Mega Don Quijote Uny Kaguyama - Nisshin

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mega Don Quijote Uny Kaguyama

住所 :

5 Chome-1801 Kaguyama, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0134, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 470-0134
Webサイト :

5 Chome-1801 Kaguyama, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0134, Japan
shigeru t on Google

There are many cheap items, such as mega donki, which has everything for the time being, and if you ignore the quality and expiration date. There is no problem if you purchase cheap items after checking the reasons such as deadlines and discontinued items. This shop is easy to buy because the aisle inside the shop is wide and the parking lot is wide.

野菜や果物、お肉はそこそこ充実していて、物も悪くないし価格設定も安め。 少量から大容量まで対応している。 陳列棚も色々並んでいるので見ているだけでも楽しい。 ★問題は鮮魚売り場。 圧倒的に種類が少ない! 焼く・煮る・蒸す・ムニエル…何にしよう?と悩みながら見に行っても、3種類くらいしか出ていなくて魚だけは別のお店に買いに行かなくてはいけません。 魚売り場を考えなければ★5つなんだけどな。
Vegetables, fruits and meat are reasonably good, the food is not bad and the price is cheap. It supports from a small amount to a large capacity. There are various display shelves lined up, so it's fun just to look at them. ★ The problem is the fresh fish section. Overwhelmingly few types! Bake, boil, steam, meuniere ... what should I do? Even if I went to see it while worrying about it, there were only about 3 types and I had to go to another shop to buy only the fish. If you don't think about the fish counter, there are 5 ★.
土方歳三本人 on Google

なんか昔口コミ書いた気がするけど、もう一回。 ユニーの頃からちょくちょくお邪魔してます。 昔はマックもあった気がするけど今はありません。 食料品売り場は珍しいお肉などもあり品揃えは充実しています。 あちこち探せば激安商品も見つかるはず。 ただ、生鮮食品はあまりお値打ち感がないような気がします。 2階には家電や衣料品化粧品など日用品もたくさん売ってます。 たた、レジの行列が嫌いなので、混んでる時は何も買わずに帰ってしまいます。? そろそろ皆さん現金払いはやめましょう。 渋滞の元?
I feel like I wrote a word of mouth a long time ago, but once again. I've been bothering you since I was Uny. I think there used to be a Mac, but now it's not. The grocery store has a wide selection of rare meats. If you search here and there, you should be able to find super-discount products. However, I feel that fresh food is not very good value. On the 2nd floor, you can buy a lot of daily necessities such as home appliances, clothing and cosmetics. I don't like the queue at the cash register, so when it's crowded, I go home without buying anything. ? It's time to stop paying cash. Source of traffic ?
Rafael Shimizu on Google

Nice and cheap
KARATE Powell Gifu japan on Google

The best of the best.
Mahmud Dwi Sulistiyo on Google

Nice place for shopping and finding halal items.
Janos Szep on Google

big supermarket and miscellaneous stuff on the 2nd floor
THBronx on Google

It would be great if they start offering more western goodies options like the Don Quijote in Toyohashi-shi.

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