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Contact 大阪鶴見ひなた内科・在宅クリニック【外来・訪問診療】

住所 :

Midori, Tsurumi Ward, 〒538-0054 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89977
Webサイト : https://osakatsurumi-naika.com/
街 : Osaka

Midori, Tsurumi Ward, 〒538-0054 Osaka,Japan
ヒガシヅツミマチコ on Google

I will face the patient seriously, listen to the symptoms, and consult with me about anything, and I will leave it to Dr. Kawabata for my future physical condition.
masahiro goto on Google

友達が体調悪くて、ついて行ったのですが、感染予防もしっかりしてて、とても親切に対応していただきました。 一階と二階にわかれてて、一階の人が発熱とかある人で、二階が他の診察とコロナ対策もしっかりしてて驚きました。
My friend was sick and I followed him, but he was very kind to prevent infection. It was divided into the first floor and the second floor, and the person on the first floor had a fever, and I was surprised that the second floor had other medical examinations and corona measures.
小高賢二 on Google

いくつもの病院を受診しても原因がはっきりしない咳に長年悩まされてきましたが、丁寧な問診で原因をすぐに突き止めていただき咳も治まって大変助かりました。 とても親身になって考えていただけるので、安心して身体をお任せする事が出来ます。
I have been suffering from a cough whose cause is not clear even after visiting several hospitals for many years, but I was able to find out the cause immediately through a careful interview, and the cough subsided, which was a great help. You can think with great care, so you can leave your body to us with confidence.
堀部泰三 on Google

I had a long cough and sputum, especially in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep and became weak. I asked my teacher about the situation, and thanks to the prescription, my symptoms have improved and I am getting better. Thank you. I would like to continue to take care of you.
髙田なりみ on Google

川畑先生に先日お世話になりました。川畑先生は患者の話を目を見てしっかり聞いてくださるので安心して診察を受けることができます。 わからないことを質問すると、こちらがわかるまで丁寧に説明してくださいます。 今まで近所にいい病院がなく、かかりつけ医がなかったのですが、今はすっかりこちらの病院が我が家のかかりつけ医です。
I am grateful to Dr. Kawabata the other day. Dr. Kawabata listens to the patient's story with his eyes, so he can receive a medical examination with peace of mind. If you ask a question you don't understand, please explain it carefully until you understand it. Until now, there was no good hospital in my neighborhood and I didn't have a family doctor, but now this hospital is my family doctor.
タータン on Google

両親がお世話になっています。 先生が優しく、丁寧に顔を見て説明してくださるので、安心してお任せできると喜んでいます。 (最近、パソコンを見て、顔を見てくれない先生が多いらしいです。) 診察中に、顔を見て、その時々の不安を当ててくださるので落ち込んでいた2人が元気になってきたようです。 また、看護師さんや、スタッフの方々も良くしてくださいますので、助かっています。 有難うございます。 また、コロナ対策もしっかりされていますし、明るいのが良いです。
My parents are indebted to me. The teacher is kind and polite and will explain to you, so I'm happy that you can leave it to me with confidence. (Recently, many teachers don't look at their faces when they look at their computers.) During the examination, the two people who were depressed seemed to be getting better because they looked at their faces and gave them anxiety at that time. Also, the nurses and staff are also nice to me, which is helpful. Thank you. In addition, the measures against corona are solid, and it is good that it is bright.
みんみん on Google

川畑先生に診て頂いてます。 咳喘息だったのによその病院で抗生物質やら訳の解らないもの出されて 一向に良くならなかったのに ここに来てみてすぐ咳喘息と見抜いていただき 改善しました。 症状や投薬に関してもとてもとても丁寧に説明していただけます。 引っ越してきたのでここらへんの土地勘なかったのですが安心して診て頂ける先生と出会えて良かったです。 また宜しくおねがいします。
I have Mr. Kawabata see me. I had coughing asthma, but at the hospital I was given antibiotics and other incomprehensible things. It didn't improve at all Please come here and immediately see it as coughing asthma It has improved. You can explain the symptoms and medications very very carefully. Since I moved, I didn't know the land here, but I'm glad I met a teacher who can see me with confidence. Thank you again.
みや on Google

医院長先生に診て頂きました。とてもお優しい方で、しっかり話も聞いて下さり丁寧な診察で凄く安心出来る先生でした。 受付の方もとても親切丁寧で、体調不良時にはこれからもこちらでお世話になりたいと思います。
I had a medical examination by the director of the clinic. He was a very kind person, and he listened to me well, and he was a very reassuring teacher with a careful examination. The receptionist is also very kind and polite, and I would like to continue to take care of you when I am in poor physical condition.

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