
5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ライフスタジオ水戸店

住所 :

Migawa, Mito, 〒310-0912 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.lifestudio.jp/studio/mito
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–5PM
Sunday 9:30AM–5PM
Monday 9:30AM–5PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–5PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 9:30AM–5PM
街 : Ibaraki

Migawa, Mito, 〒310-0912 Ibaraki,Japan
kaori saitoh on Google

子供の1歳の記念に撮影をして頂きました。 スタジオのセットも無料の貸衣装も、ナチュラルな雰囲気でとても可愛いです!貸衣装は種類も豊富で楽しく選ばせていただきました。 何より、子供の場所見知り・人見知りが強く、初めての場所での撮影は不安でしたが、スタッフの方々がとても明るく優しく、おもちゃや本など色々なものを使って笑顔を引き出してくださいました! 出来上がった写真もとても素敵で、こちらにお願いして本当に良かったと、家族で喜んでいます。
I had you take a picture in commemoration of the child's 1 year old. Both the studio set and the free costume rental are very cute with a natural atmosphere! There are many types of costumes to rent, and I enjoyed choosing them. Above all, the children were very shy and shy, and I was worried about shooting at the first place, but the staff were very cheerful and kind, and they used various things such as toys and books to bring out their smiles! The finished photo is also very nice, and I am happy with my family that it was really good to ask here.
m KATO on Google

1歳のバースデーフォトを撮っていただきました。 初めてのスタジオ撮影でしたが、スタッフの方々が場を和ませてくださったり、子どもに合わせながらうまく笑顔を引き出してくださったりと、とても楽しく撮影ができました。 最初は緊張していた子どもも次第に笑顔が増えて、とてもいい写真を撮っていただきました。 スタジオもナチュラルな雰囲気で、撮りたいイメージにぴったりでした。 ありがとうございました。また利用したいです。
I had you take a birthday photo of 1 year old. It was my first time to shoot in the studio, but the staff helped me to relax and bring out a smile while matching the children, so I enjoyed shooting very much. The child, who was nervous at first, gradually smiled and took very good pictures. The studio also had a natural atmosphere, which was perfect for the image I wanted to take. Thank you very much. I still want to use it.
Saori Ikenaga on Google

息子の5歳の七五三の撮影で初めてお邪魔しました。 自然な会話や笑いで子どもの心を開いてくれ、撮影自体がとても楽しかったようです。それが写真の1枚1枚に表れていました。 1歳の息子もいたのですが、二人揃って2時間の撮影時間をこなすことができるとは思っていなかったので驚きでした。待ち時間にも子ども達と遊んでくださるなど細やかな心配りや空間作りのおかげです。 また次もお世話になりたいと思っています。
I visited my son's 5-year-old Shichigosan for the first time. It opened the hearts of children with natural conversations and laughter, and it seems that the shooting itself was a lot of fun. That was reflected in each photo. I had a one-year-old son, but I was surprised because I didn't expect them to be able to handle the two-hour shooting time together. Thanks to the delicate care and space creation, such as playing with the children while waiting. I would like to take care of you again next time.
yuu a on Google

七五三で撮影をお願いしました。 2回目の利用でした(^-^) なかなか着物に着替えない3歳の息子でしたが、スタッフの方々が楽しく優しく対応してくださり、とても楽しく撮影することができました。また5歳の七五三撮影の時もお世話になりたいと思います。いつも素敵なお写真をありがとうございます。
I asked you to shoot at Shichigosan. It was the second use (^-^) My 3-year-old son wasn't able to change into a kimono, but the staff were happy and kind, and I enjoyed shooting. Also, I would like to take care of you when I was 5 years old when I was shooting Shichigosan. Thank you for your wonderful photos.
himawari on Google

七歳女児・七五三の撮影でお世話になりました。 和装の気付けや、ヘアメイクも本当に素晴らしくて、とっても可愛く仕上げて頂きました。 撮影スタッフの方も、子供相手のお話が本当に上手で、終始笑いながら楽しく撮影して頂きました。 子供が、「楽しかった、また行きたい!」と言ってるので、間違いないと思います。 また節目のイベントの際には、ぜひ利用させて頂きたいと思います。
Thank you for taking the picture of the 7-year-old girl, Shichigosan. The kimono and hair make-up were really wonderful, and they were very cute. The shooting staff was also really good at talking to children, and they enjoyed shooting while laughing from beginning to end. I think there is no doubt that the child said, "It was fun and I want to go again!" In addition, I would like to use it at the event of the turning point.
ゆいま〜る on Google

息子の七五三で初めて利用させて頂きましたが…控えめに言っても最高でした!! 家族全員大満足です! 写真の仕上がりも、スタッフの方々のおもてなしも最高です! 撮影は主役の息子はもちろん他の姉弟も楽しんでいました! 我が家の子どもは良く言えば子どもらしい子どもでとても活発なんですが、さすがプロ!嫌な顔一つせず楽しい時間をプレゼントしてくれました。 また今回は犬2匹も連れての撮影をお願いしていたのですが、興奮のあまり粗相をしてしまった時もスタッフのみなさんニコニコの笑顔で「いいウ○チ!」と褒めて下さるほどのありがたい対応をして下さいました!我が家にとっては犬も大切な家族で写真にちゃんと残しておきたかったのでとてもいい記念になりました。素敵な時間と写真をありがとうございました!
I used it for the first time with my son Shichigosan, but it was the best to say the least !! The whole family is very happy! The finish of the photo and the hospitality of the staff are the best! The shooting was enjoyed not only by the leading son but also by other siblings! My children are childish and very active, but they are professionals! He gave me a good time without a disgusting face. Also, this time I was asking for a photo shoot with two dogs, but even when I was so excited that I had a rough look, all the staff members smiled and praised me as "Good Uchi!" Thank you for your support! The dog is also an important family for my family and I wanted to keep it in the picture, so it was a very good memorial. Thank you for your wonderful time and photos!
鈴木圭一 on Google

This is the third time to use it. The pictures are always taken in a good atmosphere, the children can relax, and the good pictures are always left and I am very satisfied. We will continue to use it at milestones!
ayu milk on Google

I used it for the first time for my second son's 1-year-old birthday photo. The interior of the store is fashionable and delicately decorated, and it looks great no matter where you take it. The cameramen and staff were also easy to talk to, and I was able to relax and shoot while communicating my requests. I was very happy that there were many simple and fashionable outfits. I would like to use it again. Thank you very much.

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