
3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アイ建設事務所

住所 :

Matsuyama, Kiyose, 〒204-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.kiyose.aichintai.com/
街 : Tokyo

Matsuyama, Kiyose, 〒204-0022 Tokyo,Japan
常田一晟 on Google

You really should quit deciding on a property here. I can't pay the renewal fee even though I don't intend to renew the contract.
たら on Google

詳しい方と、そうでない方の知識の差が激しい。 ほぼ、詳しい方が多いのですが、私の場合は違っており、何回か違うことを聞き、鵜呑みにしてしまい、ヘマをこちらがしてしまうことが数回ありました。 対応自体は、丁寧な方なのですが、、、
There is a big difference in knowledge between those who are familiar with it and those who are not. Most of them are familiar with it, but in my case it was different, and I heard that it was different several times, swallowed it, and made a mess several times. The correspondence itself is polite, but ...
古川藍里 on Google

この度はお世話になりました。 希望物件に無事入居出来たのはアイ建設事務所さんのおかげです。 ありがとうございました!
I appreciate your kindness at this time. Thanks to Ai Construction Office, I was able to move into the desired property safely. thank you very much!
遠藤祐子 on Google

凄く狭い不動産屋さん。 ただ、清瀬駅身南口すぐ側にあるので、わかりやすかった。
A very small real estate agent. However, it was easy to understand because it is right next to the south exit of Kiyose station.
i M on Google

こんなにいい不動産は初めて! 建設事務所なためか、こちらが保有している物件がとても良かったので予約。口コミがわるかったので心配していったところ…びっくりするくらい良かったです!!! まず担当の方がここらへんの物件を把握しているので、PCで調べなくとも会話の中でポンポン物件が出てくる。周りの街の景観やスーパーなどの位置も含め、アドバイスくださります。そして特に素晴らしかったのは、賃料が高くても微妙な物件は「あそこはここが使いづらい」「ここは見た目が古い」など、まるで親戚のようにアドバイスして下さりました。しかも事務所にいた全員でいろいろ意見をくださって、相談にのってくれて、スピードも早いし、おかげさまで本当に求めていた物件を見つけることができました。用がなくても行きたいくらい楽しかったです!ありがとうございます!!
This is the first time for such a good real estate! I made a reservation because the property I own was very good, probably because it was a construction office. I was worried because the word of mouth was bad ... It was so good that I was surprised! !! !! First of all, the person in charge knows the properties here and there, so the pompon property comes out in the conversation without checking it on the PC. He will give you advice, including the scenery of the surrounding city and the location of supermarkets. And what was particularly wonderful was that even if the rent was high, the delicate property was "difficult to use here" and "looks old here", and he advised me as if he were a relative. Moreover, everyone in the office gave us various opinions and consulted with us, and the speed was fast. Thanks to you, we were able to find the property we were really looking for. It was so much fun that I wanted to go even if I had no use! Thank you! !!
相馬悠太 on Google

親切丁寧なご対応で大変助かりました。 相談から契約までスムーズに行え、自分たちの希望を踏まえたオススメの物件を探していただけたので、大満足です。 ありがとうございました。
The kind and polite response was very helpful. We were very happy because we were able to smoothly proceed from consultation to contract and were able to find a recommended property based on our wishes. Thank you very much.
momiji on Google

営業の物件紹介と内見までは良かった。 しかし、契約の段階になってあまり誠実さを感じられなかった。宅建士の説明が紙を読んでいるだけで、事前に目を通していないことが分かってテキトーだなと感じ不快に思った。貸主の名前が読めないってあり得るんでしょうか? 個人的には、ミスをした社員を目の前で叱り飛ばしてるところを見せられたのも嫌だった。
It was good to introduce the property and preview it. However, I didn't feel much sincerity at the contract stage. I was uncomfortable because I knew that the explanation of the builder was just reading the paper and I hadn't read it in advance. Is it possible that the lender's name cannot be read? Personally, I didn't like being shown scolding the employee who made a mistake in front of me.
早瀬美希 on Google

清瀬に住むと決めて、駅近の店舗でと思いこちらを利用しました。何度か物件を探しに足を運んだので駅から徒歩1分圏内のこちらの店舗は便利でした。 また、物件の条件を細かく指定していたのですが、物件探しなど対応いただき、なんとか物件が確定しよかったです。
I decided to live in Kiyose and used this because I thought it was a store near the station. I went to look for a property several times, so this store within a 1-minute walk from the station was convenient. In addition, I had specified the conditions of the property in detail, but I was glad that the property was finally confirmed after responding to the search for the property.

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