
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact レンガ亭

住所 :

Midori, 〒030-0845 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Aomori

Midori, 〒030-0845 Aomori,Japan
ノリユキ on Google

青森市老舗のカレー店。物心付いた時には既にあったのでサンロード開店当初からあるのだろうか…!?(サンロード開業40周年目) 辛いカレーで有名な店で辛さは0~20倍まであります。0倍でも市販のカレーの辛口に相当するのでいきなり10倍とかは頼まない方が無難。ちなみに0~10倍の間は2倍単位ずつ上がっていくが10倍の次はいきなり20倍(笑) 逆に甘口のお子様カレーがないので小さい子供連れには向かないですね。
A long-established curry shop in Aomori City. I wonder if it has been there since the opening of Sun Road because it was already there when I remembered it ...!? (40th anniversary of Sun Road opening) The restaurant is famous for its spicy curry, and the spiciness is 0 to 20 times higher. Even if it is 0 times, it is equivalent to the dryness of commercially available curry, so it is safer not to ask for 10 times suddenly. By the way, it goes up by 2 times from 0 to 10 times, but suddenly 20 times after 10 times (laughs) On the contrary, it is not suitable for families with small children because there is no sweet child curry.
ゆんゆん on Google

The curry is delicious, but the shape of the spoon is very difficult to eat (σω-).
ゆな on Google

The curry is good, but the customer service of the bastard was too bad. It's about 3 years ago, but I wonder if that woman is still there
空そら on Google

I have always eaten a simple and delicious miso as it always is, but I have only grown up to 4 times my own customer service is good and there are some more serious people I sometimes want to eat it occasionally

日曜日のお昼に行きました。 ビーフカレーを注文。 12時過ぎると混んでくるので、11時半くらいに行くのをおすすめします! 美味しかったです!
I went to lunch on Sunday. I ordered beef curry. It gets crowded after 12 o'clock, so we recommend going around 11:30! It was delicious!
石村恵三子 on Google

カレーは、レンガ亭。スタミナカレー!まな卵が、着いてくるので、最後辺りに 全開で、混ぜます。この時ばかりは、大のカレーで、2辛。楽しい食事タイム
Curry is a brick bower. Stamina curry! Mana eggs will arrive, so mix them at full throttle near the end. Only at this time, it was a big curry and it was 2 spicy. Fun meal time
しげ on Google

マリンカレー(4倍)をいただきました。 ここのカレー十数年ぶりに食べましたがやっぱり美味しいです。
I had marine curry (4 times). I ate the curry here for the first time in more than 10 years, but it's still delicious.
k. mamachan on Google

県外から青森に行くときに立ち寄る事があるが、店に入っても客が来たことに気が付かないことが多い。 夕方行ったら、ポークカレーとビーフカレーが売り切れだと、テーブルの上にポップ立てのようなもので置いてあった。 目的はビーフカレーだったので、こちらにまだ気がついてないうちに店を出た。 味は昔から好きなのでまたチャレンジはしたい。 でも、もう少し店の雰囲気良くなって欲しい。
I sometimes stop by when I go to Aomori from outside the prefecture, but I often don't notice that customers have come even when I enter the store. When I went there in the evening, when the pork curry and beef curry were sold out, I put them on the table like a pop stand. The purpose was beef curry, so I left the store before I knew it. I've always liked the taste, so I want to try again. But I want the atmosphere of the store to improve a little more.

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