中国料理 新京苑

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中国料理 新京苑

住所 :

Matsunoo, Nishikan Ward, 〒953-0015 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:15AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:15AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:15AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:15AM–2:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:15AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:15AM–2:30PM
街 : Niigata

Matsunoo, Nishikan Ward, 〒953-0015 Niigata,Japan
柳はるみ on Google

海老ラーメンと海老チャーハンがおいしかった!! 天気が良かったのでとても混んでいた。 中に入っても、時間がかかった。でも待ったかいがあってとても美味しかったです。
The shrimp ramen and shrimp fried rice were delicious! !! The weather was nice so it was very crowded. It took a long time to get inside. But there was a wait and it was very delicious.
k k on Google

11時過ぎに食べに行きました。稀に見る満席ということで、提供まで40分かかりましたが、量味ともに満足で、★5でございます。 海老ラーメンは、具材が八種類入って、とろみのあるスープが特徴。塩気がちょうどよく美味しく食べられます(真ん中についている辛味は、溶かさないほうが美味しく感じました)。また、広来飯店の海老ラーメンと似ています。大盛りは100円増しで2玉、中盛りは無料で1.5玉です。 エビチャーハンは塩気が強いですが、食感、味、風味が完璧で、新潟で美味しいチャーハンをやっと見つけたなと言う感じです。大盛り100円増しとなります。 家族連れや幼児連れのお客も多いため、ファミリーでも来店できるお店です。オススメ。
I went to eat after 11 o'clock. It took 40 minutes to serve because it was rarely full, but I was satisfied with the quantity and taste, and it was ★ 5. Shrimp ramen contains eight kinds of ingredients and is characterized by a thick soup. The saltiness is just right and you can eat it deliciously (the spicy taste in the middle felt better if you did not dissolve it). It's also similar to the shrimp ramen from Hirorai Hanten. The large serving is 100 yen more and 2 coins, and the middle serving is 1.5 coins for free. Shrimp fried rice is very salty, but the texture, taste and flavor are perfect, and I feel like I have finally found a delicious fried rice in Niigata. A large serving of 100 yen will be added. There are many customers with families and infants, so it is a shop that even families can visit. recommendation.
imo co on Google

名物のエビらーめんは醤油ラーメンに 餡掛けが乗っているとても熱いラーメンです エビに少しクセがあるような感じがしましたが それ以外はとても美味しかったです
The famous shrimp ramen is a soy sauce ramen It ’s a very hot ramen with ankake on it. I felt that the shrimp had a little peculiarity, but other than that, it was very delicious.
パパ金田 on Google

12:40過ぎにこちらへ入店。 エビラーメン&エビチャーハンが有名ときく。 エビラーメンをオーダー。 細麺が売り切れ、太麺のみ…と言うことなのでそれで。八●亭が臨時休業だったので、尚更混んだか? 着丼。醤油とも塩ともいえぬスープ、これはこれでうまい? 辛味噌みたいなのが乗っている。 これは好みによる。一気に混ぜずに楽しみたい?
Entered here after 12:40. Shrimp ramen and shrimp fried rice are famous. I ordered shrimp ramen. The thin noodles are sold out, only the thick noodles ... so that's it. Hachi ● Tei was temporarily closed, so was it even more crowded? Donburi. A soy sauce that can't be called soy sauce or salt, which is delicious ? It has something like spicy miso on it. This depends on your taste. I want to enjoy it without mixing it all at once ?
Kotobuki on Google

近隣の人達の食堂として愛されている様で客入りもなかなか。エビチャーハンは好みの味で美味しかったです。エビらーめんは癖がなく子供からお年寄りまで食べられそうなあっさり目の味。餃子も本当に癖がなくあっさり。ラーメンと餃子はもう少し味にインパクトが欲しいかなと思ったけれど、客入りは悪くないし普段着のこの味が愛されているのだと思います。 テレ朝チャンネル2のぶらぶら町中華で見た中華ナポリタンはメニューになかったけど今はもうやってないのかな?新京めんなど他の物も食べてみたいのでまた訪問したいです。
It seems that it is loved as a dining room for the neighbors, and it is quite easy to get customers. The shrimp fried rice was delicious with my favorite taste. Shrimp ramen has no habit and has a light taste that can be eaten by children and the elderly. Dumplings are really light and have no habit. I thought that ramen and dumplings should have a little more impact on the taste, but I think that the number of customers is not bad and this taste of everyday wear is loved. The Chinese Napolitan I saw in Tv asahi channel 2 in the town of Chuka wasn't on the menu, but I wonder if I'm not doing it anymore? I would like to visit again because I want to eat other things such as Shinkyo Men.
笠井みどり on Google

Entered the store around 11:20 on December 28th. There were still seats, but around 12 o'clock, customers came in one after another. I ordered shrimp fried rice. There was plenty of big shrimp in it! !! It was very delicious! !! Comes with soup and pickles. The family ate Shinkyoen noodles. The soup had a tromi and it was very delicious! The customer service was also very good.
h_k love on Google

今まで何回も通り過ぎていましたが、 やっと行きました。 看板メニューのエビチャーハンを 旦那と一緒に食べました。 めっちゃ美味しかったです! 大きめなエビはぷりっぷり、 塩胡椒強めなのに後味あっさり、 そして普通盛りでもボリューミーでした。 リピ確のお店になりました。 旦那は+100円で大盛りにしたのですが 普通盛りの半分増しくらいで だいぶお腹いっぱいになったみたいですww
I've passed many times until now, I finally went. Shrimp fried rice on the signboard menu I ate it with my husband. It was really delicious! Plenty of large shrimp, Although the salt and pepper are strong, the aftertaste is light, And even in the normal prime, it was volumey. It has become a shop that is sure to be a lipstick. My husband made a large serving for +100 yen About half of the normal serving It looks like I'm pretty full ww
Shige SHIMOYAMA on Google

Visited on weekday for taking lunch, the restaurant was on the outskirts of the city, however it was pretty crowded. Tasty, inexpensive price and quick serve lovely. Cash only, big car parking lot is available.

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