柏崎 松雲山荘庭園

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Contact 柏崎 松雲山荘庭園

住所 :

Midoricho, Kashiwazaki, 〒945-0841 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://niigata-kankou.or.jp/spot/6038
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
街 : Niigata

Midoricho, Kashiwazaki, 〒945-0841 Niigata,Japan
佐藤小百合 on Google

ライトアップされた紅葉が綺麗でした。 残念なことにまだ見頃ではなかったです
The illuminated autumn leaves were beautiful. Unfortunately it wasn't in full bloom yet
斉藤嘉文 on Google

I visited during the autumn colors. There are places where the footing is poor due to the mud, but it is a park of a size that is a little small for a walk.
Hey it’s me on Google

11/14 有料駐車場から滝に続く道の紅葉が綺麗! 連日の雨、風で所々葉が落ちてしまっていましたが、それでも見応えアリ。 土日は剣野小学校の駐車場が臨時駐車場として使えます。無料!
11/14 The autumn leaves on the road leading from the toll parking lot to the waterfall are beautiful! The leaves had fallen in places due to the rain and wind every day, but it was still a spectacular ant. On Saturdays and Sundays, the parking lot of Kenno Elementary School can be used as a temporary parking lot. free!
Maurice Belmondo on Google

大正15年以来造園された庭園で昭和46年に飯塚謙三氏から市へ移譲されたそうです。庭園には、多数のつつじ、もみじなどの木が植えられて紅葉の名所になっています。園内には珍しい茶道専門の木村茶道美術館もありました。 紅葉時期には夜間ライトアップが行われるそうですが、訪れたのは雨の冬の日だったので寂しげでした。
It is said that the garden was landscaped since 1918 and was transferred to the city from Kenzo Iizuka in 1971. Many trees such as azaleas and maple trees are planted in the garden, making it a famous spot for autumn leaves. There was also the Kimura Tea Ceremony Museum, which specializes in tea ceremony, which is rare in the park. It is said that the lights will be lit up at night during the autumn leaves, but I was lonely because I visited there on a rainy winter day.
みゆき。 on Google

11月21日(日)13時少し前に行きました。 ちょうど駐車場に入れたのもラッキーでした。(500円) 近くの小学校も無料開放してくれてたみたいです。 イチョウは終わってたけれど、モミジが真っ赤で綺麗でした。 もう少し早かったらイチョウとカエデのコラボで綺麗だったのかなって思いました。 夜はライトアップしているみたいなので、今度は夜に行ってみたいです!
I went a little before 13:00 on Sunday, November 21st. I was lucky to just put it in the parking lot. (500 yen) It seems that the nearby elementary school was also open for free. The ginkgo was over, but the maples were bright red and beautiful. I wondered if it would have been beautiful in collaboration with ginkgo and maple if it was a little earlier. It looks like it's lit up at night, so I'd like to go there next time!
若杉雅彦 on Google

雨上がりでチョット足元が… 紅葉には少し速かったけど、手入れが行き届いていて、隣の公園と合わせて2、3時間あればゆっ〜くりと散策できるかな!?お茶屋さんや出入口にはお土産屋さんなどもあり、前日から晴れていれば、今月中旬には見頃となるのでは。ライトアプもされるので夕方からってのも良いかな。
After the rain, my feet were a little quick ... The autumn leaves were a little quick, but they were in good condition, and I wonder if I could take a leisurely stroll in a few hours together with the park next door !? If it's sunny from the day before, it will be in full bloom in the middle of this month. It will be light-up, so it's good to start in the evening.
涼風青葉 on Google

紅葉が見頃だったため初めて行ってみました。平日でしたが結構な人が多かったですね。 庭園内はいろいろなルートがあり紅葉も綺麗で見ていて飽きませんでした。 ただ足場が土の部分が先日の雨の影響でドロドロになっていて靴が泥まみれになってしまったのは最悪でした。 近くの駐車場は500円かかるらしかったので裏に回った公園近くの駐車場(無料)に止めましたが平日でもほぼ満車状態でした。
I went there for the first time because the autumn leaves were in full bloom. It was a weekday, but there were quite a lot of people. There are various routes in the garden and the autumn leaves are beautiful and I never got tired of seeing them. However, it was the worst that the scaffolding was muddy due to the influence of the rain the other day and the shoes were covered with mud. The nearby parking lot seemed to cost 500 yen, so I stopped at the parking lot near the park (free of charge), but it was almost full even on weekdays.
Rod Joyce on Google

Lovely fall colors.

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