Mifuji - Tsu

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mifuji

住所 :

5 Chome-8, Tsu, Mie 514-0028, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 514-0028
Webサイト : http://www.kami-mifuji.com/

5 Chome-8, Tsu, Mie 514-0028, Japan
ありんこ on Google

I bought a Japanese painting brush and paper. The clerk carefully searched for the product because I was completely ignorant! Thank you very much.
稲垣潤一郎 on Google

紙の種類と在庫が多いので、欲しい紙はたいてい手に入ります。 無くても取り寄せていただけるので、助かります。 また、SRA3などのいわゆるA3ノビなどのサイズも、対応していただけるため、私はマットコート紙でSRA3にカットしていただいています。 その他、ノート類や筆記具、手帳類なども充実していて、飽きません。
With so many types and stocks of paper, you can usually get the paper you want. It is helpful because you can order it even if you do not have it. In addition, I have you cut it into SRA3 with matte coated paper so that you can handle the size of so-called A3 nobi such as SRA3. In addition, there are plenty of notebooks, writing tools, notebooks, etc., so you won't get tired of it.
白柴やっチャンネル on Google

There are many rare things and it's fun to look around ??✨ As a result, I buy various things (laugh)
2TOM SIDE_ on Google

Although it is a wholesaler of stationery, it can also be used by the general public at retail.
櫻井由喜枝 on Google

品揃えや 店員さんの対応が親切です
The assortment of goods and the correspondence of the clerk are kind
飛鳥芳樹 on Google

I admire that there was such a writing instrument. There were a lot of different types of paper, and there were all kinds of paper. I was impressed.
1610やたがらす on Google

とにかく文具の品揃えがスゴいです。 おなじみのペンからなかなか見ない万年筆も数多くあります。
Anyway, the assortment of stationery is amazing. There are many fountain pens that are hard to see from familiar pens.
TAGORA77 with ミヒ on Google

イタリアの紙と松阪もめんを購入しました。サイズ違いのはぎれを見て、文庫カバーを作る事にしました。ペットボトルのケースも良いなと思いました? イタリア製の紙は何か作りたいと思っています。
I bought Italian paper and Matsusaka Cotton Center. I decided to make a paperback cover after seeing the difference in size. I thought the case of the plastic bottle was also good ? I want to make something made of Italian paper.

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