
3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact MIGホールディングス㈱

住所 :

ARK Hills South Tower, 1 Chome−4−5, Roppongi, Minato City, 〒106-0032 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88977
Webサイト : https://mig-holdings.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

ARK Hills South Tower, 1 Chome−4−5, Roppongi, Minato City, 〒106-0032 Tokyo,Japan
naoyuki mori on Google

This was a terrible cream bun that deceived the name of Kagurazaka Kameidou, which is the seller. Bread and cream are different from the real thing. I think the cream buns sold at convenience stores are better
スライム太郎 on Google

FC加盟者ですが本部が他社に比べ圧倒的に弱いだけでは無く、生活できないレベルに稼げない。 自分の実力等の問題では無く商品、SV、売場提供などの問題点を多数抱えている。 騙されたと私が感じているからこそ加盟を考えている人には今一度考え直して欲しい。 自宅から遠い所を案内されたりもしばしば いつも言い訳しか言わない本部には呆れます。 評価が低いのも納得。 加盟者の皆さんが稼げると嘘を言われたのでしょう。他加盟者の方に聞いても稼げていなかったのですから。 好評価を付けている人物は内通者または本部の人間だと思います。 決して騙されないようにしてください。 いずれ恨みを買い過ぎた人達からの制裁がくるでしょう。
Although I am an FC member, not only is the headquarters overwhelmingly weaker than other companies, but I cannot earn to a level where I cannot live. It has many problems such as products, SVs, and sales floor provision, not problems such as one's own ability. If you are thinking of joining because I feel deceived, please think again. Often guided to places far from home I am amazed at the headquarters, which always makes excuses. I am convinced that the evaluation is low. I'm sure all the members were lying that they could make money. Even if I asked other members, I couldn't make any money. I think the person who gives a favorable evaluation is an informant or a person at the headquarters. Don't be fooled. Eventually there will be sanctions from those who have bought too much grudge.
ライズ on Google

まずフランチャイズを運営する能力が決定的にありません。 ①商品開発力は皆無です。 ブランドとの契約は日々増えていますが、新ブランドもまったくと言っていいほど開発できていません。 せっかく開発した商品も、価格設定がクオリティに対して高すぎ、製造ロット数もめちゃくちゃだったため在庫処分すらままならず廃止に。 その他既存商品も、数だけ多くとも売れるものは少なく、またいずれもクオリティからすると値段が高すぎるため説明されているほどの販売には至りません。 ②売り場管理が壊滅的にダメ。 まず色々なところでやらかし過ぎて、JRは出禁。メトロも本社のみ、商業施設も景表法に抵触するクレームで出禁が多く、売れる現場はもらえません。 また、何度言っても現場へのホームページなどの掲載のための宣材提出などもせず、館内放送の依頼手配もしてくれません。 ブランドの関係でオーナーが勝手に申請はできないにも関わらず、です。 ③在庫管理ができていない 加盟料ビジネスで自転車操業のためにフランチャイズ加盟者を増やしていますが、そのために商品の在庫切れが相次いでおりその調整はしていません。 売れそうな商品が販売できることは稀です。 ④契約不履行 契約書と実際の支払い額も違います。 売上高の25%が取り分の契約で、仕入れ値等は売上高の75%に含むと契約書に明記されており、この契約書に基づくのであれば値引きなどしても売上の25%が支払われる内容にも関わらず値引きした分が勝手に差し引かれており事前確認などなく、また在庫リスクもないと説明されて契約しましたが仕入れ値が設定されており在庫持ち越しの場合請求が発生することも。 当然請求発生については契約書には記載がなく違法です。 そもそも契約書の読み合わせも行わなかったのでこちらに関しても違法です。 ⑤スーパーバイザーの過度な変更 担当者がしょっちゅう変更され、引継ぎも出来ておらずすぐに退職してるみたいです。 ⑥勧誘詐欺 平均年収1,000万と謳っていますが根拠は0です(5/29現在、ホームページ及び各種フランチャイズオーナー募集サイトにて確認)。 1,000万どころか平均月収は10万円もないと思われます。 知人の同加盟者達に聞いても1,000万の年収達成している人も1人もいないのが実情です。 実際に10万円行くか行かないかの収入が続いているため、優良誤認の詐欺行為となります。 以上、悪質なフランチャイズ詐欺と言わざるを得ず、現在訴訟を検討しており、集団訴訟も視野に入れています。 なお、当然ですが財務状況も最悪で、集団訴訟が起こされた時点で飛ぶ可能性すらあります。
First of all, the ability to run a franchise is decisive. (1) There is no product development capability. Contracts with brands are increasing day by day, but new brands have not been developed at all. The price of the product we developed was too high for quality, and the number of production lots was messed up, so we couldn't even dispose of it in stock and abolished it. As for other existing products, there are few that sell at most, and all of them are too expensive in terms of quality, so they do not sell as much as explained. (2) Sales floor management is catastrophically useless. First of all, JR is banned because it is too much to do in various places. The metro is only the head office, and the commercial facilities are often banned due to complaints that violate the landscape law, so you can not get a selling site. In addition, no matter how many times I say it, I will not submit a publicity material for posting on the site, etc., and will not arrange a request for broadcasting in the hall. Even though the owner cannot apply for it because of the brand. ③ Inventory control is not done We are increasing the number of franchise members in the membership fee business to operate bicycles, but due to this, products are out of stock one after another and we are not adjusting for it. It is rare that a product that seems to sell can be sold. ④ Breach of contract The contract and the actual payment amount are also different. It is clearly stated in the contract that 25% of sales are a share contract and the purchase price etc. is included in 75% of sales, and if it is based on this contract, 25% of sales will be paid even if discounts etc. are made. Despite the contents, the discounted amount is deducted without permission, there is no prior confirmation, and it is explained that there is no inventory risk, but the purchase price is set and a bill may be incurred if the inventory is carried over. Of course, it is illegal because there is no description in the contract regarding the occurrence of billing. I didn't read through the contract in the first place, so this is also illegal. ⑤ Excessive change of supervisor The person in charge is changed frequently, and it seems that he is retiring soon because he has not been able to take over. ⑥ Solicitation fraud It claims to have an average annual income of 10 million, but the basis is 0 (as of May 29, confirmed on the website and various franchise owner recruitment sites). It seems that the average monthly income is less than 100,000 yen, let alone 10 million. According to my acquaintances, none of them have achieved an annual income of 10 million. Since the income of actually going 100,000 yen or not going is continuing, it is a fraudulent act of good misidentification. As mentioned above, I have to say that it is a malicious franchise fraud, and I am currently considering a proceeding, and I am also considering a class action proceeding. Of course, the financial situation is also the worst, and there is a possibility that it will fly when a class action proceeding is filed.
toru iida on Google

詐欺会社です。 日刊食品速報でも記事になりましたが、今後特に提携しているブランドも詐欺に加担していると見做される可能性が高いです。 特にケンズカフェ東京とはズブズブですね。
It's a fraudulent company. As mentioned in the breaking news, it is highly likely that brands with which we are affiliated will also be considered to be involved in fraud. Especially Ken's Cafe Tokyo is crazy.
石川れいか on Google

惜しまれつつ閉店した神楽坂亀井堂のクリームパンと語って販売しているが、詐欺商品。 店頭にいた社員らしき男性は「亀井堂のレシビそのままです」と、言っていたけれど、本当にそのままですか?材料の配分が同じと言うことだけではレシピ通りとは言いません。 手作りが工場になったこともレシピ通りではないのではないですか? パンの生地の厚さ、クリームの量、質感全く違います。生地は分厚くてパサパサ、クリームはちょっとだけ、それでいて亀井堂さんのお値段よりお高い。リピなしです。
It is sold as a cream bun from Kagurazaka Kamei-do, which was closed while being regretted, but it is a fraudulent product. A man who seems to be an employee at the store said, "It's the same as Kagurazaka Kamei's recipe," but is it really the same? Just because the ingredients are distributed in the same way does not mean that the recipe is correct. Isn't it not according to the recipe that handmade products have become a factory? The thickness of the bread dough, the amount of cream, and the texture are completely different. The dough is thick and dry, and the cream is a little bit more expensive than Kameidou-san's price. There is no lipi.
Kenji Domoto on Google

FC制度もシンプルな仕組みでわかりやすく、本部の人も良い人ばかり。 悪い口コミ書いてる人もいますけど、 単純に商品を売る力が無くて稼げなくて文句言ってるだけでは。 商品が思ったように売れないのは、 どんな見せ方をしたら売れるのか、どんな声かけをしたら売れるのか、その考えと行動が足りなかったのでは。 売れる場所の提供が無ければ、 自分で売れる場所を見つければ良いだけ。基本的には良い場所を途切れず提供してもらってますが。 どんな現実でも突破するにはどうするか試行錯誤するしかないです。それで成功できず見切りをつけるなら、それが現状の自身の限界です。 ボーッと突っ立って、考えも無しに単調に声出してるだけで売れるなんて甘い世の中ではないです。世の中の売れてる物も様々な努力の賜物です。 加盟して成功できなかったのは、経営者としての思考と判断の誤りでしょう。 長々と書きましたが、言いたいことは良い本部だということ。悪い口コミで誤解されるのは、加盟店の1人として風評被害もいいところなので。
The FC system is simple and easy to understand, and the people at the headquarters are all good. Some people write bad reviews, but Simply complaining that you can't make money because you don't have the power to sell products. The reason why a product does not sell as expected is I think I didn't have enough thoughts and actions about how to show it and how to sell it. If there is no place to sell, All you have to do is find a place to sell yourself. Basically, they provide us with a good place without interruption. There is no choice but to try and error how to break through any reality. If that doesn't work and you give up, that's your limit. It's not a sweet world to stand up and sell just by making a monotonous voice without thinking. The things that are selling well in the world are also the result of various efforts. The failure to join and succeed is probably a mistake in thinking and judgment as a manager. I wrote it for a long time, but what I want to say is that it is a good headquarters. The reason why bad reviews are misunderstood is that as one of the member stores, the damage caused by rumors is also good.
毬藻 on Google

先日駅地下で神楽坂亀井堂クリームパンの登りを見つけ久しぶりに喜んで買って食べて見たところ、 ハア〜??? 大きさも小ぶりになりパン生地はパサパサ、クリームは100円で売ってるものと同じレベル、オマケに量も少ない。値段も400円近くして価格も100円以上も上がってた。 せっかく食べられるならと買ったけれどお金をドブに棄てたような気持ちになった。亀井堂さんを使っ詐欺行為ですね。製造元に聞いてみたところ全てMIGの指示に従っただけ(亀井堂のラベル貼る)だけらしいです。 怪しい会社です。
The other day, I found the climb of Kagurazaka Kamei-do cream bun in the basement of the station, and after a long time I was happy to buy it and ate it. Haa ~ ??? The size is smaller, the bread dough is dry, the cream is at the same level as the one sold for 100 yen, and the amount is small as a bonus. The price was close to 400 yen and the price went up by more than 100 yen. I bought it if I could eat it, but I felt like I was throwing away my money. It's a fraudulent act using Kameidou-san. When I asked the manufacturer, it seems that they all just followed MIG's instructions (paste the Kagurazaka label). It's a suspicious company.
山田太郎 on Google

ここのフランチャイズ本部は酷すぎる。ガトーショコラのFC本部は特に酷い。 約束の日時に連絡は無いし、契約書の内容も適当。自分達の間違いに謝罪すらない。 「ビジネスマナーでは?」と指摘したら、嫌々対応。 加盟金を払ってからのレスポンスは明らかに悪くなる。加盟金支払いまでの催促は半端ない。 契約書内容が確定していないのに、加盟金の支払いを求めてくる。 相手の言われるがままに契約していたら、取り返しのつかない事になっていた。 契約を白紙にする事にして、加盟金の返金を要求したら、「資金繰りが厳しいので、すぐには返金出来ない。来月まで待って欲しい。加盟金は売上として直ぐに計上してしまった」と… 大丈夫かこの会社は… この状況を聞いて、改めて契約しなくて良かった。 キャラクターに使われている彦摩呂さんもかわいそうです。
The franchise headquarters here is too terrible. The FC headquarters of Gateau Chocolate is particularly terrible. There is no contact on the promised date and time, and the contents of the contract are appropriate. We don't even apologize for our mistakes. If you point out "What is your business etiquette?" The response after paying the membership fee is obviously worse. There is no reminder to pay the membership fee. Even though the contents of the contract have not been finalized, I am asked to pay the membership fee. If I had signed the contract as the other party told me, it would be irreparable. When I decided to leave the contract blank and requested a refund of the membership fee, "I can not refund immediately because the cash flow is tight. Please wait until next month. The membership fee was immediately recorded as sales." … Is this company okay ... When I heard this situation, I didn't have to sign a contract again. I feel sorry for Hikomaro, who is used as a character.

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