Matsumotokiyoshi Fukasawa-Fudomae - Setagaya City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Matsumotokiyoshi Fukasawa-Fudomae

住所 :

4 Chome-18-13 Fukasawa, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0081, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 158-0081
Webサイト :

4 Chome-18-13 Fukasawa, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0081, Japan
S Gonzales on Google

There is a toilet on the front and it is easy to use.
淳子伊藤 on Google

自宅から徒歩1分 食品も充実 一日おきぐらいに行きまぁ~す?
1 minute walk from home, full of food, go every other day ?
Whiteみえ(バツイチアラフィフ女) on Google

I thought it would be nice to have an atmosphere, but the atmosphere of the clerk feels rude. It's a pity because the sales floor is large in terms of location.
KEN Abe on Google

I use it occasionally, but I think it's a bright and fun place for the clerk! It may be interesting especially for young men who always talk
moco popoopi on Google

近所なのでよく利用しますがマトモな対応をしてくれるスタッフもおりますが利用する度におかしな対応をするスタッフがチラホラ出てきました。 ヤクザとの交通トラブルから同和在日プロ市民ネットワークからの嫌がらせを受けておりこのような施設利用するのでも中傷や嫌がらせを受けるようになってます。 私と同じ被害者団体の方達が作ったポスターがある施設に貼ってありました。知らない従業員にも中傷を使い変な対応をするように仕向けるのがプロ市民ネットワークの常套です。反日プロ市民ネットワークは人の心を利用し草の根レベルで入り込んできます。。この犯罪を知った上で嫌がらせ行為を行うのは限られたお里の方達のみです。ですが知らない者も巻き込みます。こちらではある男性に続き年配女性で明らかに変だなと思う方がレジ対応される事が多く利用を控えていたのですが最近利用した際には新しい感じの良い女性スタッフの方がおりこの方のような方達が知らないうちに加害行為をさせられる事がないよう知って頂ければと思います。
Since it is a neighborhood, I often use it, but there are staff who will respond in a matomo manner, but every time I use it, a staff member who responds strangely came out. I have been harassed by the Dowa Professional Citizens Network in Japan due to traffic troubles with the yakuza, and even if I use such facilities, I am being slandered and harassed. It was posted on a facility with posters made by people from the same victim group as me. It is a common practice of professional citizen networks to encourage unfamiliar employees to use slander and respond strangely. The Anti-Japanese Professional Citizens Network uses the human mind to enter at the grassroots level. .. Only a limited number of villagers are aware of this crime and harass them. However, it also involves strangers. Following a man, older women who think that it is obviously strange often refrained from using it at the cash register, but when I used it recently, there is a new and pleasant female staff member. I would like you to know that people like this will not be forced to do any harm without your knowledge.
Tam Tam on Google

最近になり出来た大手のお店です。 商品も充実しておりますし、無い物はオンラインからのお取り寄せを事前に出来、到着しだいの取り置き等もしてくださいます。 スマートフォンやPC等でアプリを連携しているので在庫の確認もどの店舗にあるか無いかの確認も出来ます。 又、駐車場の設備にお手洗い、障害者用のお手洗い?もあります。 間違えていたら済みません。 店内はとても清潔で明るいです。 建物の構造上で静電気をおびやすく、金属や金属類が素材として使われている商品を触る時は体質にもよるのですが、パチッン! としますので、静電気を帯びやすい体質や服装の方はその時はご注意を。 スタッフの方もこれはよく困っているそうです。 また大変親切で明るいスタッフの方ばかりなので私のような障害がある人物でも安心してお買い物に行けますし、自閉症と軽度の知的障害なのですが、どの商品なら安全なのか? 数はいくつ必要なのか? この場合はあまりお勧めは出来ない等や医師にアレルギーや安定剤との副作用等の化学反応を起こしてしまわないかの案内は丁寧なご説明もちゃんとしてくださいます。 アプリの使い方も分からなかったのですが、どのようにすれば良いかをいやな態度を少しもせず親身になって対応してくださいましたし、店内が空いている時は軽いジョークを言ってくださったりお勧めな品を教えてくれたり、またハムスターを再び迎えられるくらい回復すると良いですね等、アットホームな会話をしてくださるスタッフの方もたくさん居ます。 オープン当時からご親切にしてくださった方々も今も居るかたもいるのですが大手なのでやはり入れ替わりもあり代わってしまう時もありますが、新しく来た方も熱心で親切です。 もちろん他の方で低評価のレビューもあり、[なるほど]や[あの方かな?]等感じる部分もあります、多くの方がくるのでご意見や感じ方は様々なので、もちろんそう感じたのだと思います。 あと批判でも否定でもないのですが、大手の企業には障害者、知的障害者の支援の為に又国や地域全体の社会貢献の為に不自由な方を雇う義務があり、可能ならば現場や店頭にスタッフとして派遣する事があります。 もちろん目で見て判断できる障害では無い場合も多く、普通の方からしたら[んんーーー???]と不思議に想われてしまう事はあると想われます。 この会社だけでなく大手はどこもその義務があり同じような事をされております、お客様の安全や失礼が無いかはもちろん万全で第一にされているのは当然なのですが、スフッフの方も同じく同じ人であり人間です。 中には上記の通り障害を持ち雇って頂き必死に頑張っている方も居ます。 目で見た感じや喋り方が不適切な場合も残念な事にある事もあると思います。 これが悪意がありしている事なのか、障害があり必死に頑張っているが失敗をしてしまったと又なんども繰り返してしまった、等あると想われます。 その行為にどのような真相と真実があり不愉快に感じられたお客様のご意見も事実で真実だと思いますが、やはりみなさん互いに気持ちを譲り合い相手の事を考えながら生きてゆけば極力回避できていくのではないのかな? とおもいあこまでもご参考と想って読んで頂ければ嬉しいです。 そんな自分も知的に障害があり自閉症と言う生まれ持った障害です。 身体にも影響があり自動車も大好きでしたがも6年も前ちかくに止めています。症状が悪化したので意識を失い、暴走車と言う銃より凶悪な兵器に突然かわる可能性が1%でもリスクとして出てきたからです。 普段の買い物で自動車が使えればこのお店でも楽なのですが、もし暴走車になり通学路でもあるこの地域でお子様を引いてしまった等があってはならない事ですし罪の意識により生きていけないでしょう…。 話はずれてしまったかもしれませんが、様々な方がこられる場であり又、大企業なので福祉にも貢献されています。 イラっとする場合があった時は上記に書いた福祉にも力を注いでいると言う事が大手ではあると言う事を心の隅にでもよいので置いておき暖かく見守ってくださると嬉しいかな? と存じます。 知的、身体にいつリスクを負うかは生まれつき意外にも健全者だったのに不運が原因でいつ誰にでも起こる事もあります。 事故、間違ってしまった医薬品の過剰摂取による脳の破壊、ストレスによる自律神経の破壊。 これが一度でもおこると修復や改善、感知は手や足を失ったと同じく不可能です、緩和はできますが。 その時に助けてくださるのはご家族や医療機関でもありますが、生活の為にはお金が必要です。 その時に働ける場がなければ生きてはいけません。 大企業はそういった方をある一定の人数を採用しましょうね? と日本国は法をつくり気持ちよく引き受けてくださっています。 自元の小さいお店も私はとても大好きで大切にします。 ご利用もします、また大企業もけして傲慢ではありません、中にはありますが。 某ワだったり和がついちゃったりのがつくあの企業とか。 自文も低評価のレビューは書きますし、もちろん事実でその場であったり受けた事を記載します。 だから低評価を間違いとも言いませんし書かれた方の事は事実でそう評価されたのだと思い、共感もできます。 ですが私がこのお店で感じている事や待遇も事実です。 様々ですが何方が書いたレビューは真実だと思います。 最後に判断を下し決めるのはそれを読まれた方が決める事ですし、色々といろんな意見のレビューを読みお店に通うのかを判断するのはよい事だと思います。 レビュー自体をお店側が判断し否定したり怒ったり訴えにみたいな行為があれば許される事ではないですし、憲法等に違反する場合もあるのかもしれませんが、グーグルのプライバシーポリシーに基づいて反してない限りは何方も書かれている事は事実です。 低評価~高評価全てが。 最後は運にもなりますが、行ってよかった! 良くなかった!! は個人、個人によりだいぶ印象が代わるのでそれを心にいれながら読み判断し、お買い物に向かうとよいかもしれません。 又不運な思いをした方には地域の住民として心より一日も早く気持ちが楽になれる事を影ながら応援しております。 それでは失礼致します。
It is a major store that has recently opened. We have a wide range of products, and if you don't have one, you can order it online in advance, and we will reserve it as soon as it arrives. Since the app is linked with a smartphone or PC, you can also check the inventory and whether it is in which store. In addition, there are restrooms in the parking lot facilities and restrooms for the disabled. I'm sorry if I made a mistake. The inside of the store is very clean and bright. Due to the structure of the building, it is easy to be charged with static electricity, and when you touch a product that uses metal or metals as a material, it depends on your constitution, but since it is a patch !, those who are easily charged with static electricity and clothes Please be careful at that time. It seems that the staff are often in trouble. Also, since all the staff are very kind and cheerful, even people with disabilities like me can go shopping with confidence, and I have autism and mild intellectual disability. Which product is safe? How many do you need? In this case, we cannot recommend it so much, and please give a polite explanation to the doctor as to whether or not it may cause a chemical reaction such as allergies or side effects with stabilizers. I didn't know how to use the app, but he took care of me without any unpleasant attitude about what to do, and when the store was empty, I made a light joke. There are many staff members who have a cozy conversation, such as giving us suggestions, recommending items, and recovering enough to welcome the hamster again. There are still some people who have been kind to us since the opening, but since it is a major company, there are times when it will be replaced, but newcomers are also enthusiastic and kind. Of course, there are also low-rated reviews from other people, and there are parts that I feel like [I see] or [Is that person?], And since many people come, there are various opinions and feelings, so of course I felt that way. think. It is neither criticism nor denial, but major companies are obliged to hire people with disabilities to support persons with disabilities and people with intellectual disabilities and to contribute to the society of the whole country or region, if possible. For example, we may dispatch them to the site or store as staff. Of course, there are many cases where it is not an obstacle that can be judged visually, and it seems that ordinary people may think that it is [Hmmmm ???]. Not only this company but all major companies are obliged to do the same thing, and it is natural that the safety and rudeness of customers are the first thing to do, but Sufff Is also the same person and human being. As mentioned above, some people are working hard to hire people with disabilities. It is unfortunate that there may be cases where the visual feeling and the way of speaking are inappropriate. It seems that this is malicious, or that there are obstacles and I am trying my best, but if I make a mistake, I repeat it over and over again. I think that the truth and truth of the act and the opinions of customers who felt unpleasant are also true, but after all, if you share your feelings with each other and live while thinking about the other person, you can avoid it as much as possible. I'm glad if you can read it as a reference even if you think it's going to go. I also have an intellectual disability and am a natural disorder called autism. It has an impact on my body and I loved cars, but I stopped it six years ago. As the symptoms worsened, I lost consciousness, and even a 1% chance of suddenly switching to a more vicious weapon than a gun called a runaway car came out as a risk. If you can use a car for everyday shopping, it will be easier at this shop, but if you become a runaway car and have drawn a child in this area, which is also a school road, you should not live with guilt. You can't ... It may be off the topic, but it is a place where various people can come and it is a large company, so it contributes to welfare. If you get frustrated, it's okay to keep in mind that it's a major company to focus on the welfare mentioned above, so I'd be happy if you warmly watch over it. I know. When to take an intellectual or physical risk is surprisingly healthy, but it can happen to anyone at any time due to bad luck. Accident, brain destruction due to overdose of wrong medicine, autonomic nerve destruction due to stress. If this happens even once, repair, improvement, and detection are as impossible as if you lost your hand or foot, but you can alleviate it. Although it is the family and medical institutions that help at that time, money is needed for living. If you don't have a place to work at that time, you can't live. A large company should hire a certain number of such people? Japan has created a law and is comfortably accepting it. I also love and cherish my own small shop. I also use it, and even large companies are not arrogant, though there are some. That company that has a certain wa or a harmony. I will write a low-rated review in my own text, and of course I will describe what I received or received on the spot. Therefore, I do not say that the low evaluation is a mistake, and I think that the person who wrote it was evaluated so in fact, and I can sympathize with it. However, what I feel and the treatment at this shop is also true. There are various, but I think the reviews written by whom are true. The final decision is made by the person who reads it, and I think it is good to read reviews of various opinions and decide whether to go to the store. It is not permissible if the shop judges the review itself and denies it, gets angry, or appeals, and it may violate the Constitution, but it is based on Google's privacy policy. It is a fact that everyone is written as long as it is not contrary to the contrary. All low to high ratings. I'm lucky at the end, but I'm glad I went! It wasn't good !! Since the impression changes considerably depending on the individual, it may be better to read and judge while keeping that in mind before heading for shopping. Also, for those who feel unlucky, as a local resident, I support them with the shadow that they can feel at ease as soon as possible. Please excuse me.
tuanつぁん on Google

ちょっと残念 店内は至って普通のマツキヨだが、会計後にレジ袋有料という事で、要らないと言いました。するとなんと、会計したものをそのまま広げっぱなしでありがとうございましたとか言うじゃないですか…いや、袋詰めするの時間かかるし、後ろ並んでる人かわいそうだわ… レジ袋有料にするなら、それなりの店のレイアウトにするべき!袋詰めスペース作ったり、精算済みカゴを作ったり…
A little pity The inside of the store is a very ordinary Matsukiyo, but he said that there was no need for a plastic bag charge after the checkout. Then, why don't you say thank you for keeping the bills open as they are ... No, it takes time to pack them, and I feel sorry for the people lined up behind me ... If you want to pay for shopping bags, you should have a reasonable shop layout! Make a bagging space, make a basket that has been settled ...
fiorepalla ciliegio on Google

レジ一つしか開けてなく、やーーーっと来たもう一人の女店員が スキャン後の商品を投げて寄こされた やり返されたんだけど、w大した根性だわ
Only one cash register was open, and another female clerk who came suddenly The product after scanning was thrown and sent I got it back, but I have a lot of guts

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