimohei District

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Migoto

住所 :

10-6 Kawamukaicho, Yamada, Shimohei District, Iwate 028-1342, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 028-1342
Webサイト : http://migoto-yamada.jimdo.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM

10-6 Kawamukaicho, Yamada, Shimohei District, Iwate 028-1342, Japan
堀合みほ on Google

出来上がるのは相変わらずゆっくりですが…笑 とてもおいしかったです。 とても丁寧に作られていると思います。店内喫煙可なので、禁煙にこだわる方は空気が辛いかもしれません。チョコパフェもうまいですよ( *´艸`)
It's finished slowly, but ... it was really delicious. I think it is made very carefully. Smoking is allowed in the store, so those who are particular about smoking may find the air difficult. Chocolate parfait is also good (* '艸 `)
太郎君 on Google

2018/11/23 山田町も湾が見えない新興住宅街の様相になりましたね。目に見えぬ地元の皆さんの復興努力に脱帽です。 山田の海産物を目当てに昼食散策。海鮮丼のフラッグに惹かれ三五十に入りました。 残念ですが海産関連食事は写真の海鮮丼とカキフライ定食だけだった様な。ま、いいか。迷わず依頼、山田の海の幸を堪能しました。
November 23, 2018 Yamada Town was also in a newly emerging residential area where the bay can not be seen. It is a hat to the invisible local people's reconstruction efforts. I took a lunch break for Yamada's marine products. I was attracted to the flag of the bowl of rice seafood and entered fifty. I am sorry, it seems that the seafood related meal was only the seafood rice bowl and the oysterfly set meal. Well, whatever. I did not hesitate to ask, I enjoyed the seafood of Yamada.
ひらおかとおる on Google

津波の後にプレハブで再開当時から来てますが、立派な店が立ちました。 5月までは牡蠣フライ、夏は帆立貝や海鮮丼等々、ここの海鮮固焼きソバがお気に入りです!
After the tsunami, prefabricated and came back from that time, but there was a great shop. I love oyster fried until May, scallops and seafood in summer, and so on.
星宏美 on Google

メニューの種類は豊富で何を選べば良いのか?お店の売りが分からなかった。 天気が良かったからかお客さんがいっぱいで牡蠣や帆立の品切れがありましたが、せっかく沿岸に来たので海鮮丼を注文!ネタの小ささと量の少なさにびっくりだったけど美味しく頂いてきました。 本命はうに丼だったのですが、道の駅でウニの瓶詰めの値段と変わらず、断念してきました。 お値段のわりには量が少なく高めに感じました。
There is a wide variety of menus, and what should I choose? I didn't know what the store was selling. There were a lot of customers because the weather was good, and there was a shortage of oysters and scallops, but since I came to the coast, I ordered a seafood bowl! It was My favorite was the sea urchin bowl, but at the Michi no Eki I gave up because it was the same price as the bottle of sea urchin. The price was small and the price felt high.
佐々木達也 on Google

ポークソテーセットをオーダーしたんだけど何故か?出てきたのがチキンソテーセット…見た目で気がつかず食べてからあれ?コレってチキンじゃね?と…オーダーしてから出てくるまでにかなり時間がかかるので仕方なし?クレームせず完食…料金はチキンソテーセットの値段だったんでなにも言わずに来たけど初来店だったのに何か超ガッカリって感じだよね(笑)? 再度来店でハンバーグセットライス大盛り1375円を食べたけど周囲の飲食店と比べ少々高めかな?(笑)
I ordered a pork saute set, why? What came out was a chicken saute set ... After eating it without noticing it? Isn't this chicken? And ... it takes a long time to come out after ordering, so it can't be helped ? Completed without complaint ... The price was the price of the chicken saute set, so I came without saying anything, but it was my first visit It feels like something super disappointing (laughs) ? I ate a large serving of hamburger set rice for 1375 yen when I visited the store again, but is it a little expensive compared to the surrounding restaurants? (Lol)
hi K. on Google

美味しかったです。旅行客の海鮮食べたい…とか、地元の人達の日常の食堂的な役割を全て担ってる感じです。 店員さんの対応も良かったです(^.^) 店前の駐車場が少ないですが、1分くらい歩けば何とかなると思います。 海鮮丼も美味しかったのですが、カツカレーもなかなか(^.^)? ペイペイ使えます。
It was delicious. I feel like I want to eat seafood for tourists, and I feel like I play all the roles of the locals as a daily dining room. The correspondence of the clerk was also good (^. ^) There aren't many parking lots in front of the store, but I think it will be possible if you walk for about a minute. The seafood bowl was delicious, but the cutlet curry was also quite (^. ^) ? You can use pay pay.
小夏 on Google

美味しい♡リピーターになりそう♡ 星4つは、少し、料金が高めだから。 だけど、運営上、合理的な価格設定だと思います。 オーダーは、価格と相談して【あんかけラーメン】【コーラフロート】【ショコラウィンナー珈琲】をチョイス。 もっと色々、他にも注文してみたいと思いました。
Delicious ♡ It seems to be a repeater ♡ Four stars are a little expensive. However, I think it is a reasonable price setting in terms of operation. To order, consult with the price and choose [Ankake Ramen], [Cola Float], and [Chocolat Wiener Coffee]. I wanted to order more and more.
Ken Komiya on Google

Really nice place! New, clean. Food was delicious ?.

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