マリンライセンスロイヤル 名古屋 - Nagoya

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact マリンライセンスロイヤル 名古屋

住所 :

Meieki, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, 〒450-0002 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 450-0002
Webサイト : http://www.marine-license.com/acq-area2/
街 : Aichi

Meieki, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, 〒450-0002 Aichi,Japan
sophie twilight on Google

I was able to take the test cheaper than usual with the spring break discount. About 60,000.
KOBE Ocean on Google

窓口の女性はとてもキレイで、親切丁寧な方で、教員の方は元気いっぱい、わかりやすい教習でした!どこかの海でまた、お会いしましょう❗️ ありがとうございました!
The lady at the counter was very beautiful, kind and polite, and the teachers were energetic and easy to understand! See you again somewhere in the ocean ❗️ Thank you very much!
金チャンネル on Google

国家試験免除だけど免除じゃない! 覚えたいわけじゃなくてただ楽に試験受けずに資格欲しい人にはオススメしない('A`) 教科書声出して読まされるし人前で計算式とけって言われるし!黙って免許よこせー( º言º) 他所で低予算で受験コース受けた方が早いですね!!
Exemption from national examination, but not exemption! I don't want to remember it, I just don't recommend it to those who want to qualify without taking the exam easily ('A`) Textbooks are read aloud and are said to be formulas in public! Shut up and get your license (º word º) It's faster to take the exam course on a low budget elsewhere! !!
hotmilk on Google

If you want to get a small boat operator's license in the Tokai area, this is the best place. The instructors are very talented, and both lectures and practical training are fun and never get tired.
ichibanblo on Google

Renewal and revocation course of small boat class 2 license is available. Held three times a week (Monday, Saturday and Sunday), it takes about 1-2 hours. Your license will arrive by registered mail in 2-3 days.
福田隆行 on Google

責任者の方が笑顔で優しく接してくれまして、緊張がほぐれました。 事務所にいらっしゃる女性はとてもキレイで明るく、親切丁寧な方でとても好感が持てました。 教員の方は全くの素人の私に対してもわかりやすく説明してくれました。 おかげ様で合格することができました。 免許が届くのが楽しみです。 みなさん、ありがとうございました。
The person in charge treated me with a smile and kindness, and I was relaxed. The woman in the office was very beautiful and cheerful, kind and polite, and I liked it very much. The teacher explained it to me, who is a complete amateur, in an easy-to-understand manner. Thanks to you, I was able to pass. I am looking forward to receiving my license. Thank you everyone.
近藤元 on Google

The place where I went to get a jet ski license. Very kind and polite. The practice was done in a different place.
けー on Google

試験免除で、絶対合格と謳いながら、国家試験相当レベルの検定に合格しないと免許は発行されません。 検定落ちた場合は翌月に再受験となり、受かるまで1ヶ月単位で免許取得が遅れます。 難易度は同じで費用は10分の1なので、普通に国家試験を受験して取得を目指した方が結果的には早く免許取得出来ると思います。 人によって教え方もバラバラで、試験に関係ない知識をひたすら喋り続ける人もいるので、あまり講習を受ける意味もないです。 他の方も言ってますが、お金を払えば必ず受かるところではないので、時間をかけてしっかり勉強出来る方なら国家試験を受けた方が安いです。国家試験なら落ちても再受験はすぐ出来ます。
The driver's license will not be issued unless you pass the examination at the level equivalent to the national examination, even though you claim to have passed the examination. If you fail the test, you will be retaken the next month, and your license will be delayed on a monthly basis until you pass the test. The difficulty level is the same and the cost is one tenth, so I think that if you normally take the national examination and aim to get it, you will be able to get a license sooner as a result. There are different teaching methods depending on the person, and there are people who continue to talk about knowledge that is not related to the exam, so it does not make much sense to take the course. As others have said, it is not always possible to take the exam if you pay for it, so if you can take the time to study hard, it is cheaper to take the national examination. If you fail the national exam, you can retake it immediately.

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