
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ぶどう畑のさんぽ道

住所 :

Matsukazecho, Hiratsuka, 〒254-0812 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–1:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Matsukazecho, Hiratsuka, 〒254-0812 Kanagawa,Japan
y sugi on Google

A fashionable shop was opened in the neighborhood. Please do your best!
中川裕也 on Google

was delicious. Vegetables and sake. The right amount is suitable for us. It may be a little unsatisfactory for young people.
yoko ishikawa on Google

ワンのしつけ教室終わりに4組ワン親子でランチにおじゃましました✌️ ママたちはゆっくり、、、 美味しいプレートランチセットに大満足?
At the end of the one discipline class, four pairs of one parent and child went to lunch ✌️ Moms are slow ... Very satisfied with the delicious plate lunch set ?
なぼ“なぼ”なぼ on Google

わんこと一緒にワインをいただけるのはとても良いのですが、残念ながら料理がいまいちものたりない… ↑開店直後時期の感想 開店から2年、お料理もこなれてきてコスパよくなってきました。ワインを楽しみたい、かつわんこと一緒がいい方にはおすすめです。特に、気軽に飲めるワインのセレクトは楽しい。 が、店主が一人ですべて対応してるので、席が埋まっていると料理がなかなか出て来なくなってしまいます。のんびり待つつもりでどうぞ。
It's nice to have wine with the dog, but unfortunately the food isn't good enough ... ↑ Impressions immediately after opening It's been two years since the store opened, and the food has become more familiar and the cost performance has improved. Recommended for those who want to enjoy wine and who want to go with a dog. Especially, the selection of wines that you can easily drink is fun. However, the owner handles everything by himself, so if the seats are full, the food will not come out easily. Please wait leisurely.
だだじゅ大樹 on Google

大きいワンちゃんにも優しいお店でした! ウレシかったし、美味しかったです!
It was a shop friendly to a big dog! It was delicious and delicious!
佐藤誠 on Google

ゆったりとした時間が流れる、ワインとお料理のお店。 接客も雰囲気も角が取れたような居心地の良さで、女性人気が高いようです♪ 肩に力を抜いて空間を楽しめる方にお勧めです(^_-)-☆
A restaurant where you can relax and have a drink. It seems that women are popular because of the comfort that the customer service and atmosphere also got off the corner ♪ Recommended for those who can relax and enjoy the space on their shoulders (^ _-)-☆
Mr主水 on Google

Since there are also uses of the general public, let's protect manners ❗️ There is biscuit service on dogs. Entrance is different from general with dog. I ate the asi fly, but it was plump and it was delicious.
ちびたん on Google

明るいママさんのこだわりが詰まったステキなお店です。ランチも美味しく(量は女性向けな感じなので、男性は少なく感じるかも?)ワインの種類も豊富。ワンコも店内に入れてもらえるのでありがたい限りです。 時間に余裕を持ってワインを楽しみながらのんびり過ごすのが良いかもです☺️ 注:写真の肉球型のおやつは持参したもので、ワンコメニューはありませんのであしからず?
It is a wonderful shop filled with the commitment of bright moms. Lunch is also delicious (the amount is for women, so men may feel less ?) There is a wide variety of wines. I am grateful that dogs can also be put in the store. It may be better to spend time relaxing while enjoying wine ☺️ Note: The paw-shaped snack in the photo was brought with me, and there is no dog menu, so I don't know ?

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