Meijo University High School - Nagoya

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Meijo University High School

住所 :

1 Chome-3-16 Shintomicho, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 453-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 453-0031
Webサイト :

1 Chome-3-16 Shintomicho, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 453-0031, Japan
DXマツコ on Google

この学校を卒業しかけた者です。 所詮、自称進学校で、制服もダンボールです。 それと、もう一度大事なことを言っておきますが、ここは自称進学校です。 ちなみに施設にはエスカレーターがあります。名城大学へエスカレーター式で上がれるだけにってね。てへぺろ
I'm about to graduate from this school. After all, it is a self-proclaimed school, and the uniform is also cardboard. And again, importantly, this is a self-proclaimed college. By the way, the facility has an escalator. You can just go up to Meijo University by escalator. Tehepero
難波笑美 on Google

本当にマナーが悪い。 夕方頃近くのファミマに行くと生徒でごった返している。 入口でたむろしまくり、店内で大声でハンディキャップのある方の真似をしながら走り回ったり商品をなぎ倒して遊んでいる。 他の客にぶつかろうがお構い無し、挙句の果てに難癖をつける。 道路でも飛び出し上等、まるで帰還した宇宙飛行士のごとく横に広がりまくりながら歩く。 自転車の前に飛び出して、驚いた自転車が事故を起こしかけているのを見ることを娯楽としている。 もはやマナー、躾どころの問題ではなく生徒全員の人間性が終わっている。
Really bad manners. When I went to nearby Famima around the evening, the students were crowded. They hang around at the entrance and play around in the store loudly, imitating those with a handicap and stroking down products. It doesn't matter if it hits another customer, but after all, he has a hard time. He jumps out on the road and walks sideways like a returning astronaut. The entertainment is to jump out in front of a bicycle and see a startling bicycle about to cause an accident. It is no longer a matter of manners and discipline, but the humanity of all students is over.
__ on Google

マナーが悪い。 公道を挟んで校舎やグランドがあるため移動時の信号待ちの時に歩道を生徒が独占する。学校敷地内に待機場があるのにも関わらず歩道を生徒で埋めつくしておりベビーカーを押すお母さんが車道に出てその場を通っていたときは驚いた。 その光景を見ても生徒は誰一人動くことはせずでした。 その場に教師らしき人もいましたがスルーでした。
Bad manners. Since there are school buildings and grounds across the public road, students monopolize the sidewalk when waiting for traffic lights when moving. I was surprised when the mother pushing the stroller went out on the road and passed through the sidewalk because the sidewalk was filled with students even though there was a waiting area on the school grounds. None of the students moved when they saw the scene. There was a person who seemed to be a teacher on the spot, but it was through.
ko m on Google

ここの野球部、朝のラッシュ時に扉前で大きな野球バッグを床においてスペース占拠。 駅に着いても奥に詰めるでもなく、そこから動かないから皆さんしかめっ面で跨いで乗り込んでます。しかも一人や二人じゃなく複数人でやるから質が悪い。 毎朝毎朝、朝練とは無縁のラッシュ時間に、複数の少年が同じ態度で電車に乗ってるのを見ると、県大会ですら中途半端な成績なのも分かる気がする。
The baseball club here occupies space on the floor with a large baseball bag in front of the door during the morning rush. Even if you arrive at the station, you don't pack it in the back, and it doesn't move from there, so everyone is straddling and boarding. Moreover, the quality is poor because it is done by multiple people instead of one or two people. When I see multiple boys riding the train with the same attitude every morning during the rush hour, which has nothing to do with morning training, I feel that even the prefectural tournament has half-finished results.
熊鳥薬 on Google

Is there a school where you can get angry and enjoy it on TikTok?
小泉進次郎元環境大臣 on Google

2021/06/29に名鉄太田川駅付近にて名城高校の制服を着た生徒三人組が堂々とタバコを吸っていたのですが偏差値が高く評判がいい学校と聞いておりましたが、このような生徒が在校しているとなるととても残念だと思います。 高等部がこのような有様ならエスカレータ式で上がれる名城大学も所詮そんなもんなのかと思ってしまうほどです。
On 2021/06/29, a trio of students in Meitetsu High School uniforms smoked in the vicinity of Meitetsu Otagawa Station, but I heard that the school has a high deviation value and a good reputation. I think it would be very disappointing to have such students in school. If the high school is like this, I wonder if Meijo University, which can go up by escalator type, is like that.
゚゚ on Google

It seems that the students at your school do not think about consulting with the teacher when there is a problem between the students, but lead to a thinking circuit that exposes them with Tiktok.
Yunjing Luo on Google

please sell your uniforms to me!!!

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