Midorimachi Smile Acupuncture Orthopedic Clinic - Hiroshima

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Midorimachi Smile Acupuncture Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

コーポ西翠 1F 2-7 Nishimidorimachi, Minami Ward, Hiroshima, 734-0006, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 734-0006
Webサイト : https://midorimachi.chiryouin.biz/

コーポ西翠 1F 2-7 Nishimidorimachi, Minami Ward, Hiroshima, 734-0006, Japan
なほ on Google

肩こりと骨盤の歪みが気になり、来院しました。整骨院は初めてだったのですが、毎回施術の後は体が楽になりとても嬉しいです。 スタッフの皆さんも明るく、気さくで話しやすくてとてもいい雰囲気だと思います。 フリーパスの制度があるのも、通いやすい点の1つです。 引き続き通いながら体を整えていけたらと思います!
I was worried about stiff shoulders and pelvic distortion, so I visited the hospital. It was my first time at Sekkotsuin, but I am very happy that my body feels better after each treatment. I think the staff are cheerful, friendly, easy to talk to, and have a very nice atmosphere. One of the easy points is that there is a free pass system. I hope I can continue to get in shape while going!
将博宮本 on Google

接骨院に通うのははじめてだったんですけど、施術をしてもらい、だいぶ楽になりました。 スタッフさんたちの態度もとても明るく院内も清潔なので雰囲気もとてもいいです引き続きよろしくお願いします。
It was my first time to go to a sekkotsuin, but it was a lot easier for me to have a treatment. The attitude of the staff is very bright and the hospital is clean, so the atmosphere is very good. Thank you for your continued support.
おかかお on Google

とてもアットホームな感じの接骨院です。 先生方がとても明るいので施術後は身体の調子も良くなり心も軽くなります( ◠‿◠ ) 急な予約変更も即対応してくださるので助かってます。
It is a very cozy osteopathic clinic. The teachers are very bright, so after the treatment, my physical condition will be better and my heart will be lighter (◠‿◠). It is helpful because it responds immediately to sudden reservation changes.
R. A. on Google

I've started going to school and my body has become much easier. In addition to the treatment, please give me advice on stretching and lifestyle, and take care to improve it as much as possible. The inside of the store is also clean, and I'm glad that the staff always welcomes me with a smile. We can recommend it to those who are new to Sekkotsuin with confidence. I look forward to working with you…!
なおなお on Google

肩の痛み、腰の痛みで通院を始めました。通い始めて、自分の身体がカチコチなこと、とても歪んでいることに、驚きました。フリーパスがあるので通いやすく、通いはじめと比べたら少しずつではありますが、カチコチの身体が柔らかくなってきた?かな。 下半身ストレッチで、膝の痛みもいつのまにかなくなっていました。 スタッフの皆さんの仲がいいのも、とても居心地が良いです♪♪
I started going to the hospital because of shoulder pain and lower back pain. When I started going, I was surprised that my body was ticking and very distorted. It's easy to go because there is a free pass, and although it's a little bit compared to when I started going, has my body become softer? Wonder. With the lower body stretch, my knee pain disappeared before I knew it. It's very comfortable to get along with the staff ♪♪
j k on Google

いつもお世話になりありがとうございます。 施術を受けて楽になり帰宅しても翌日には元に戻ってしまうような身体の状態なのですが、いつも丁寧に施術してくださり感謝しています。 継続は力なりを私なりに体感していますので、今後もよろしくお願い致します。 紹介した人からの評価もとてもいいですよ☆
Thank you for your continued support. I am in a physical condition that makes me feel better after receiving the treatment and returns to normal the next day, but I am grateful for the careful treatment. I feel that continuation is power, so I look forward to working with you in the future. The evaluation from the person who introduced it is also very good ☆
あさ(あさ) on Google

It was my first time to go to the osteopathic clinic and I was nervous at the beginning, but he gave me a thorough examination of what my current body is like, my posture habits, and how I would improve if I did this. I decided to go because it fits very well. All the teachers are very energetic, smiling, cheerful and have a nice atmosphere, so I talk too much (laughs). Other patients will not only receive the treatment but also talk and enjoy themselves. Before each treatment, you can rest assured that you will see not only the verbal but also the physical condition. By going there, you can relieve stress and refresh your body and mind. ♫ You can choose various ways of going, such as free passes and coupon tickets, so it's helpful to be able to match your lifestyle ☆
MAKO on Google

通い始めて4ヶ月。丁寧な施術により体の状態がどんどん改善してきたと実感しております。話も親身に聞いて頂き、何十年も戦っている肩こり・腰痛とお別れできる日が必ず来ると信じてとても楽しみです? 先生方スタッフの皆様、全員とても明るく元気で伺うだけで元気がでます?一枚の折込広告からの出会いに感謝?これからもよろしくお願い致します?
It's been 4 months since I started going. I feel that my physical condition has improved steadily through careful treatment. I'm really looking forward to hearing the story and believing that the day will surely come when I can say goodbye to stiff shoulders and back pain that I have been fighting for decades ? All the teachers and staff are very cheerful and cheerful just by visiting ? Thank you for the encounter from one insert advertisement ? Thank you for your continued support ?

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