4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Shinbashi, Minato City, 〒105-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : http://mikasa-bar.com/
街 : Tokyo

Shinbashi, Minato City, 〒105-0004 Tokyo,Japan
Dodonpa Dodonp on Google

お通しのトリッパはおかわり自由でとてもおいしい。 特においしかったのはオイルサーディンが魚丸ごと2匹でやわらかく骨まで食べれておすすめ。 デザートのティラミスも濃厚でとても美味! トイレは店舗外のビル共用トイレなのがちょっと残念だか、店内は綺麗で落ち着いた雰囲気です。 全体的にお値段もリーズナブルです。
The tripper is free and very delicious. One of the specialties is the oil sardine, which can be eaten as soft as a whole fish with two whole fish. The dessert tiramisu is also rich and very delicious! It is a bit disappointing that the restroom is a shared one outside the store, but the inside of the store is clean and calm. The price is reasonable overall.
taurus t on Google

All the food was delicious and the variety of wine was great ? The staff's customer service is also GOOD ? Please stop by when you come near ?
ともとも on Google

ランチタイム。 失礼ながら、隣のうどん屋さんに比べて、いつも人が入っていない印象だけど、ずっと気になっていた、大人のお子様ランチを食べに入ってみた。 美味しかった! ★3か4か迷ったけど、なんとなく3。 カレーがもうちょっとコクあったら嬉しいな。 ボリュームもあった。
lunch time. Excuse me, compared to the udon restaurant next door, I always had the impression that there weren't any people in the restaurant, but I ate an adult kid's lunch, which I've always been interested in. was delicious! ★ I was wondering if it was 3 or 4, but somehow 3. I'd be happy if the curry was a little richer. There was also volume.
pmpmprn on Google

新橋駅直結なんですね〜! このビルがあること自体知らなかったのでこんなに飲み屋さんがあるなんて驚きました知る人ぞ知るといった雰囲気ですごくいいですね。 ビルの昭和な雰囲気とはまた一変してお洒落な店内です。 金曜日に行ったので混んでいました。 まず出てきたお通しのトリッパが食べ放題とは驚きました。 優しい味で美味しいです。 あとサーモンのカルパッチョ・レバーパテ・カプレーゼ・スペアリブ を頼みました。 一品一品外れがなく美味しいです。 ワインの種類も多く白と赤一本ずつ飲みました。 ワインが好きな人にとってはいいお店だと思いました。
It's directly connected to Shimbashi station! I didn't know that there was this building, so I was surprised that there was such a bar. It's really nice to have an atmosphere that everyone in the know knows. The atmosphere of the building is completely different from the Showa era, and the interior is stylish. I went there on Friday so it was crowded. First of all, I was surprised that the all-you-can-eat tripper that came out was all-you-can-eat. It has a gentle taste and is delicious. I also ordered salmon carpaccio, liver pate, caprese and spareribs. It's delicious one by one. There are many kinds of wine, and I drank one white and one red. I thought it was a good shop for those who like wine.
KZ TM on Google

先日、知人と一緒に行ってきました。 とにかく料理が美味しくて、食べ過ぎてしまいました。 お店の雰囲気も良いですし、かなりオススメです。 またリピートしたくなるお店です。
The other day, I went with an acquaintance. Anyway, the food was delicious and I ate too much. The atmosphere of the shop is good and I highly recommend it. It is a shop that you will want to repeat again.
gwai c on Google

Google上寫著17:00才開,但我今天去的時候是午餐時間,也許因為covid 19,現在營業時間改了?反正午餐menu上寫著午餐的供應時間是11:30-17:00 。 環境:寬闊舒適 食物:午餐有3個,全都是湯意粉。點了「四川風」那個料理,材料是菜和肉碎,描述上寫用了意大利南部的辣醬'Nduja,但只是一點點辣,另外可以加120日圓做risotto, 但我吃不下了。 服務態度:很好!最後送的咖啡餅很好吃。 有點可惜,因為整家店其實配套都很好,空間很大坐得很舒適,服務很好,食物味道也好的,但就是好像沒有很特別,無法讓人一下子就記起來。
Google says it doesn't open until 17:00, but it was lunchtime when I went today, maybe because of covid 19, the opening hours have changed now? Anyway, the lunch menu says that the serving time for lunch is 11:30-17:00. Environment: spacious and comfortable Food: 3 for lunch, all spaghetti soup. I ordered the "Sichuan style" dish. The ingredients are vegetables and minced meat. The description says that the spicy sauce 'Nduja from southern Italy is used, but it is only a little spicy. In addition, you can add 120 yen to make risotto, but I can't eat it. Service attitude: very good! The coffee cake at the end was delicious. It's a pity, because the whole store is actually very well equipped, the space is large and it is comfortable to sit, the service is good, and the food tastes good, but it doesn't seem to be very special, and it can't be remembered at once.
しゅーおか on Google

新橋で行きつけのイタリアンバルに、仕事終わりに友人と来店。 駅直結のニュー新橋ビルにある「三笠バル」。 なかなか渋いお店が多い新橋で、個人的には隠れ家的なお店で利用している。 よく通う理由としては、注文する料理すべてが美味しいこと。 そして、何よりコストパフォーマンスが高いこと。 お通しのトリッパも食べ放題なのも嬉しい。 ワイン好きな方には、是非知ってもらいたいお店。 別館もあるので、合わせてチェック必須。 デートにもピッタリ。
At the end of work, I visited the Italian bar in Shimbashi with a friend. "Mikasa Bar" in the New Shinbashi Building directly connected to the station. Shimbashi has a lot of astringent shops, and I personally use it as a hideaway shop. The reason I often go there is that all the food I order is delicious. And above all, the cost performance is high. I'm glad that you can eat all-you-can-eat trippers. If you like wine, this is a shop that you should definitely know. There is also an annex, so you must check it as well. Perfect for dates.
aLvin Yee on Google

Visited during dinner hours on Saturday early evening. Cozy atmosphere with modern decor. Very friendly and efficient services. Good selection of wine with simple food menu. Delicious food with reasonable price. Good place for a relaxing dinner.

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