MibuTown General Park - Shimotsuga District

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact MibuTown General Park

住所 :

783-1 Kuniya, Mibu, Shimotsuga District, Tochigi 321-0211, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88877
Postal code : 321-0211
Webサイト : http://www.town.mibu.tochigi.jp/

783-1 Kuniya, Mibu, Shimotsuga District, Tochigi 321-0211, Japan
桜巳栞菜 on Google

駐車場も広く、無料で停められ、中も一部を除き無料で入れるのでゆっくり楽しめます♪ 遊具で遊んだり、池には鯉も住んでおり、鯉の餌も売っているのであげたり、ピクニックしたり、ポケモンgoのポケストップやジムもたくさんあるのでいろんな方が楽しめるスポットです! 一部入れない時間帯もあり、夏と冬で時間も変わるので、夕方遅く行く場合は注意して下さい。 壬生ハイウェイパークからのアクセスも良く、汽車を模した車で移動できます♪
The parking lot is also large, it is parked free of charge, and you can enjoy it slowly as you can enter it free of charge except for some inside ♪ You can play with playground equipment, ponds live in the pond, sell salmon bait, have a picnic, have a lot of Pokemon go Pokestops and gyms, so it's a fun spot for everyone! There are some times when you can't enter, and the time changes in summer and winter, so be careful when going late in the evening. Access from Mibu Highway Park is also good, you can move by car imitating a car ♪
川津敦子 on Google

ウォーキングには最適です。 季節の移ろいを感じながら歩けます。手入れが行き届いた花壇は 見事で 夏の矢車草&ポピー、 秋のコスモスの群生は美しいです。
Great for walking. You can walk while feeling the changing seasons. The well-maintained flowerbed Stunning summer yagurakusa & poppy, The autumn cosmos herd is beautiful.
高橋佑典 on Google

It was good that the park was large and there were many facilities where you could play and see what you could do.
井伊赤備 on Google

桜が満開で素晴らしかったです 少し風が冷たかったですが、日差しは暖かかったです。 防寒装備はしっかりと持っていけば素晴らしいお花見が出来そうです
The cherry blossoms were in full bloom and it was wonderful The wind was a little cold, but the sunshine was warm. If you bring the warm clothes firmly, you will be able to see wonderful cherry blossoms.
yasuo on Google

高速道路のインターに近くアクセスが良い。ウォーキングに適していて、距離によりA.Bコースがある。花壇の花が咲きだしている。 当日は、最高気温が30℃になった日で、日陰を探しながら歩いた。
Easy access near the highway interchange. Suitable for walking, there are A.B courses depending on the distance. The flowers in the flowerbed are in bloom. On that day, the maximum temperature reached 30 ° C, and I walked looking for shade.
健太郎近藤 on Google

I've been taking him for several years near my son's university hospital, but most of the places I haven't been to because of the vast grounds. I went to the playset square today. A boy running around on a sloping lawn. You can enter the toy museum store and clean toilets for free. Children are delighted to be able to play all day long.
青木明彦 on Google

It is very large and the lawn open space is wide. ❗ The outer sidewalk is well maintained and is perfect for walking. There are plenty of shops and kitchen cars. Goats are also here.
One “OnE sKy” Sky on Google

Good park

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