3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Muikamachi, Minamiuonuma, 〒949-6680 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Niigata

Muikamachi, Minamiuonuma, 〒949-6680 Niigata,Japan
中島高光 on Google

I ate Melona. Insanely delicious! The price was a sweet that I could eat and be satisfied with.
s h on Google

和菓子から洋菓子、パンもあります。(パンは日曜日はお休み) 季節限定の水羊羹、絶品です。 和菓子がおいしく、洋菓子は焼き物とフルーツ系がおいしいです。 パンはメロワッサンがオススメです。
There are Japanese sweets, Western sweets, and bread. (Bread is closed on Sundays) Seasonal water yokan is excellent. Japanese sweets are delicious, and Western sweets are delicious with roasted foods and fruits. Melo wassan is recommended for bread.
ちあき on Google

I found that "melon bread". It's transformed into a croissant, but this fabric is that. Ah, it was delicious ~.
。ぽむ on Google

このお店のクッキーを頂いて開けようとしたところ、クッキーと一緒にケースの中に髪の毛が入っていました。短めの縮毛です。最悪な気分です。 不潔で気持ち悪すぎるのでもうこのお店のものは買いません。食べません。 せっかくのいただきものなのでクレームは入れませんが、皆さん今後このお店のものを買うときは気をつけて下さい。
When I got the cookie from this shop and tried to open it, I found that there was hair in the case along with the cookie. Short curly hair. I feel terrible. I don't buy anything from this shop anymore because it's filthy and unpleasant. I will not eat. I won't make any complaints because it's a special gift, but please be careful when you buy something from this store in the future.
Hina M on Google

味は美味しいのに、おばさまの接客が愛想がないし商品の扱いが雑でいい気持ちになれない。 昔よりとっても商品工夫されていて買いたいのに行きたいと思えなくなる。
Although the taste is delicious, the customer service of the aunt is unfriendly and the handling of the products is messy and I can not feel good. The products have been devised so much that I don't want to go even though I want to buy them.
stup1d1rony on Google

見た目もお洒落なケーキが沢山あると聞いたので行ってみました。 確かにケーキやお菓子類はどれも手が込んでて美味しそうでした。 ですが他のレビューにもある通り、店員のおばさまの態度が酷く、また行きたいと思える感じではありません。 (おばさまじゃなく若い店員さんならまた違うかもしれません) 商品自体はとても魅力的なのに接客態度が酷いのは本当にもったいないと思います。 初めて行ったので、キャッシュレス決済が事前に申し出なければ出来ないとは知りませんでした。 だったらそれを表示してもらえないでしょうか?レジ回りにあんなにキャッシュレス決済可能のステッカーが貼ってあるのに…。 会計時、おばさま店員に「カード払いなら最初に言ってもらわないと〜!」を2、3回くらい言われ、なんとか財布に現金があったので払えましたが…なかったらどうしたんだろう。笑 カード払いの拒否って加盟店規約違反ですよね。 事前にカード払いですとお伝えしなくて、どうもすみませんでした! 次回行く機会があったらおばさま店員がいない時を狙って行きますね。しばらく行かんけど。
I heard that there are many fashionable cakes, so I went there. Certainly the cakes and sweets all looked elaborate and delicious. However, as in other reviews, the clerk's aunt's attitude is terrible and I don't feel like going again. (It may be different if you are a young clerk instead of an aunt) I think it's really a waste to have a terrible customer service attitude even though the product itself is very attractive. Since I went there for the first time, I didn't know that cashless payment could not be done without prior offer. If so, could you display it? There is such a sticker around the cashless that allows cashless payments ... At the time of checkout, the aunt clerk said, "If you pay by card, you have to tell me first!" A couple of times, and I managed to pay because I had cash in my wallet, but what if I didn't? Lol Refusing to pay by card is a violation of the merchant agreement, isn't it? I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was paying by card in advance! If I have a chance to go next time, I will aim for the time when there is no aunt clerk. I won't go for a while.
chihi on Google

味も見た目も華やかで、お土産にすると喜ばれます。 ケーキが人気ですが、生クリーム入りの大福もおいしいです。 生クリーム大福ってほかにも人気のお店があるけどこちらのが一番好きです。 他の方のクチコミにあるような店員さんの態度はさほど気になりませんでしたが、お菓子を取る前に手の消毒をしてほしかった。
The taste and appearance are gorgeous, and you will be pleased with it as a souvenir. Cakes are popular, but Daifuku with fresh cream is also delicious. There are other popular shops called Fresh Cream Daifuku, but I like this one the most. I didn't really care about the clerk's attitude as in other people's reviews, but I wanted him to disinfect his hands before picking up the sweets.
Pretty Prihati on Google

The cake was delicious with reasonable price. The ambience was also great.

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