お庭のお手入れ専門店 ニワナショナル

4.3/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact お庭のお手入れ専門店 ニワナショナル

住所 :

Midorigaoka, Ageo, 〒362-0015 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877888
Webサイト : https://niwanational.com/
街 : Saitama

Midorigaoka, Ageo, 〒362-0015 Saitama,Japan
yandy S. on Google

ic Ap on Google

hano radi on Google

The staff were good people.
hello0v0 papa on Google

There are many people with good personalities and there are only specialty stores so it is very convenient to ask for anything!
あお on Google

近くで探していて、ネットで電話しました。 無料の見積もりや作業など、安いし今までになかった頼みやすい感じが伝わりました。 当日は、 丁寧に対応してもらい非常に助かりました。 毎年お願いする約束をすると割引きをしてくれるのも良かったです!
I was looking nearby and called on the net. The feeling of being cheap and easy to rely on, such as free quotes and work, was conveyed. On the day, It was very helpful to have you respond carefully. It was good to get a discount if you make a promise every year!
ちゃんこめ on Google

同感。 オーナーは、やらせの口コミでアクセスを増やす事しか頭にないんだと思う。 一つ星の口コミを、強引に撤回させるために返信欄で実名と具体的な事柄を晒しているけど、明らかにガイドライン違反だよ。
I agree. I think the owner has no choice but to increase access by word of mouth. I've exposed my real name and specifics in the reply column to forcefully withdraw the one-star word of mouth, but it's clearly a violation of the guidelines.
Todd Lukasiewicz on Google

Amazing service! They worked diligently and professionally on my yard. It was very uneven and the edges has issues with vines or bushes growing into my yard. They trimmed all the overlap away so the lawn area was clear, and leveled everything perfectly. English support was no problem as they had employees who could easily communicate with me. Would highly recommend to anyone needing yard work/landscaping!

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