
4.9/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact 暖暖の里仙台南(介護付き有料老人ホーム)

住所 :

Midoridai, Natori, 〒981-1247 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://dandannosato.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Miyagi

Midoridai, Natori, 〒981-1247 Miyagi,Japan
D. Sat on Google

鈴木敏雄 on Google

千田かつ子 on Google

菅原篤人 on Google

rickey rickey on Google

Located near Sangyo University and overlooking Sendai City. The night view is the best, and the building is fashioned in a Southern European style. It is made of wood and has a small group of 30 rooms, so you can spend your leisurely time. Nurses are also full-time.
きらり浜北 on Google

所長さんをはじめ、穏やかなスタッフが丁寧に対応してくれました。 可能な限り好きなものを食べたり、ご本人の希望にそったプランをスタッフで考えてくれます。「その人らしさ」や「残されたいま」を大切に考えている施設です。
The gentle staff, including the director, responded politely. The staff will eat what you like as much as possible and come up with a plan that suits your wishes. It is a facility that values ​​"personality" and "now left behind".
N on Google

仙台市を一望出来る。 夜景は贅沢と言えるほどにキレイ。 閑静な住宅街。 治安も良い地域。 歩いて1分以内にコンビニがあるので、訪問される方も便利。 ツルハや中華料理店も近くにあり。 公共機関を使って来るには遠方ですが、車を使えば仙台駅から30分程度の距離。 最寄駅は仙台地下鉄富沢駅、JR南仙台駅から車で15分程度。 高速道路の最寄りインターチェンジは山田と仙台南から車で10分程度。 近くに小学校中学校があり、元気な子どもたちの登下校の姿を見ることができる。 地盤が固く高台にあるため、東日本大震災にも被害が少なかった地域。
You can overlook Sendai city. The night view is so beautiful that it can be said to be luxurious. A quiet residential area. A safe area. There is a convenience store within a minute's walk, so it's convenient for those who visit. Tsuruha and Chinese restaurants are also nearby. It's a long way to come by public transportation, but it's about 30 minutes from Sendai station by car. The nearest station is about 15 minutes by car from Sendai Subway Tomizawa Station and JR Minami-Sendai Station. The nearest interchange on the highway is about 10 minutes by car from Yamada and Sendai Minami. There is an elementary and junior high school nearby, and you can see the energetic children going to and from school. Because the ground is solid and on a hill, the area was less damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

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