max One(マックスワン)

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact max One(マックスワン)

住所 :

Minamigyotoku, Ichikawa, 〒272-0138 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87978
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10:50PM
Sunday 10AM–10:50PM
Monday 10AM–10:50PM
Tuesday 10AM–10:50PM
Wednesday 10AM–10:50PM
Thursday 10AM–10:50PM
Friday 10AM–10:50PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Minamigyotoku, Ichikawa, 〒272-0138 Chiba,Japan
與那原力 on Google

I wonder if I have put out too much.
ししまる on Google

パチしか打ちませんがボーダーより2回転ほど少ない回転数に感じます。 箱を使う店なので上げ下げや台移動が面倒です。 女性店員だと腕力が無いのでかなり横に避けても脇腹や椅子に箱をぶつけられる事もしばしばです。 一旦玉を流して会員カードで当日リプレイするという裏技もありますが、サンドに表示される玉数(残額換算)が実際の計数と異なるので厄介です。 以前から前日の最終回転数が遊タイムに近い台は翌日にRAMクリ(回転数リセット)をする悪どい店でしたが、とうとう前日の最終回転数をデータ機器に表示しなくなりました。 打ち手にとって遊タイムは唯一の恩恵なのに、それまで潰すのは酷いと思います。 いつもつるんでいる常連と思われる高齢男性数名が他人の台をガン見したり演出用のボタンを殴ったりとやりたい放題なので居心地が悪いです。 店員と親しげに話したりもしていますが特定の客と馴れ合わずにマナー違反に関しては毅然とした態度で臨んで欲しいです。 月に数回コンパニオン的な女性を呼ぶイベントをしていますが、そんな無駄な事をするより少しでも回る店にしてもらった方が助かります。 ただでさえ狭い店内が移動しにくくなり迷惑です。
I only hit the slingshot, but I feel that the number of revolutions is about 2 less than the border. Since it is a store that uses boxes, it is troublesome to raise and lower and move the table. A female clerk has no strength, so even if she avoids it sideways, she often hits the box on her flank or chair. There is also a trick to throw the balls once and replay with the membership card on the day, but it is troublesome because the number of balls displayed on the sand (remaining amount conversion) is different from the actual count. From before, the platform where the final rotation speed of the previous day was close to the play time was a bad shop that did RAM clear (reset of rotation speed) the next day, but finally the final rotation speed of the previous day is no longer displayed on the data device. Play time is the only benefit for the striker, but I think it's terrible to crush it until then. It's uncomfortable because some elderly men who seem to be regulars who are always hanging out want to see other people's stands and hit the buttons for directing. I talk to the clerk intimately, but I want them to take a resolute attitude regarding etiquette violations without getting used to specific customers. We hold events that invite companion-like women several times a month, but it would be helpful if we had a store that would go around even a little rather than doing such wasteful things. It's annoying because it's difficult to move inside the small store.
みっさんɃ on Google

Remote. I won't go anymore.
Theかめ on Google

店員の態度が非常に悪いです。特に男性の若い方の上の人?その人はまじで客を選んで接客してるので人によって態度悪いです それに箱入れ替えの呼び出ししてから来るまで異常に遅いだけでなく気づいてるのに担当か知らんけどその人がやるまでスルーされます それにこの店は遠隔してます 牙狼の50%確変を7連続スルーかつ天井直前で激弱演出によるストッパーされました 北斗無双でもst後から900近く回して決戦リーチ0回、緑保留2回しか来ないというおかしい展開もありました 遊タイム台が出てきている今なのに最終回数の表記を平均継続率に変えるとかアホだろ
The attitude of the clerk is very bad. Especially the one above the younger men? The person really chooses the customer and serves the customer, so the attitude is bad depending on the person Besides, it's not only unusually slow from the call to replace the box until it comes, but I don't know if I'm in charge of it, but it will be passed through until that person does it. Besides, this store is remote Garo's 50% probability change was through 7 times in a row and was stopped just before the ceiling by a very weak production. Even in Hokuto Musou, there was a strange development that after the st, it turned nearly 900 and the decisive battle reach was 0 times and the green hold was only 2 times. Even though the play time table is coming out, it's stupid to change the notation of the last number to the average continuation rate.
Shota N on Google

It used to be a good shop to go around compared to nearby shops, but recently it has become a shop that doesn't go around at all. I don't understand the meaning of 250 rotations using 20 (I had to rotate it because of the play time). I'm very sorry, I won't go anymore unless something goes wrong. After all, Myoden-Minami Gyotoku is the strongest MGM, and even with people is incomparable.
ぱーちん on Google

店員がゴミ ハゲてない方の偉そうにしてるデビューしたての店長? こいつ接客態度悪すぎ 親しげな客じゃないとまともに人に話せかからないコミュ障 花の慶次3の回転数見ようとボタン押して見てただけでいきなりキレ出して不快に思った 鍵いじりまくりだからな上に前日回転数出すのやめた時点でオワコン 店員の態度改めない限り潰れるしかないな 収益ないから不正やりまくりの店舗だし
The clerk is garbage The store manager who has just made his debut and is looking great for those who are not bald? This guy's customer service attitude is too bad A communicative disorder that can only be talked to by a friendly customer Just pressing the button to see the number of rotations of Keiji 3 of the flower suddenly made me feel uncomfortable. Because I'm messing around with the keys, when I stopped giving the number of revolutions the day before, Owakon Unless the attitude of the clerk is changed, there is no choice but to collapse It's a store that is fraudulent because it doesn't make a profit
masa yoshida on Google

当たらん、回らん、当たっても単発、 連チャンもたまにみるが、かなりつっぱった人のみ。 船橋か、行徳、浦安に行ったほうがいい
Hit, don't turn, even if hit, one shot, I sometimes see Ren-chan, but only those who are quite taut. You should go to Funabashi, Gyotoku, Urayasu
中山宏 on Google

この店で初めて6号機ディスクアップのトロフィーを見ました 毎日設定2以上入ってます もしかしたら全台かも? 等価ではありません 都内の下手な有名店で打つよりは全然いいと思います 再プレイ上限とかはわかりません まぁ6号機ディスクは設定よりも波と台の機嫌が大事ですが
I saw the Unit 6 disc-up trophy for the first time at this store There are 2 or more settings every day Maybe all the units? Not equivalent I think it's better than hitting at a well-known store in Tokyo I don't know the replay limit Well, the wave and the mood of the stand are more important than the setting for the Unit 6 disc.

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