Midori City Office Omama Branch - Midori

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Midori City Office Omama Branch

住所 :

1511 Omamacho Omama, Midori, Gunma 376-0192, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 376-0192
Webサイト : https://www.city.midori.gunma.jp/www/contents/1000000000305/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Friday 8:30AM–5:15PM

1511 Omamacho Omama, Midori, Gunma 376-0192, Japan
かすみそう on Google

It was crowded and I was given a number tag. I want to use it without waiting as much as possible.
藁科毅典 on Google

最低。笠懸に行くべき。 30分以上待たされて、飯食ってるバカ職員居るし。職員同士が全然仕事しない。
The lowest. You should go to Kasagake. There is a stupid staff member who has been waiting for more than 30 minutes and is eating. The staff do not work at all.
まさ・なち on Google

The Midori City Manhole Card (9th edition, which will be distributed on December 14, 2018) is the City Planning Division on the second floor of the city hall on weekdays, and on holidays from 8:30 to 17:15 at the Omama Civic Life Counter on the first floor. Distribution.
chima renren on Google

みどり市マンホールカードを配布しています。 平日は都市計画課(2階)、土日祝日は大間々市民生活課窓口(1階)、8:30~17:15。 玄関前には大間々町のカラーマンホールが設置してありました。
We distribute Midori city manhole card. City planning section (the second floor) on weekdays, Oma citizen life section window (the first floor), 8:30 to 17:15 on Saturdays-and-Sundays public holidays. In front of the entrance there was a color man hall in Oma-machi.
群馬のまぁたん on Google

First visit from outside the city to get a manhole card. First of all, I was surprised that there was no place for general information. When I caught the staff and asked, I got an ambiguous reply. I managed to ask about the location, and I filled out a questionnaire at the window of the City Planning Division on the 2nd floor and received it safely.
ハシフミ on Google

みどり市役所は、各部署が笠懸庁舎と大間々庁舎にバラバラに配置する分庁方式を採用しており、それぞれの目的に合った担当部署がどちらの庁舎にあるのか?を確認してから訪庁する必要がある。 便利か?不便か?仕方ないか? 感じ方は、市役所の利用目的によりヒトそれぞれだと思いますが、高度情報化社会のこのご時世なのだから、双方の総合案内窓口などにZoomなどのWEB会議システムを設置するなどの工夫が出来ないものか?? 庁内ネットワークで繋がっているならば、費用もかからずに出来そうなものだが。。。(;´д`) 結局、 『こちらの庁舎ではなく。。。』というので、わざわざ大間々庁舎まで移動した。 組織構造上の官製たらい回し状態ともいえるこの状態には、何らかの改善を求めたい。 そもそも、大間々庁舎を無理やり使用運用する必要があるのだろうか??
Midori City Hall has adopted a branch office system in which each department is placed separately in the Kasagake Government Building and the Omama Government Building, and which government building has the department in charge that suits each purpose? It is necessary to visit the agency after confirming. Is it convenient? Is it inconvenient? Can't you help? I think that each person feels it differently depending on the purpose of use of the city hall, but since it is this time of the advanced information society, it is not possible to devise such as installing a WEB conference system such as Zoom at the general information desk of both sides. Is it? ?? If it is connected by the network within the agency, it seems that it can be done at no cost. .. .. (; ´д `) After all "Not this government building. .. .. So I moved to Omama Government Building. I would like to request some improvement in this state, which can be said to be a state of government-made tampering in terms of organizational structure. In the first place, is it necessary to forcibly use and operate the Omama Government Building? ??
山田ぷらぱん on Google

元の大間々町の町役場だったところで、今はみどり市大間々庁舎となっています。 建物敷地内に群馬銀行のATMがあります
It used to be the town hall of Omamacho, but now it is the Midori City Omama Government Building. There is an ATM of Gunma Bank on the premises of the building
Ana Vir on Google

??Unfortunately, I was haunted, the city of Midori is in ruins, large garbage dumped in the forest and on access roads to the mountains. It is a shame to see tons of large-scale garbage in Japan, harming the environment.

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