
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact MEマイホーム計画町田㈱

住所 :

Kisonishi, Machida, 〒194-0037 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Kisonishi, Machida, 〒194-0037 Tokyo,Japan
めいめい on Google

生後半年になる前の娘を連れてお世話になりました。 広々とした授乳室やおむつ交換台があり、さらに、おむつやおしりふきなどが用意されていて、お話の間も気にかけていただいたのでとても助かりました! 担当していただいた浦嶋さん、宮咲さんはとても気さくな方で相談もしやすく親身になってくださって素敵なお家に出会えました! 本当にありがとうございました!!
I was taken care of with my daughter who was half a year old. There is a spacious nursing room and a diaper changing table, and diapers and baby wipes are also available. It was very helpful because I was concerned during the talk! Mr. Urashima and Mr. Miyasaki, who were in charge, were very friendly people, and they were easy to talk to and became friendly, and I was able to meet a wonderful house! I'm really thankful to you! !!
Yuu on Google

まだ相談し始めですが、いろいろ聞きやすい雰囲気です。 担当の浦嶋さんはどんな条件も親身に聞いてくださいます。 お店は明るく綺麗で、キッズスペースもあるので子供も退屈する事なくずっと遊んでいました。
I'm still starting to talk, but the atmosphere is easy to hear. Mr. Urashima, who is in charge, listens to any conditions. The shop is bright and beautiful, and there is a kids' space, so children could play all the time without getting bored.
ちゃんねこ on Google

It was a very easy atmosphere to consult. We received suggestions and advice from the customer's perspective. It took me a long time to get to know this. Thanks to you, I came across a wonderful property.
みゆ on Google

小網さんと飯塚さんにご対応して頂き、 先日契約に至りました。 仕事の都合で迷惑をかける場面が多々ありましたが、全く嫌な顔をせず迅速にご対応して頂き感謝しております。 携わってくださる全ての方が 爽やかでやる気に満ち溢れていてとても好印象でした。契約までに紆余曲折ありましたがここで決めてよかったです。有難うございました!!
We would like to thank Mr. Koami and Mr. Iizuka for their support. I signed a contract the other day. There were many occasions where I was inconvenienced due to work reasons, but I am grateful for your prompt response without making any unpleasant faces. Everyone involved It was refreshing and full of motivation, and I was very impressed. There were twists and turns before the contract, but I'm glad I decided here. Thank you! !!
ともとも on Google

昨年、新居を購入するに辺り大変お世話になりました。 Meマイホーム計画町田って、聞いたことはありませんでしたが唯一、私が困っている時に電話対応して頂き私を救ってくれた所です。迅速な対応と担当者の笑顔に癒されました。 本当に気に入った物件に出会い、毎日楽しく笑顔で娘たちと暮らしています。 購入者の心に寄り添い、一緒に考え、良いアドバイスも頂きとても、話しやすい方でした。打ち合わせ時に送迎までして頂き本当にお世話になりました。 新居をお探しの方にはお薦めしたいMeマイホーム計画町田さんです。 浦島さんをはじめ私をサポートして下さった皆様ありがとうございました。
Thank you very much for buying a new house last year. I have never heard of Me My Home Plan Machida, but the only place where I was able to answer the phone when I was in trouble and saved me. I was healed by the prompt response and the smile of the person in charge. I met a property I really liked and lived with my daughters with a smile every day. He was very easy to talk to because he was close to the heart of the purchaser, thought about it together, and received good advice. Thank you very much for picking me up at the time of the meeting. I would like to recommend Me My Home Plan Machida to those who are looking for a new home. Thank you to everyone who supported me, including Mr. Urashima.
白井麗華 on Google

野原さんと杉村さんに大変お世話になりました! 色々と融通をきかせていただきとても助かりました。 最初は軽い気持ちで戸建ての内見だけをしようかと思っておりましたが、戸建てとマンションのメリットデメリットを細かく教えていただき考え方が変わり視野も広くなりました! また、生後3ヶ月の子供の授乳休憩等をこまめにとってくださり非常に助かりました! 授乳室やキッズスペースもしっかり完備されていて、子連れの方々も安心して来れるなと感じました。 まだまだ沢山お世話になると思いますので、これからも色々と相談できたらと思います!!
Thank you very much to Mr. Nohara and Mr. Sugimura! It was very helpful to have a lot of flexibility. At first, I was thinking about just looking at the inside of the detached house with a light feeling, but after being told in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the detached house and the condominium, my thinking changed and my horizons became wider! Also, it was very helpful for me to take frequent breastfeeding breaks for my 3 month old child! The nursing room and kids' space are fully equipped, and I felt that people with children can come with peace of mind. I think that I will be indebted to you a lot, so I hope I can continue to consult with you! !!
Fernando Nilanka on Google

Chris Zhao on Google

I found my experience at MEマイホーム計画町田 to be quite pleasant. Not only did Mr. Morita come to my house and drive my wife to all of the properties we wished to see, he also took the time to introduce to us a large variety of properties even though we had not fully committed on a property or on purchasing through this company. All business was conducted in Japanese. However, I was informed that they have English speaking staff.

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