
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 白雲亭

住所 :

Matsuidamachi Matsuida, Annaka, 〒379-0222 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879788
Webサイト : http://matsuida-sci.or.jp/member_30/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Gunma

Matsuidamachi Matsuida, Annaka, 〒379-0222 Gunma,Japan
小3男子 on Google

軽井沢の人の多さに嫌気がさして、ちょっと足を伸ばして友達に教えてもらったここにきました。控えめに言ってサイコーでした。上カルビ、レバー、ホルモン、ハラミ、オイキムチ、スープ、ライスで3500円くらい。サービスでコーヒーかシャーベットをくれます。ランチだったのですが、今度はビールと一緒に焼肉食べたいので夜来てみたいのですが、場所柄、車でしか行きにくいのでビール飲むのは難しいかなぁ。ちなみにタレは甘口と辛口があるのですが、違いがわかりませんでした (゚∀゚ 三 ゚∀゚)
I was disgusted by the large number of people in Karuizawa, so I went a little further and came here to learn from my friends. It was awesome to say the least. Upper ribs, liver, hormones, skirt steak, kimchi, soup, and rice are about 3500 yen. The service will give you coffee or sorbet. It was lunch, but this time I want to eat yakiniku with beer, so I'd like to come at night, but I wonder if it's difficult to drink beer because it's difficult to reach only by car. By the way, the sauce is sweet and dry, but I couldn't tell the difference. (゜ ∀ ゜ 3 ゜ ∀ ゜)
Pepe Fuku on Google

安さと、テーブル席から見える妙義山がとても気に入りました。 焼き肉のランチセットをいただきましたが、肉の量も多く、お腹いっぱいで大満足です。 12時には待ちのお客でかなり混みあっています。
I really like the cheapness and Mt. Myogi seen from the table seats. I had a lunch set of grilled meat, but the amount of meat is large and I am very satisfied with my stomach. It is quite crowded with waiting customers at 12 o'clock.
守谷敦司 on Google

高いサービスを期待してはいけません。 私の推察する限りですが、こちらのお店は高いコスパを維持する為に、最少人数で営業し、対応できるテーブルのみ稼働させています。 個人経営の焼肉店で『味・量・提供時間の速さ』とこの『コスパ』は素晴らしいです。テーブルも綺麗に清掃されています。 地元に愛されるお店の様でお一人様の常連さんも多くいらっしゃいました。 窓際席に着席出来ました。窓が大きく妙義山が良く見えます。開店当時の店主の拘りを感じます。 そして会計、二人焼肉定食(カルビとロース)を頂きましたが千円札2枚で420円もお釣りを頂き、ビックリでした!
Don't expect high service. As far as I can guess, this shop is open with a minimum number of people and only operates tables that can accommodate it in order to maintain a high cost performance. "Taste, quantity, speed of serving time" and this "Cospa" are wonderful at a privately run yakiniku restaurant. The table is also clean. There were many regular customers who were loved by the locals. I was able to take a seat by the window. The windows are large and you can see Mt. Myogi well. I feel the store owner's insistence at the time of opening. Then, I got a set meal (kalbi and loin) for two people, but I was surprised to get a change of 420 yen with two 1000 yen bills!
rtされています。 t on Google

ランチでビビンバ480円食べました。 何種類か有って安い。そこそこ人が入ってました。 サラダ スープ コーヒーが付いてこの値段は安い❗味も美味しい❗ 時間があればカルビ定食800円食べたかった。
I ate bibimbap for 480 yen at lunch. There are several types and they are cheap. There were so many people. Salad, soup, coffee is included and this price is cheap ❗ The taste is delicious ❗ If I had time, I wanted to eat a rib set meal of 800 yen.
カズアキ。 on Google

土曜日のランチで利用。30分ほど待ちました。ランチのコスパは最強。 通常メニューもリーズナブル。 ランチの牛カルビ定食はライスおかわりも1回できて満足。
Used for lunch on Saturday. I waited for about 30 minutes. Lunch cospa is the strongest. The regular menu is also reasonable. The beef rib set meal for lunch is satisfying because you can have one refill of rice.
食堂::夢沙志 on Google

まさに 企業努力 ランチのコスパは 最高です 800円でカルビ定食 しかも 味も良い ご飯も一回までおかわり 出来て この値段 食後のコーヒー付き そりゃ混む訳だ ランチタイムを少しずらした方が いいかも
Exactly corporate effort Lunch cospa The best is 800 yen for a rib set meal Moreover, the delicious rice is refilled up to once. This price is ready with coffee after meals That's why it gets crowded It ’s better to shift the lunch time a little. May be okay
もりぞう on Google

コスパ最高の生姜焼き定食。 お昼食べられたらいいやと思っていましたが、ほんとうに失礼でした、ごめんなさい。 m(__)m 肉厚の生姜焼きは元気をもらえる1品。 この味とボリュームで、720円とは! なかなか行く機会はありませんが、次の機会があればカルビ定食も食べてみたい、そんな気持ちでいっぱいになりました。 美味しかった〜、ご馳走様でした!
COSPA best ginger grilled meal. I thought it would be nice to have lunch, but I'm sorry I was really rude. m (__) m Ginger grilled thick one article to get the Genki. In this taste and volume, and 720 yen! There is no opportunity to quite go, but I want to eat ribs meal if there is a next time, now filled with such a feeling. It was delicious ~ It was a treat!
Hongzhi Chen on Google

Great food and service. The quality of meat is very high, and the service is very nice. But the meat is not nicely cut, some pieces are very fatty, and some are a little bit dry. And the price is very low, we have a lot of meat, and a very nice bowl of rice and some soup, it cost 5000 jpy for 3 of us.

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