歯科名駅南 - Nagoya

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 歯科名駅南

住所 :

Meiekiminami, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, 〒450-0003 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88787
Postal code : 450-0003
Webサイト : http://www.dc-meiekiminami.com/
街 : Aichi

Meiekiminami, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, 〒450-0003 Aichi,Japan
たっきーたっくん(たっくん) on Google

先生、歯科衛生士さん、皆さんとても丁寧にご対応していただけます。 これまで、掃除などしていただいていた歯医者さんと違い痛みも出血もほとんどありません。 治療費も良心的で無理に高い資材など勧められることもありません。
Teachers, dental hygienists, everyone can respond very politely. There is almost no pain or bleeding unlike the dentists who have been cleaning up until now. The cost of treatment is also conscientious, and materials that are too expensive are not recommended.
宮津正則 on Google

What the dentist was scared of was reversed. I had never been to a dentist from kindergarten because I was scared, but my teeth were swollen so much that I couldn't work and I reluctantly went to dentistry. I started by cleaning my teeth to get used to the dentist, and then anesthetized and extracted my teeth in order, but I was happy to say that it didn't hurt at all. I definitely want people who are scared of dentists to go.
柴犬好き on Google

名駅付近なのに確実に駐車できるので助かります 治療も早く、ずるずる長引かせることもなく 無理なことはちゃんと説明して大きい病院を紹介してくれるので信頼できます
It is helpful because you can park securely even though it is near the famous station. Treatment is quick, without sly prolongation You can trust it because it will explain the impossible things properly and introduce you to a large hospital.

近所の歯科医院を何軒か回り、こちらの歯科医院で治療する事に決めました。 ・治療方針が明確 ・処置が非常に丁寧 ・保険外治療を無理矢理勧めない 非常に信頼できる歯医者さんだと感じました。
I visited several dental clinics in my neighborhood and decided to treat at this dental clinic. ・ Clear treatment policy ・ The treatment is very polite ・ Do not forcibly recommend out-of-insurance treatment I felt that he was a very reliable dentist.
池田佳紀 on Google

とても気持ちの良い歯科医院でした。福岡から転勤してきて、自分で選んだ医院です。 順番が来たら、先生が直接 診療室の扉をあけ 深々と頭をさげ 招き入れてくれます。すでに、生まれて初めての体験です。 無理な治療をせず、今回は様子見と掃除で終わりました。 4ヶ月後再度 定期健診に行かせていただきます。 よろしくお願いします。
It was a very pleasant dental clinic. This is the clinic I chose after transferring from Fukuoka. When it's your turn, the teacher will open the door of the doctor's office directly and bow deeply to invite you. It's already my first experience in my life. This time, I ended up with a wait-and-see and cleaning without any unreasonable treatment. After 4 months, I will go to the regular medical examination again. Thank you.
kaori t on Google

とても丁寧な対応をしてくれる歯医者さんです。 子供が受診するときは親だけでなく子供本人に対しても使用する器具を見せてくれたり、何をするか分かりやすく説明してくれます。怖がる子には歯医者に慣れるよう複数回に分けて処置することもあるそうです。大人が受診したときも治療や処置について面倒がらずに説明してくれました。 あまり歯医者に行かないため比較できず腕前は分かりませんが、治療してもらった箇所はその後特に問題ないです。これからも家族でお世話になります。
He is a dentist who is very polite. When a child sees a doctor, he / she shows not only the parents but also the child himself / herself the equipment to be used and explains what to do in an easy-to-understand manner. It is said that scared children may be treated in multiple times to get used to the dentist. Even when an adult visited the clinic, he explained the treatment and treatment without any hassle. I don't go to the dentist so much, so I can't compare and I don't know my skill, but there is no problem after that. I will continue to take care of my family.
ぽんぽん on Google

虫歯治療をして頂きました。 内装も綺麗で受付の方や先生もとても優しく丁寧で素敵な歯医者さんです。 治療中何度も痛みの確認をしてくださり本当に優しく丁寧で、尚且つ麻酔も治療もほとんど痛みを感じませんでした? 今までは歯医者さんが嫌いで歯医者に通院し続けられた試しがないのですが、ここならちゃんと通院できそうです。 歯医者さん嫌いな方にとくにお勧めします。
I had a dental caries treatment. The interior is beautiful and the receptionist and teachers are very kind, polite and nice dentists. He checked the pain many times during the treatment, and he was really kind and polite, and he felt almost no pain in the anesthesia and treatment. Until now, I haven't tried to keep going to the dentist because I hate dentists, but I think I can go to the hospital properly here. Especially recommended for those who dislike dentists.
Wak Wak on Google

企業検診で伺いました。事前に予約し、問診票の記入から終了まで30分切りました。非常にスムーズです。先生はとても丁寧な方で相談しやすいです。病院内もとても清潔です。 歯の掃除も綺麗にやっていただきました。 キャッシュレスだけ対応が進むと良いな、と感じました(笑)
I visited at a company examination. I made a reservation in advance and took 30 minutes from filling out the questionnaire to the end. It's very smooth. The teacher is very polite and easy to consult. The inside of the hospital is also very clean. I had my teeth cleaned cleanly. I felt that it would be good if only cashless payments were made (laughs).

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